Slideshow Promo GTR2


 bt gtr2 s8


3 Strecken zur Auswahl

Gesendet: 22 Apr 2018 12:17 von Nobody #331112
Nobodys Avatar
viel Spaß
Gesendet: 22 Apr 2018 13:08 von jackpot #331114
jackpots Avatar

I'm not happy !!!!!!!!
Wy remove other tracks !!!!! :angry:
Gesendet: 22 Apr 2018 13:22 von Nilski98 #331115
Nilski98s Avatar
We will have a Sunday-Special event on Server 8 today. And because Nobody isn´t home he had to already restart the server with the right settings and obviously only the chosen tracks for us to drive the race later on.
Gesendet: 22 Apr 2018 19:46 von S.A.Motorsports #331126
S.A.Motorsportss Avatar
hat spass gemacht, jungs. B)
3 sprintrennen, auf allen 3 strecken. B)
die autos machen auch laune, was will man mehr?


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