Erst mal vielen Dank an faderone für die PM und seinem Tipp.
Ich habe eine Antwort bekommen, hat bei mir aber nicht geklappt, da mein Key nicht mehr gültig ist und ich erst um einen neuen bitten muss. Ich stelle es dennoch hier rein, vielleicht hilft es anderen google-Suchern.
If you see a Trymedia error screen stating "Unable to connect", "Missing information", and "Unknown Internal Error", see below for possible solutions:
- Note "Unknown Internal Error" is typically an account access issue. Ensure you have FULL administrator access when installing and running the game. If you have Vista or Windows 7, try right-clicking on the rfactor.exe and selecting "Run As Administrator...".
- Missing Information and Unable To Connect errors can sometimes be fixed by deleting the trymedia license folder located in "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data" on Windows XP or "C:\ProgramData" on Vista then reactivating the software. You will need to have "Show hidden files and folders" enabled (see your Windows documenation for instructions).
- This can also occur if it detects a system change or a change to the system clock. If you (or any program) recently set your clock ahead/back in time, reset it to that time, run rfactor, alt-tab out to your desktop and reset the time to the correct time, then alt-tab back into the game and exit.
- Also see items #5, #8, and #19 at the trymedia customer support center
If this does not resolve your activation issue, please contact for assistance with their activation software.