So gehts auch !
(ich hoffe das das die richtige Datei ist !
Process-ID: 2764
Windows version: 5.1.2600
Game resolution: 1680, 1050
Doing Handshake from D3D side...
Successfully created a pointer to a PAGEFILE Memory Mapped File.
Found virgin memory.
First part of Handshake successful.
Doing Handshake from Plugin side...
Successfully created a pointer to a PAGEFILE Memory Mapped File.
Found first part of handshake. Doing second part...
Second part of Handshake successful. Handshake complete.
Starting up rfDynHUD Plugin (D3D part)...
Doing a sanity check...
Sanity check passed.
Initializing DirectInput...
Succuessfully initialized DirectInput.
Using Java from folder "C:\Programme\Java\jre6".
Loading msvcr71.dll... done.
Loading jvm.dll... done.
Successfully loaded Java dlls.
Invoking Java VM...
JVM options:
java.vm.vendor = "Sun Microsystems Inc." = "Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM"
java.vm.version = "16.3-b01"
java.runtime.version = "1.6.0_20-b02"
java.awt.graphicsenv = "sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment"
Successfully invoked Java VM.
Retrieving Java objects and methods...
Creating RFDynHUD instance Version 1.0.1 (build 69)...
Creating overlay texture interface for resolution 1680x1050... done.
Successfully created RFDynHUD instance.
Initializing input bindings...
Bound "Keyboard::," to "FuelWidget1::DecPitstopAction"
Bound "Keyboard::." to "FuelWidget1::IncPitstopAction"
Bound "Keyboard::B" to "BrakeTempsWidget::ToggleWidgetVisibility"
Bound "Keyboard::F" to "GLOBAL::ResetFuelConsumption"
Bound "Keyboard:

" to "GLOBAL::TogglePlugin"
Bound "Keyboard:

" to "GLOBAL::ResetTopSpeeds"
Bound "Logitech G25 Racing Wheel USB::Taste 0" to "GLOBAL::IncBoost"
Bound "Logitech G25 Racing Wheel USB::Taste 18" to "StandingsWidget1::CycleStandingsViewAction"
Bound "Logitech G25 Racing Wheel USB::Taste 3" to "GLOBAL::DecBoost"
Finished initialization of input bindings.
Successfully retrieved Java objects and methods.
Starting up rfDynHUD Plugin (telemetry part)...
Successfully started up rfDynHUD Plugin.
Successfully parsed physics files. (Took 31ms.)
No upgrades installed.
Successfully parsed physics files. (Took 15ms.)
No upgrades installed.
Entered cockpit. (Mod: "Audi_Sportwagen", Car: "Audi R8 GT1", Session: "PRACTICE1", Track: "Symmons Plains Raceway")
Loading configuration file from "D:\rFactor\Plugins\rfDynHUD\config\overlay.ini"
Entered realtime mode. Updating textures...
Building texture atlas... done. (512, 1024)
Releasing textures...
Successfully released textures.
(Re)Creating overlay texture... Texture created successfully.
(Re)Creating proxy texture... Texture created successfully.
Textures successfully updated.
Exited realtime mode
Successfully parsed physics files. (Took 16ms.)
No upgrades installed.
Entered cockpit. (Mod: "Audi_Sportwagen", Car: "Audi R8 GT1", Session: "QUALIFYING", Track: "Symmons Plains Raceway")
Entered realtime mode. Updating textures...
Building texture atlas... done. (512, 1024)
Textures successfully updated.
Exited realtime mode
Shutting down rfDynHUD Plugin...
Successfully shut down rfDynHUD Plugin.
Releasing D3D Device (releasing textures)...
Releasing proxy texture... done.
Releasing overlay texture... done.
Releasing vertex buffer... done.
Successfully released textures.
Releasing D3D Device (releasing textures)...
Successfully released textures.
Disposing DirectInput...
Disposing Keyboard... Successfully disposed Keyboard.
Disposing Joysticks... Successfully disposed Joysticks.
Disposing DirectInput... Successfully disposed DirectInput.
Successfully disposed DirectInput.
Destroying Java VM...
Successfully destroyed Java VM.