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THEMA: Hello,

Re:Aw: Re:Aw: Re:Aw: Re:Aw: Re:Aw: Re:Hello, 26 Okt 2011 01:28 #281534

Tried that mate. Still the same. Maybe i have to remove Race07 folder, re-install and then add all tracks and cars/mods , one-by-one (over the next few weeks) to see which is problem. Maybe same tracks, with same file names ??
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Aw: Re:Aw: Re:Aw: Re:Aw: Re:Aw: Re:Aw: Re:Hello, 26 Okt 2011 01:40 #281535

  • Elvis
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Thanks to the Auto-Updater, this should be done within a few minutes (instead of weeks). ;-)
For a clean install, just remove your current content and choose "reinstall" in the Auto-Updater's "Commandos"(?)-Menue.

I currently have similar "unknowns" on server 3 and 4, but i know it's caused by Mods i'm messing around with.
So, don't worry, i bet this is really no big issue; it's just always 'annoying' to find the bug. ;-)
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Re:Aw: Re:Aw: Re:Aw: Re:Aw: Re:Aw: Re:Aw: Re:Hello, 26 Okt 2011 10:19 #281545

Hi mate. I found the Bug. It was the PaulRickard Tracks. I had 4 of them, maybe my original version conflicted with the 3 versions the Auto_Updater gave me. My game does not crash anymore and I can now join any server. :) But I can still NOT join SERVERS 5 & 6. :(

You say 6 requires Retro Add-on. I have this tho.#

Thanks Elvis, hopefully we can resolve this today so I can race on SERVER5 tonight. :)
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Auto-Updater // DTM 26 Okt 2011 11:01 #281546

  • Elvis
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Hmm, not sure, but obviously it's got to do with your DTM-Mod, because this is the only thing similar on both servers.

What exactly appears, when you point with your cursor at server 5 in the server-list?
I mean, where there's the "unknown", does the dtm-Mod appear in that list and/or does the Golf-Mod appear there?

If you had already installed a version of the DTM-Mod before using the Auto-Updater, maybe you should try uninstalling your version and reinstall it via the Updater.

EDIT: Do you still have BTWC/BTCC installed?
Perhaps, these may clash with the DTM-Mod...
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Re:Auto-Updater // DTM 26 Okt 2011 12:39 #281549

Hi Elvis,

I already Tried removing the BTCC but still it says UNKNOWN. When i place my cursor over the weisserbierbude server 5 , both DTM 2007-2008 and DTM 2008-2010 both appear and so does the Golf GTI, however there are still 2 UNKNOWN which indicates that i am missing 2 CARS/MODS. The DTM's that I have installed are from the Forums. Down the rigt hand side there is a section called Latest MODS. I installled these from here. Are they what the server 5 is running ?

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Aw: Re:Auto-Updater // DTM 26 Okt 2011 12:57 #281550

  • Rabble
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Hmm, I think I possibly spot the Problem.
AFAIK DTM 07-08 Mod was REPLACED by DTM 08-10. If I remember correctly the odler mod was deinstalled by the updater and replaced by the newer 08-10 version.
If looking on the cars list for server 5 there should only be two car classes. DTM and Golf GTI.
Posibly removing the DTM 07-08 mod could help you sort out your troubles.

Alle Verallgemeinerungen sind falsch.
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Aw: Re:Auto-Updater // DTM 26 Okt 2011 13:01 #281551

  • Elvis
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Actually, the right versions should have been installed with the Auto-Updater.

Anyway, this one >> www.weissbierbude.de/component/option,co...nfo/id,1594/lang,de/
...should be the one currently running on server 5.

...while this one >> www.weissbierbude.de/component/option,co...nfo/id,1458/lang,de/ ...is the latest 07/08 version.

Please see the readmes for the files to uninstall, _before_ installing this one!!

I still don't know what exactly your problem is, so i just guess it must be some kind of mismatch.
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Aw: Re:Auto-Updater // DTM 26 Okt 2011 13:05 #281552

  • Elvis
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Rabble schrieb:
Hmm, I think I possibly spot the Problem.
AFAIK DTM 07-08 Mod was REPLACED by DTM 08-10. If I remember correctly the odler mod was deinstalled by the updater and replaced by the newer 08-10 version.
If looking on the cars list for server 5 there should only be two car classes. DTM and Golf GTI.
Posibly removing the DTM 07-08 mod could help you sort out your troubles.


Ah, ein Lichtblick! :)
...however: I got them both next to each other, without trouble. :dry:
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Aw: Hello, 26 Okt 2011 13:30 #281553

Hi and Welcome :)

By now there are both DTM-Mods installed by the AutoUpdater and this shouldn't be the problem.

Unknown cars appear most of the time due to a model-id conflict of different mods. One way to figure out wich mod causes the problem is to move all the mods you installed manual out of the Gamedata\Teams Folder, start the game and check if you can join server 5. If it succeeds you can try to put in one of your manual installed mods again, start the game, check if it still works, and so on. So you could figure out wich mod is causing the trouble.

Btw., your problem with the game-crashes is propably due to the tracklimit wich is still a problem in race07. With all the tracks the auto-updater installs there are not so much "free slots" for tracks if you own all original addons. Actual there seems to be no other solution than removing a few tracks from the locations-folder. As i heard Simbin is going to fix it. But thats not really sure...

Hope this helps a bit.

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Re:Hello, 26 Okt 2011 13:53 #281554

Hi guys, thanks for the help.

I have actually solved the problem of game crashing. It was Multiple copies of the PaulRikkard Track. So thats that problem solved.

Now for the problem of UNKNOWN cars/mods on Server 5. Hopefully Rabble you are right , i will try to ermove DTM 2007-2008 when i get home tonight.

Thanks for those 2 links Elvis. If the above does not work i will uninstall the the DTM mods i have installed , removing all neccecary folders. I will then install the 1st link you sent, which is the 2008-2010 DTM MOD, "alone" and then check game. If still not working i will also install the 2nd link u sent , being the latest 2007-2008 DTM mod.

Thanks guys, i will not beable to report back until 18:30 tonight UK time. Hopefully i will have good news to announce. :) :)
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Re:Aw: Hello, 26 Okt 2011 14:02 #281555

Hi Hubschrauber.

Like i said , i have solved the game crashing. Last night I also removed all Manually Installed MODS from the TEAMS folder. The problem still occured, i could not join Server 5. I will However try again , just to double check that all was removed. Maybe I did not remove everything to do with the manually installed mods from the sounds and talent folder etc, etc. Maybe I only removed the Manually Installed MODS from the TEAMS folder. Or does this not matter ?

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