fast schrieb:
; Key to switch on/off
; Possible keyboard layouts:
; For DE:
; For EN:
; Default: 220 = Circumflex Symbol (Next to the '1' key on main-field)
; For English Keyboard layout please insert 192 here (the '`' key), or the key is mapped to the backslash-key
Kullberg schrieb:
I tried hitting Tab but nothing happened.
I don't understand anything in the other post.

NEWSilversurfer schrieb:
HI, what u mean with installed ? as i know just insert into the GTR2 folder and than it has to work propperly.
if not , try an other version, mostly the version from the homepage works fine.
if still not working make a note , thanks.
or try to make a setup for tempmeasurement at ur chair, jokeing ^^..
greetz Silversurfer
If the right version of xd-tool is installed properly (just like Silversurfer wrote), you can choose the key to switch xd on and off. xd.ini has to be in your GTR2-Folder, NOT GameData. If you open your xd.ini with the Editor (right-click on xd.ini in your GTR2-Folder and you can open it with a program you chose) you find a part that looks like Francie wrote:
; Key to switch on/off
; Possible keyboard layouts:
; For DE:
; For EN:
; Default: 220 = Circumflex Symbol (Next to the '1' key on main-field)
; For English Keyboard layout please insert 192 here (the '`' key), or the key is mapped to the backslash-key
That means the default key to switch xd on/off is the circumflex key (^ °) in the upper left corner of your keyboard, below "ESC" and left from the "1". This key has in german keyboards, as you can see in the links above, the number / name "220". By changing this number you can choose any key to switch your xd on.