Hello Weisbierbude,
I have been a member for a while now, after installing your Auto-updater and racing on your Servers 3 and 5 I thought it high time to introduce myself.
My given name is Darrell and I am 41yrs old.
Obviously my forum name is BunnyR13 and my driver name is (100Mbit)BunnyR13, I am a member of and Server Admin on 100Mbitracing.com.
I am a fair driver, always wait if I tap my front man off and always say sorry AFTER the race as chat in race is most distracting.
Most recently I have been driving on Server 5, DTM cars are simply AMAZING, but while I know a few of the tracks on this server, most of them are a mystery / new to me.
I often fear that I am going to embarrass myself - last night I could not find my way out of the pits at one:S ........
Is it possible to obtain a list of the tracks on Server 5 so I can learn off line and hopefully be more competitive

Thanks in advance,
BunnyR13 / Darrell