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THEMA: sunday event @ 16h ??? !!! request

sunday event @ 16h ??? !!! request 11 Okt 2009 11:06 #262500

no need for score or league calculations
but i gues on a sunday alot of people will show up!!
so maybe 2 server???
on a long-track maybe
and a fast car F3000 or extreme???

hope u bude-guys got time 4 it =)
anyway have a nice sunday
:woohoo: tech

Anhang serious.jpg nicht gefunden

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Aw: sunday event @ 16h ??? !!! request 11 Okt 2009 11:30 #262501

:laugh: Good picture! :laugh:

But I'm not at home in the afternoon. Perhaps one of the other guys...
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Aw: sunday event @ 16h ??? !!! request 11 Okt 2009 11:51 #262503

just donated 20€

The payment for your purchase from donate@weissbierbude.de has been completed.
Keep this Receipt ID and contact information in case you need to contact the merchant or PayPal. PayPal has also emailed a receipt of this transaction to you.
Merchant Contact Information

you need some schnaps ???
hope 20€ helps getting motivated :blush:
i've beign asking alot all ready.

viva el bude
:woohoo: tech
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Aw: sunday event @ 16h ??? !!! request 11 Okt 2009 12:13 #262504

no bad idea.
I would come
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Aw: sunday event @ 16h ??? !!! request 11 Okt 2009 12:20 #262505

psytech schrieb:
just donated 20€

you need some schnaps ???
hope 20€ helps getting motivated :blush:
i've beign asking alot all ready.

viva el bude
:woohoo: tech

:lol: good one tech B)

and a very good idea actually... ;)
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Aw: sunday event @ 16h ??? !!! request 11 Okt 2009 13:17 #262508

i maybe should have posted event today
post your favorite time

i will do so
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Re:Aw: sunday event @ 16h ??? !!! request 11 Okt 2009 15:28 #262513

  • Jowi
  • Jowis Avatar
  • Administrator
  • Beiträge: 985
psytech wrote:
just donated 20€

btw: if you've donated, fill out the form with your username(s), so that we're able to switch your account to direct and faster ftp-download for about half a year!
Nimm Dir Zeit zum Spielen - es ist das Geheimnis der Jugend
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Aw: sunday event @ 16h ??? !!! request 11 Okt 2009 15:53 #262515

i did immediate after donation
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Aw: sunday event @ 16h ??? !!! request 13 Okt 2009 09:44 #262564

i did not get any mail from paypal or bierbude
(i checked box,bottom of paypal form)
it was in german and dindt understand it =)
do i get mail as conformation about ftp acces or how does it go's?
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Aw: sunday event @ 16h ??? !!! request 13 Okt 2009 12:50 #262565

For usual you will not recieve an email from the bierbuden. You will only notice that your Updater works with FTP-Access ;)

But you can check your paypal account if the transaction works right. It can take a few days until your updater will be switched to ftp-mode.
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