Here is the new mail of Simbin.
In this mail, thare are 4 codes. If admins want them, they can contact me.
Hello again Patrick
Your English is just fine and I am impressed with the quality of your
services on the site, good work !
We have no problem with simracers enjoying rFactor, iRacing, netKar, LFS or
other "competition", we all need the small niche of simracing to be as big
as possible, so the more the merrier. (... as long as you play our games the
most *LOL* )
Here are 4 registration keys which you can use to download the full RACE 07
game from Steam.
No strings attached, but I hope you will use these 4 free games for
something that benefits your community, e.g. a dedicated server or a
contest. But you are free to use them precisely how you want.
Enjoy and don't hesitate to contact me in the future. I might not always be
able to help, or even respond in time, but I always read the mails.
If you have ideas for how to promote our products on the Bierbude sites, I
am also listening of course
Best Regards: