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Aw: Budenstammtisch am 01.11. 11 Nov 2015 23:16 #237105

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Bin auch dabei ;) :)
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Aw: Budenstammtisch am 01.11. 11 Nov 2015 23:27 #237103

Klingt doch alles gut :)
Also Ansprechpartner in Sachen Skins sind Uwe68, Benny und Icke :)
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Aw: Budenstammtisch am 01.11. 11 Nov 2015 23:37 #237004

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Wenn gewünscht könnt ihr mich bei den Skins auch noch hinzu zählen.
In Photoshop bin ich fit. Nur bei Gimp, Paintshop Pro & Co könnte ich nicht helfen.
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Aw: Budenstammtisch am 01.11. 11 Nov 2015 23:43 #241646

bist gerne Willkommen :)
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Aw: Budenstammtisch am 01.11. 12 Nov 2015 16:40 #236183

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Schmiddy schrieb:
Wenn gewünscht könnt ihr mich bei den Skins auch noch hinzu zählen.
In Photoshop bin ich fit. Nur bei Gimp, Paintshop Pro & Co könnte ich nicht helfen.

Also, was GIMP angeht, könnte ich bissel helfen.

Hab ja alle meine Skins mit GIMP erstellt und die schlechtesten sind es ja (denke ich mal) nicht unbedingt...

Bin zwar momentan mehr mit "Project Cars" beschäftigt, werde aber wohl immer mal wieder hier vorbei schauen, sofern ich Zeit bekomme... :)


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Re:Aw: Budenstammtisch am 01.11. 14 Nov 2015 11:16 #237132

Hello All,

I was directed to this thread from Schmiddy (thanks a lot!) as to describe and express my thoughts on Pilsbierbude as probably the most vocal of the International users/sim racers.

First of all, I want to say how much I LOVE the Pilsbierbude and I find it the "Home of GTR2". You are probably THE ONLY remaining active league that races with this sim. I feel I have been "embraced" by many of you and made some new friends that we talk about GTR2, cars in general or out of topic discussions... It is REALLY a nice environment and I thank you for having it like that and be open to foreign people!! Like everything else, there isn't a "perfect place" or a "perfect way" of doing things and thorughout the 1 year that I have fully being part of Pilsbierbude there are - in my opinion - some stuff that are needing... improvement or something else. Let me explain:

1) PBB seems to underutilize something that made GTR2 GREAT: weather. To me a "sim" that doesn't race in the wet and has no 24Hour day/night cycle, etc is NO "sim". This is the SOLE reason why I didn't move - and will never move - to Assetto Corsa, Race Room Racing Experience and anything else that is incomplete and claims to be a "sim" without having the possibility of driving in a REAL weather possible condition!!! This is not Gran Turismo or Forza for crying out loud - even Formula 1 2001 for PS2 HAD wet weather racing and was pretty good! I believe such a community of "sim" racers would have embraced such a feature and run EVERYTHING on changeable weather (maybe 1 server dry?) and not the other way around (and now - no changing weather??? this is crazy!!) Every event should have been changeable weather. Everybody MUST learn how to drive on the wet or else he will never be top notch in the dry rather than in ideal conditions by just mastering the game physics. Summary: It's sim racing. Weather is simulated = changing weather should be used. I believe if you want only dry running you can do that in Gran Turismo or Forza (or now in "sim" games like Assetto Corsa and R3E). But please let GTR2 use one of the features it is good at: weather. Anyway.. disspaointed to have run most my events in dry knowing that there is no option for wet :(

2) PBB is fun, but it can get frustrating at times. As Silversurfer1967 says there is no policing of rules. People race like maniacs - like it is the last lap every time and it's either now or never! Hot lapping in 2-3 hours races. Result? 50% DNFs (on average) most of them in 1-3 laps and then people leave. Really??? Is this "sportsmanship"??? Apart from crashing and maybe destroy someone's race - saying sorry and continue - sometimes is just NOT enough when I feel you don't mean it! To me ANY racer who comes to either finish 1st or leaves the game is not a racer. You want to go hard and risk it? Then fine. But if you crash STAY in the server and watch the other 60 laps that people do. So you get angry and frustrated that you crashed in Lap 1 and you won't do it again. The "Gran Turismo" mentality has to go. It's not "log in, race, crash, leave" or "log in, race, win". It's being a good sportsman and respect others and yourself. Try to finish the race. Don't crash.. and if you do sit out and watch - so you won't do it again. And most of all: if you crash... TRY to finish!!! Crashes/unluck happens. But it matters to show sportsmanship and finish the race if you can!! Leaving after 30 seconds because you had an accident in 1st corner tells me nothing about your quality as a driver.

Conclusion: PBB is fun, but cannot be serious. I believe it reached the point on me where I want to be racing in more serious and more "structured" leagues. Where there are rules and people get penalties when keep crashing. Where there is a Championship and there is a FULL calendar of events way too early for me to plan and not every Wednesday for the coming Saturday. I need to know now the 2016 schedule for example so I can plan around, etc. So, I had a talk with the some rFactor 2 leagues (as rFactor 2 remains still the "only" new gen option that has wet weather and day/night transition) and also some Championships runnings that I will be probably joining in the future.

3) PBB is too German for me. I do NOT say this is bad. It's YOUR site and YOUR space. I am a... lucky guest B) I liked the place and I thought this was fun and that's why I signed up and used it. But now, it's just too much for me specialized in a more focused German community and that's fine - just not for me anymore :( I will move to somer more "english speaking" leagues so communication can be more direct and actual meeting locations possible (face-to-face here in America).

Overall: I hear that GTRT2s community is dead, which is bad because that's the primary reason I am leaving GTR2 for - probably - rFactor 2 (and the fact GTR2 will be 10 years old next year!!!). PBB is still the ONLY mainstream community of GTR2 players that's still active. And I HOPE that there will still be people (like this community) playing... At the end it's still the only true "sim" game and I will SURE come and play from time to time in PBB servers and having fun!!

Thanks for listening an international user! I was trying to help and give my opinions NOT to argue! Even if I criticize some parts of PBB, I STILL believe it's a great site running by GREAT people and above all: GREAT FUN!!!

Many, many thanks to PBB for all this time!

P.S: Sorry for the English :( I hope Google Translate will work for you just fine! It worked for me for your German all this time!!
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Aw: Re:Aw: Budenstammtisch am 01.11. 14 Nov 2015 13:00 #235130

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Good to hear an opinion from an international user! :)

My thoughts to your points:

1) Sure, it´s great to have a nice wheather simulation you can use - but also in reality much more races happen in dry wheather than in wet conditions, just because it´s more likely to have a dry day than a wet day. In the past there was a really low amount of wet races for sure, if we can increase the number of races with changeable conditions by a littlebit it´d be great, but please don´t overdo it.
And I say that as a good rain driver.

2) I can agree to 100%. There´s nothing more frustrating to start a race with 28 drivers and finish with 10 left because someone spins out, loses 10sec and presses Esc - Seriously? :blink:
You can´t win every time, but you can have fun every time (even if you fight for the 27th spot).
This mentality is - as you already said - Gran Turismo-like and doesn´t lead to fun because the other drivers have less chances to fight with someone. :(

3) As a German I can´t really understand what you meant with "it´s more German focused than before". Did I miss something that changed something for non-German-speakers?
If you could specify this a littlebit, maybe I can comprehend then.

P.S.: Your translator worked for me, I understood everything.
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Aw: Re:Aw: Budenstammtisch am 01.11. 14 Nov 2015 23:49 #235112

Hello Nilski98 and thanks for responding! I am here to give as much feedback as I can so let me go straight to your questions:

1) I agree about what you said that most stuff happen in the dry. All I said is to leave the weather to "Changeable" throughout each event. Statistically, it is meant to be dry in the game 3/4 on the way that rain predictability has been set-up. But it's more than just the wet part. It's that even the dry can be different. If you set it to "dry" it is ALWAYS 20 C ambient, 30 C track. But in reality that's not the case!! There is a DIFFERENCE between how you manage and how tyre degredation hits you in 40 C track or 20 C track. And that's VERY common in real life too! So that's why I am for Changeable weather...

2) Well, we agree here, but yes. I NEVER had a good fight up in front (even when I was leading for a bit in Penuelas with the 599 GT1). But I STILL remember my crazy fights for 15-18th with guys like Patso, GiL Santos, Punisher, etc

3)I didn't say than before. I said it's just German focused. Basically, I mean that although there is an English "main menu interface" stuff like the results and the statistics are in German (e.g. Gesamtauswertung, etc). I know what it is know and what it does, but it's confusing in the beginning. Also, seems that every forum and every event description/calendar is in German. So when there is a new event and a new thread opens the first post is in German. I don't mind people responding in German and stuff, but it would be nice if it was at least the first one (the description of the event/ series like something important like the PBB WEC) in English.

I hope that gave you more insight to what I was saying :)
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Aw: Re:Aw: Budenstammtisch am 01.11. 17 Nov 2015 00:08 #234771

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Sorry for the late answer, haven´t had the time yesterday.

1) I actually don´t know if the wheather is consistent at 20°C ambient every event without a wheather-file :blush: . Maybe we can do something about that (still dry, but in example 26°C ambient temperature), I learned how to deal with those wheather-files a few weeks ago, so if I plan an event next time maybe I can give it a try. :)

2) Just to clarify that, I didn´t said you can´t have good battles up front (had one Wednesday for the lead) ;) . But it´s the fights that make a race enjoyable.

3) Now I see your point, and it´s quite understandable, so you´d like to see special event threads opened in English too like it was done here, right? Should be possible to translate these normally short texts, too.
We´ll see what the future brings.

As Flamur didn´t respond yet: The whole eventplan will not pe published, but look out for announcements for bigger events like 12h races, they´ll usually be published a few weeks before the race starts (referring to your question to Schmiddy if I got that right).
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Re:Aw: Re:Aw: Budenstammtisch am 01.11. 17 Nov 2015 01:04 #234744

No problem! I just REALLY appreciate your time to chat with me!!

1) Not sure, but to MOST events I have been it is like that. Starts at 20 C ambient/20 C track and the track rises up to 30 C. That's all.

3) Yes exactly!!! Also, it would be nice if the Admins/Event creators were responding to Personal Messages, but Schmiddy told me it was just unlucky, so I am not that upset about it.

OK, COOL! Yes, that answers my question, but brings up another one :S Are your Endurance races based on km accumulated for the 12H? It isn't like 12H continuously racing, I assume??? :( And do those include day/night transition or changeable weather???

Thanks a lot!!
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Aw: Re:Aw: Re:Aw: Budenstammtisch am 01.11. 17 Nov 2015 18:00 #233605

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Hmm, seh ich das richtig, das wenn ich oben links auf "Über" klicke, FrankyBB wohl nicht mehr wiederkommen wird? :dry: Das wäre echt schade, seine knurrigen Kommentare waren oft einen Schmunzler wert...und aus dem grünen TS hab ich ihn als netten Kerl in Erinnerung.

Glück auf!
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Aw: Re:Aw: Re:Aw: Budenstammtisch am 01.11. 17 Nov 2015 18:24 #233600

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The normal procedure for a normal 12h event in the past was like this:

8 or 9 o'clock GMT (daylight savings): serverstart
Then half an hour practice is followed by half an hour race (usually dry + day), this cycle repeats itself about nine times until it´s 16:45 or 17:45 GMT (again it depends on daylight savings time).
After a short break the servers are restarted with half an hour practice, followed by half an hour qualifying, followed by an 2 hour race into the darkness with sometimes changeable conditions.

So you can join whenever you want (one server will be started with a delay of 30min so you can join even if the other servers are in race) and just drive your laps.
The driver who completed the most laps in these 12h is the winner of the race, there is no duty to drive the full 12h, you can drive from 1 lap up to the 12 hours or maybe just the 2h race at the end.
It´s entirely up to you when to join and how many laps you want to drive. :)

Edit: And there are normally up to 4 classes in 12h races ;) .
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Aw: Budenstammtisch am 01.11. 17 Nov 2015 21:00 #233507

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Thanks to Nilski to answer the questions and sorry gangstorm, my organizer actually gives only a little bit of time. The questions was correctly answered from Nilski and it´s ok.

Our 12h or 24h races are km-based, a real 24h race cannot rebulid here in GTR2, with teammate-change, full 24h drive aso. This plan is the best for the "sunday-driver", who can everytime join on our server, drive your quali and race in 1 hour stints. And you have a break after 1h. In german like "Pinkelpause" :D
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Re:Aw: Re:Aw: Re:Aw: Budenstammtisch am 01.11. 18 Nov 2015 06:42 #233345

Nilski98 & flamur,

Thank you very much for your answers! I appreciate it!!

Yes, I figured that an endurance race would be working like that... Now does the practice/qualifying laps matter in the overall kilometers or is just the races that do?

Thanks a lot!
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Aw: Budenstammtisch am 01.11. 18 Nov 2015 12:29 #233344

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Hmm, seh ich das richtig, das wenn ich oben links auf "Über" klicke, FrankyBB wohl nicht mehr wiederkommen wird? Das wäre echt schade, seine knurrigen Kommentare waren oft einen Schmunzler wert...und aus dem grünen TS hab ich ihn als netten Kerl in Erinnerung.

Wäre echt schade, habe viele tipps und gute gespräche mit ihm gehabt, und er war /ist mir ein fairer und guter gegner auf der Strecke.
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