Yes, it´s right and as i seen now as i have a look in the first post of the original post i´ve written it; sorry, but i can´t remember everything detail of every event

Look here!
I´ve wrote, "...Ankommen: 20 Punkte (nur mit überfahren der Ziellinie und mind. 75% absolvierter Renndistanz)..."
That means, you have to cross the line at checkered flag and done minimum 75% of overall distance. Don´t know if i´m right, but i mean to remember, that´s this regular motorsports rules, even in F1. I think you could get points, if you escape race without 75%, if you maybe P5 and all drivers behind you escape before. You´re P5 and got points for that, but you didn´t end race and can´t get arriving points! I´m not sure, but i´m think that right.
And Isbjorn is right, most drivers could generate more points by arriving that by position, so they can earn 20 points for finish race after crash in first lap and waiting until the last lap and cross the line. That´s not sportsman like in my opinion and i hope in your´s too!?
Sorry for that, but that´s first time we discuss about that circumstances. I hope it is comprehensibly for you!?
But remember: Racing can be more hard than your situation, think about Toyota in LeMans 2016, issue on finish line one lap before end and at least not in result because of out of minimum lap time