Hi zusammen,
da die Rennen der Prime-GT-Serie recht lange dauern werden, kann die Motorenlebensdauer ein Thema sein. Hierzu habe ich im Internet etwas gefunden, das hilfreich ist, die Drehzahl und Kühlung korrekt einzustellen. Was mir dabei allerdings fehlt ist die Einstellung des Motorenprogramms, das ebenfalls einen Einfluss haben sollte. Es scheint aber was "offizielles" zu sein, weil als Quelle ISI angegeben wurde. Dennoch sind alle Angaben - wie immer - ohne Gewähr

LifetimeEngineRPM=(17730.0,344.0) // (base engine speed for lifetime, range where lifetime is halved)
LifetimeOilTemp=(125.4,2.90) // (base oil temp for lifetime, range where lifetime is halved)
LifetimeAvg=8105 // average lifetime in seconds
LifetimeVar=2940 // lifetime random variance
This section calculates the engine life dependant on rpm, oil temperature relative to optimum, and statistical treatment of average life. The following is from ISI, courtesy of Maxsilver. I have edited the original to fit with the numbers in this file -
"The LifetimeAvg and LifetimeVar are ... the mean and variance of a normal distribution.
The lifetime of the engine is continually reduced based on the current RPM and temperature. If you were able to drive around perfectly maintaining an RPM of 17730.0 and oil temp of 125.4 deg C, the lifetime would reduce by 1 every second. So on average, you'd have 8105 seconds before your engine exploded.
Now obviously you can't maintain that exact RPM & temp, so the lifetime reduction happens faster if you're above the RPM & temp and slower if you're below. It's an exponential curve - at 17730.0 + 344.0 RPM and 125.4 + 2.90 deg C, the lifetime reduces by 2 every second. At 17730.0 + (2 * 344) and 125.4 + ( 2 * 2.90) deg C, the lifetime reduces by 4 every second, etc. The RPM and temperature each contribute half to the calculated lifetime reduction."
Hier ist auch die Quelle, weil da auch andere nützliche Sachen zum Motor stehen: