Hi Jungs
@ Haflac - please watch the Replay - then you will see that I had contact with Tapani.Tapani toched me behind and I can't do anything:( !!A BIG SOOOORRRYYY Haflac!! I Can't help it!

I can't control my car in this situation and I only was passenger.
Again - I'm really sorry.
I hope that we will have a lot of nice races in the future!
greets Daishi
ps:I drive GTR 2and GTL at the Pilsbierbude and the Altbierbude since a long time and all driver there knows that I'm a realy fair driver and that I never crash into an other car with intention!!
Und ansonsten wars ein sehr hartes aber auch faires Rennen.Startplatz 3 gehabt mit dem Peugeot 407 und am Ende, nach ein paar Problemen in den ersten 13 Runden und zwischenzeitlich Platz 11,auf Platz 3 ins Ziel gekommen!Grats David!!Great Race!
Grats an alle und danke für das super Rennen!!