Soon as possible, sorry - in English. I am addicted to translatoru.Thanks understanding.
Now I rode Pau on your server. I have your servers in the prestigious - I am the rider you read the other insults and particularly
respect fer frenzied ride than a quick ride. You fired me from the server that I wrote someone an idiot - I did not know that the rule
is working for you because these words on the other servers and even worse abuse - are normally used in large quantities. It is so
sorry but
When someone throwing away so see why. anyone out there riding the wrong way and crash into the car it's OK ____...,???,,.??,, look at
the replay. I understand That someone learns it, and the error is normal but I do not understand driving in the opposite direction to
make someone's - and if you had the least but it did not. It just makes an idiot.
Vanished me with your server - to offer on-line - I would like if you went back there again, where they were - Thank you
PS-replay should be February 13, 2011 - about 16h and 45 nin.PAU