Hi Nilski, Thanks for your reply
Will definitely take a look at the setup file, thanks for that!

i do have the basics of setup down, it's just the strong characteristics of very different cars and how that implicates suspension, roll bars, camber and all those types of things I have no idea about.
Ultimately everything you say is true about fun, it's all good fun, my objective is always to finish and I've got no illusions of racing at the front. It would however be nice to have a platform that allows me to attack a few cars in front too, rather than struggling to keep the car on the track and relying on being difficult to overtake:)
Also true that like everyone else I won't have time to test with given cars, but I might squeeze half an hour on a given track/car to test a few suspension extremes and get a better idea of direction, I'm never on time to get the whole practice /qually session either so maybe that's more where my question was coming from
Anyway, as you say it's all good fun!

was just looking for a heads up on how to read the read the events page.. looking forward to the next race!