guybo schrieb:Manually installing an rfmod is a lot easier than installing the BBB autoupdater and I'd rather not have to rename my game folder for various reasons.
So you have e.g. Megane_at_Sears_Point_RW, incorporating a track and a vmod referencing ISI base content. And then an update for the base mod (megane) is released. Which is fine for users who were already "up to date" before. But those trying to make a clean install have to do it this way: Install Megane v1.0, install Megane_at_Sears_Point_RW and update it, install update Megane v1.0-1.1. If you accidently update the Megane before installing Sears Point you have reached a dead end.

That's just one example how confusing the install process via mod manager can be.
Can we just get a current link to the most recent mod BBB uses and do it our selves? The links provided above are from an earlier build and do not work anymore.
The download links will be removed as they are no longer needed.
Or better yet- allow us to d/l the mods direclty from the lobby servers. You guys are making this unnecessarily complicated. Password the server and allow downloading from the lobby. The autoupdater is passe and not needed anymore like it was with rF1.
Simply put: wrong
long version: If rfactor2 already offered the necessary features to make it work this way you would be right. Unfortunately this not the case.

Rfactor2 server has http download features, but they are very limited and cannot be configured properly. First of all, download size is limited to 100 MB. Also you cannot adjust the maximum download speed which will cause people bouncing around on track due to high latencies as soon as there are many people downloading large content. A ftp solution is necessary and I'm sure ( or at least I'm hoping for ...

) ISI is thinking about separating the game server and file server functionalities.
Also the current download from a gameserver is limited to a single file, because ISI wants us to use this feature only for vmods at the moment. If there is a special vmod needed to join a server you can download it from the lobby, but the server won't upload the files referenced in it. So if the content referenced in a vmod is missing a box will pop-up showing a list of mods/components already installed or missing. Time to manually download some files and start the mod-manager.

As an alternative, of course you can put all the files needed to join a server (mod(s), track(s) and vmod) into another large mod which can be downloaded from the lobby. Pretty obvious that is not a practical solution... (redundant files, server capacity)
So the sync tool is currently all we can offer. It has its flaws for our needs but that's still better than what ISI offers us right now.