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Aw: rFactor 2 31 Aug 2014 17:04 #188282

würde mich freuen wenn es den mod auf der bude auch geben würde ;)
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Aw: rFactor 2 05 Sep 2014 08:20 #188296

  • ~IsR~Mikk69
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NOS 1.80 ist da, juhuuu !



Nordschleife Tourist for rFactor2
The track has come a long way from just my first idea of just fixing the broken trees.
Tosch and I have been working hard and pleased to bring you another new version of Nordschleife.

Version 1.80 05/09/14
DJC change log v1.70 to v1.80
- Re-done AI pit paths in pit area and paddock. Had found a bug where groups of cars could not stop in time to enter Pit entrance. This was because the way-path that leads from the main path was just not long enough on the original.
- Staggered the pit boxes 1,11,2,12,3,13....,etc, instead of 1,2,3,4,5,6....... Should reduce the chance of someone pitting right in front of, or behind, you. PIC HERE
- Fixed collision of pit guard rail where it only worked in one direction . Before you would get sucked out if you were to touch it.
- Cleaned up the texture of the ticket house in Photoshop best I could do.
- Recoloured the gate ticket machines to match the colour of the new real life ones.
- At the ticket machine, left hand lane, replaced missing brick kerb, was just a long hole before.
- Lowered the white lines marking the lanes by a few cm's. They were floating to high above the road, I guess that would look bad in 3D.
- Extended pit exit.
- Installed some much needed working pit exit lights.
- Made brand new pit exit chain railings and posts, all to match nearer real life ones.
- Re-Modelled cones and added them to pit exit. They glow in the dark too.
- With the exception of the cones just before the chain railings, made them all moveable. Before they were glued like concrete.
- Cleaned up the edges of the paddock signs. Before all the edges were all jagged like staircase, now they nice and smooth. Also, removed the flicker from them where the pole would flicker in and out of them from a distance.
- Built near pit exit a glow in the dark info track warning screen just like the real Nords one.
- Planted billboard trees around the paddock area (High and Max track detail).
- Changed colour of 3d grass in the grass patches round the paddock. Made the dirt and grass level with top of kerbs. Dirt blended the edges. Filled in all the cracks. See Pic Here.
- Remodelled the roof of the booking office to make it look less like a paper umbrella. Made the walls have glass ready for a new texture by Tosch. Planted some shrubs next to this building too. Added billboard to the red devil restroom. See Pic here.
- Made changes to mesh of the red devil restroom to make the textures less wonky and more straight. Raised the whole building out of the ground by 25cms.
- Removed stone kerbs at Hocheichen, Quiddelbacher Hohe, Flugplatz, Wehrseifen and Breidscheid. Stretched grass over the holes, blended the edges with dirt where needed. See Pic
- Adjusted the the colour of the Bilstein logo at the bridge.
- Fixed a lot more crowd lines and tents that I found floating or underground.
- Fixed a length of bushes that flickered just passed the old pits along the left in Hatzenbach area. Just too many billboard objects sharing the same space.
- I made a hill of trees near the GP Circuit higher by 20metres that you can see from one road at Hatzenbach.
- Fixed the missing left side of the old pit building. It's not viewable from in car but was an eye sore when watching from the new TV cams. See Pic here
- Fixed a lot of road signs where their poles were not viewable from the rear side. Looked odd when watching from TV cams where you would see floating signs without poles.
- Changed material settings on many objects to make them flicker or flash less.
- Made all the camp-site fires glow better in dark.
- Gave 73 track marshals a flag to hold. Green, Yellow & Blue etc. (qualify and race only). HUD flags should now work too.
- For race only, I blocked the right hand lane at pit exit. Bug was reported that you could gain a lap on everyone else if you started from pitlane and by going through this lane. See pic
Performance changes:-
- More LOD changes in order to both improve FPS and reduce pop up's where needed
- Removed many disused files lurking within all the Mas files. Totally unused. Files going back from the very first versions, files like tree walls, guard rail maps, tree maps, many unused normal maps, old set of Tattoo files. This all, totalling over 690 files, knocking 207meg off the download size. (I've backed them all up incase I ever need to use any of them)
- Removed unnecessary collision from track side objects that don't need collision detention. Objects outside the crash barriers that you would never touch. Weather this improves performance no idea, but no harm done doing it.
GP circuit integration:-
Unfortunately nothing has been done in this area. It's just as Pleclair left it. But a nice little Easter egg, what I have done is allow you access to the circuit if you drive through this crash barrier, see Pic here .
Don't expect anything like real road, smoothed road meshes, AI paths etc. Do expect missing buildings, holes, floating people, flying trees and a bumpy ride :p:D. Better than nothing :D. I added some cones and crash barrier at end of the circuit to guide you back on to the main Nords track.

TOSCH change log v1.70 to v1.80
- New cams. One cam group by "boblevieux (cam group 2). Moving cams in group3.
- Modified TDF file (should be less bumpy in some parts, thx for the feedback to all testers)
- Extensive AIW changes, corridor adjustments
- Lots of new and modified textures
- New HDR profiles (cockpit view improved)
- New real road presets
- New loading screens and Icons
- Added more shadows
HDR Profiles
Tosch has provided some HDR profiles. After choosing which one you want, due to a small bug with rF2, you must exit the track then reload the track again. That should load the profile correctly. If you don't the graphics appear darker than they should be. You should only need to do this once, unless you need to change profile again.

Jruuss vum Mikk B)
Jruus vum Mikk^^

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Aw: rFactor 2 08 Sep 2014 22:06 #188317

  • Fred
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Seit letztem Update funzt Trackmap Plugiin nicht mehr. Hat da jemand ein Tip?

Gruss Fred
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Aw: rFactor 2 08 Sep 2014 22:18 #188318

öhm ja, irgendwie schon:

zuerst mal geht das plugin nicht mit der 64bit Version - du mußt im Launcher unter "advanced" den Haken für die 32bit machen.
Dann hat sich der Pfad geändert, die plugins liegen nicht mehr im rF2/plugins Ordner, sondern im rFactor2\Bin32\Plugins
die TrackMapPlugin.dll also in den bin32/plugins Ordner, die TrackMapPlugin.ini und die d3d.dll in den Bin32 Ordner und der Ordner TrackMap muß in rFactor2/plugins bleiben.

(der Ordner wird eigentlich nicht mehr gebraucht, aber das plugin sucht seine Dateien halt dort)

:) keine Garantie :)

war froh, als es endlich wieder da war...
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Aw: rFactor 2 09 Sep 2014 15:38 #188325

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vielen Dank für Deine Mühen.Lieder funzt das nach Deiner Anleitung auch nicht.

Fehlt mir echt dieses Plugin. Ich hatte Trackmap Version 094 runtergeldan. DAs soll schon für RF2 sein.

Ps: Schumi kommt nach HAuse Juhuuuuuu
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Aw: rFactor 2 09 Sep 2014 16:20 #188326


TrackMap Plugin (32 bit) for rF2 Build 798:
>Move d3d9.dll, TrackMapPlugin.ini from their original locations to rFactor2\Bin32 folder.
>Move TrackMapPlugin.dll from its original location to rFactor2\Bin32\Plugins folder.
>Keep the TrackMap folder in its original rFactor2\Plugins folder; it should NOT be moved to the Bin32\plugins folder
>Finally, if you are running rF2 in a 64bit OS, tick the check box next to "Use 32 bit executable on 64 bit capable operating systems" in the Advanced tab of the launcher.

oder alles löschen und

das sollte dann auch gehen
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Aw: rFactor 2 09 Sep 2014 16:56 #188327

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Ich habe es . Es gibt in er neuesten Version von Trackmap einen weiteren Ordner "Core". Dort müssen die d3d9 und ini rein. Dann klappt es.
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trackmap für rFactor2 - 64bit 24 Sep 2014 11:37 #188473

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rFactor 2 01 Okt 2014 13:42 #188528

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"How hard can it be ?"
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Aw: rFactor 2 04 Okt 2014 11:43 #188571

Moin Männers, hier mal was in eigener sache.
Gefahren wird heute 6Std. Silverstone und ich bin mit von der Party. Einen Livestream des heutigen Rennens wird es auf Youtube geben, Rennstart ca. 14:00 Uhr unserer Zeit. Mein letzter Wissensstand ist, daß die ersten 2 Stunden des Rennens und das Ende (Zieleinlauf ist gegen 20h) gestreamt werden. Wer aus Deutschland zugucken will kann z.B. Proxtube für Firefox nutzen.

PS: wir (Jonas Steffens, Robert Worm und Ich) sitzen im Aston Martin, ist der einzige Aston, sollten also leicht zu finden sein.


neuen link eingefügt
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Aw: rFactor 2 06 Okt 2014 12:48 #188598

Moin zusammen,

habe grade auf build 860 geupdatet und den updater laufen lassen.
zum schluss kam nicht "Fertig gute Fahrt" sondern
wie soll ich weiter verfahren?
Fertig, aber es gab Fehler! Bitte melde dies im Forum.

rsync: writefd_unbuffered failed to write 8 bytes to message fd [receiver]: Broken pipe (32)
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at /home/lapo/package/rsync-3.0.9-1/src/rsync-3.0.9/io.c(1532) [receiver=3.0.9]


PS: es ist eine komplette neuinstallation!
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Re:rFactor 2 06 Okt 2014 16:32 #188601

  • Andregee
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einfach nochmal neu syncen
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Aw: rFactor 2 07 Okt 2014 09:42 #188606

richtig, hatte ich ganz vergessen.
war ein wenig voreilig gestern :blush:
trotzdem danke
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Re:rFactor 2 07 Okt 2014 12:13 #188608

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Aw: rFactor 2 10 Okt 2014 21:22 #188657

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