Hi again

The VSC might be a fun idea, I even think I like it, but unfortunately I don't think it will work.
Even if you're aware of the speed restriction and slow down to 120, you might overtake someone, and get kicked from that reason alone. Also, the time from you get the VSC-message until you get kicked is way too short, just a very few seconds I think. There simply are too many restrictions to relate to, for a public server to be.
I've seen some races now when VSC been set in, and every time so many people got kicked from an initially full server that only 3 or 4 of the starters did continue the full 6 laps race, let alone the chaos it might cause when someone are slowing down and others don't.
It might be so that after a while people will know that the Rennsimulanten servers are set like that and they know how to abide to the rules, in a way I even hope it could be like that, but it's the first time I've ever seen the VSC in any server in AC, so I think it will take time, unfortunately.
Another idea might be to establish a similar server with all the rules in addition to the existing one.
By the way, the wait time for blue flag kick is reduced with 50%, but I still think it takes too long for the kick to set in.
"Damage money" are now very low, maybe too low, i don't know. You might have a look at it.
Just my 2 Eurocent.
Meraculix schrieb:
warum fahrt ihr den auf den chaotischen publicservern rum und nehmt nicht hier bei den regelmässigen event teil ??
die eventserver sind mit passwort und die fairness ist um ein lichtjahr höher

I can only speak for myself and I find it more convenient just to jump on any public server that I like at any given time, instead of planning and training a lot for pre-planned events. I am also member of SRS, but I seldom find the time to participate in a race there.
Even so, I might give it a thought and I might check out closer what's going on at the eventserver.