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THEMA: Kissmyrank Server Admin

Kissmyrank Server Admin 20 Nov 2018 20:59 #334512

wie ich bereits bemerkt habe bin ich großer Freund des Tools.
ABER ...
Ich bin heute auf dem Spa GT2/3 Server zwei Rennen gefahren zur Gaudi.
Ich bin in beiden Rennen 5er geworden, bin einmal von nem 'wtf blaue Flagge kenn ich nich' abgeräumt worden und hatte diverse 'Track Boundary' issues.
Nach den zwei Rennen hatte ich nen negativen Saldo auf dem Konto.
Ich beschwer mich ja gar nicht weil ich es besser könnte. Ich denk mir nur mit diesen Settings werden wir bald nicht mehr Viele haben, die auf dem Server fahren können.
Ich kann euch sagen was ich mir dachte, als ich mir die config angesehen habe: Diesen ganzen überflüssigen Kram der da drin steht erst mal global disablen und Stück für Stück rein nehmen, was wir tatsächlich brauchen und haben wollen - sozusagen Bottom Up statt Top down
*der Hot Lap Unfug - es gibt Sachen die kann so ein Skript einfach nicht. Müsst nur mal überlegen, welche Berechnungen nötig wären um das sinnvoll zu gestalten.
*Track Boundaries. Leute, AC mit seiner Kontrollpsychose und den ewigen Cuts und Penalties die eh schon nerven wie die Hölle. Und da muss jetzt noch KMR oben drauf gesetzt werden? Echt jetzt?
*Wenn mich ein Honk übern Haufen fährt und dann quer vor mir steht, informiert mich KMR dankenswerterweise darüber dass ich da nicht parken darf. Sehr witzig, vielen Dank! Dem anderen rein oder rückwärts fahren geht natürlich auch nicht ... Alternative: Wurmloch, aha ...
*Wenn man neben die Strecke kommt gibts eine Strafe wenn man den anderen nicht im Schritttempo vors Auto fährt und stattdessen mit Speed wieder einreiht? Hallo? (z.B. Double Gauche in Spa ist da sehr beliebt und die Eau Rouge sowieso, wo das btw. manchmal einfach notwendig ist um Kollisionen zu vermeiden)
*wen stört es wenn mal einer 5 Minuten neben der Strecke steht? Also neben, nicht auf.
Da gibts noch dutzende mehr Blödsinne, die für nix gut sind.
Also anstatt an Feineinstellungen rumzuschrauben kann man doch zunächst mal den ganzen Schrott entsorgen den kein Mensch braucht oder?
Das macht das Feintunen dann auch einfacher und übersichtlicher
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Kissmyrank Server Admin 20 Nov 2018 22:28 #334523

JA, mir geht es auch nicht besser. Hatte immer so im Durchschnitt 10.000 bis ich auf der Zielgeraden einen stehenden voll schnupfte. Jetzt hab ich noch 800 und morgen bekomme ich meine ClubSport Wheel Base V2.5, die ich mir gegönnt habe weil es auf dem Server 8 so viel Spass machte. Jetzt werde ich die CSW dort wohl nicht mehr testen können, denn ein kleiner Schupser von einem Anfänger und ich bin permanet gekickt. Irgendwie Schade, denn es war ein richtig nette Runde auf dem Server, so wie CRO und noch einige andere.
Ist irgendwie schwer dort Money zu machen. Fahre 2:18er Runden aber nur die ersten 5-6 bekommen gut bezahlt, dahinter macht man nur jedes Rennen Minus.
Als Fahrer mit 2:22er Runden hat man keine Chance positiv auszusteigen hab ich das Gefühl.
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Kissmyrank Server Admin 21 Nov 2018 18:03 #334534

  • Litos
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Ich werde besser auf englisch sprechen, dann Sie können mir besser verstehen.

Today a Mercedes SLS crashed me on porpose and i lost 4000 credits, I had 1300 because the last week I had a huge crash.

Can someone tell me how to get new credits? I am really interested, this is my favourite server

Danke sehr
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Problem with server 21 Nov 2018 23:46 #334541

  • josemb04
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Image below
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Kissmyrank Server Admin 22 Nov 2018 17:19 #334562

I'm not talking for myself as I (still) have 50k+ in my "account", but I see that one after the other of the regulars in server 8 now are excluded from joining anymore because of "no money left".
I therefore kindly ask you to reset the money for everybody. One thing is that everybody else can join again, but as I understood by you, the settings in kmr are still in "versuchmodus", and it's a loss for both the server and the regular visitors that they can't join anymore. The server 8 was to many of them the best and most frequented one, and even though I can see a big loss in drivers, especially late in the evening, I find it quite impressive that it still can attract enough people to have a full grid earlier in the evening.
Letzte Änderung: 22 Nov 2018 17:27 von EAO Hector. Begründung: small change
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Problem with server 22 Nov 2018 17:43 #334563

  • BlackHawk
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kako schrieb:
Hallo, ich wollte heute auf Server 8 fahren und wurde ständig gekickt, obwohl ich mir nix zu schlulden kommen lassen habe. Bereits im Quali wurde ich nach wenigen Sekunden rausgekickt. Das Problem besteht erst seit Kissmyrank aktiv ist. Was mache ich falsch??? Kann mir da jemand helfen?
Da ich deinen Spielernamen nicht kenne, weis ich nicht wie ich dir da helfen kann! Melde doch doch bitte per PM bei mir! ;)
Litos schrieb:
Can someone tell me how to get new credits? I am really interested, this is my favourite server Danke sehr
Hello Litos, stay clean and do not waste the next 20.000 :woohoo:
josemb04 schrieb:
Image below
Hello josemb04, i cannot find a driver called fondodercha, are you sure that this is your ingame nick? Please PM me B)
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Kissmyrank Server Admin 22 Nov 2018 17:52 #334564

  • BlackHawk
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EAO Hector schrieb:
I'm not talking for myself as I (still) have 50k+ in my "account", but I see that one after the other of the regulars in server 8 now are excluded from joining anymore because of "no money left".
I therefore kindly ask you to reset the money for everybody. One thing is that everybody else can join again, but as I understood by you, the settings in kmr are still in "versuchmodus", and it's a loss for both the server and the regular visitors that they can't join anymore. The server 8 was to many of them the best and most frequented one, and even though I can see a big loss in drivers, especially late in the evening, I find it quite impressive that it still can attract enough people to have a full grid earlier in the evening.

5350 Drivers ^^ 414 without Money
this is around 7%
just let us analyse the data to get new idea´s for screws at the right place ;)
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Kissmyrank Server Admin 22 Nov 2018 18:09 #334566

  • malcolm
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I think the latest setting are too lenient. The standard of driving is now a lot worse and the drifters and crashers are back in number.
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Kissmyrank Server Admin 22 Nov 2018 19:55 #334571

Hi guys,

I lost my credits due a major crash with a ferarri standing still after the rouge... Not much I could do about.
Could you plz reset my balance?

Thanks in advance!
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Kissmyrank Server Admin 22 Nov 2018 22:49 #334575

  • fabiogsr
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hello guys I usually run on server 8. unfortunately I was the victim of a bad start and I could not do anything to avoid and I lost all the credits. can I have others? thank you
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Problem with server 23 Nov 2018 11:10 #334577

  • Litos
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Vielen dank, I will drive more carefully, I always play in that server.
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Kissmyrank Server Admin 23 Nov 2018 17:50 #334583

  • malcolm
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Please have another look at the settings, I understand it will take time to get right and I must admit that I preferred it when it erred on the side of discipline but now it is a free for all again with blockers crashers and drifters ,try it yourself.

Kind regards

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Kissmyrank Server Admin 23 Nov 2018 18:38 #334585

BlackHawk schrieb:
EAO Hector schrieb:
I'm not talking for myself as I (still) have 50k+ in my "account", but I see that one after the other of the regulars in server 8 now are excluded from joining anymore because of "no money left".
I therefore kindly ask you to reset the money for everybody. One thing is that everybody else can join again, but as I understood by you, the settings in kmr are still in "versuchmodus", and it's a loss for both the server and the regular visitors that they can't join anymore. The server 8 was to many of them the best and most frequented one, and even though I can see a big loss in drivers, especially late in the evening, I find it quite impressive that it still can attract enough people to have a full grid earlier in the evening.

5350 Drivers ^^ 414 without Money
this is around 7%
just let us analyse the data to get new idea´s for screws at the right place ;)

Yes, that might be there are only 7% who are out of money, but mind that among all the 5350, the majority most likely are one time or two time visitors who don't even get the time to run out of money before they quit. The regulars on the other hand, stay on the server for hours each day, but eventually many of them gets broke in the end.
Also, the regular visitors are people who've learned how to behave, and at the same time they occupy slots that otherwise would be taken by "noobies" who don't know how to drive, see post #334583 by Malcolm.

I thank you though, for your effort of making your servers clean, as much as possible, and I'm sure you will find the best solution, eventually. :)
Letzte Änderung: 23 Nov 2018 18:42 von EAO Hector. Begründung: small change
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Kissmyrank Server Admin 23 Nov 2018 19:28 #334587

Zuerst einmal danke für das "Zurücksetzen" :) Is that now the final settings of KMR?
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KMR the worst garbage app ever made 23 Nov 2018 20:31 #334595

I don´t understand why rennsimulanten put that horrible app in his servers. Kmr has completely ruined the experience on servers.
I am a clean and fast driver, but after only 6 races I am banned for out of money because of crasher, trolls and kmr rules.

Kmr invents off tracks where there are not. For example in SPA, when you touch the green moquet or some kerbs that sh*** sees off track. For the worse with only 5 "off track" you are kicked. That is ridiculous.
And what about to go outside to avoid a collission? In the races many times you need go off track to be clean or avoid a accident. That is being a good driver, but not for kmr.

Virtual safety car is other sh*** , I was kicked of the server being inside the pits for overtake others driver having safety car. Was the first time in my life that I could overtake being parking.

Kmr only favors the crashers, blockers and trolls. They have everything to gain with that terrible system. They always are comming in to the server to mess up races and respectful drivers. You are only a driver vs a lot of them, so you can't last long without kicked or banned out of money.

Also kmr casues a bit of lag, the game doesn´t run so soft like without kmr.

Moreover, is weird that reinnsimulanten has implemented the kmr when the IZI servers are famous for being the worst servers of Assetto Corsa due to kmr.

I hope that garbage app will be eliminated soon.
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