Stimmt so nicht Maxi, nur liest kaum einer die EULA's.
Auszug aus der
NfS Eula.
"D. Further Restrictions. Your right to use the Software is limited to the
license grant above, and you may not otherwise copy, display, seek to
disable, distribute, perform, publish, modify, create works from, or use the
Software or any component of it. Unless expressly authorized by EA, you
are prohibited from making a copy of the Software available on a network
where it could be used by multiple users. You are prohibited from making
the Software available over a network where it could be downloaded by
multiple users. You may not remove or alter EA’s trademarks or logos, or
legal notices included in the Software or related assets."
Demnach ist jede Modifikation oder Benutzung des Inhaltes ausserhalb des Spieles verboten.