I am an experienced rF user and primarily use the autoupdater because you guys still have some very interesting mods and tracks I haven't seen elsewhere. Also because I assume that all work correctly together, which is not always so easy to accomplish manually.
Anyway I post because auto has check boxes for "cars" and "tracks" but no way to select specific cars or tracks? For instance I have no interest what so ever in driving open wheel cars like CHAMP, etc. and will likely never play them. Why download and install so much stuff I don't need? It would be useful to be able to select specific mods (or deselect mods/tracks as they are downloading) for this purpose.
I tried simply deleting the mods I didn't want from the archive folder *before* installation but the script still wants to download them (and install them) if they are found missing.
Whether you consider this a plea for help or simply a suggestion to improve the the script I hope the right people get to read it!