Look, the reason for building another rFactor website was to have a central DL-location for SOME guys, especially for newcomers to rF, who want to drive together with all needed files on ONE contact point. Of course we don't create new files, so basically all you find here will be the same files as on other locations - more or less. If our automatic updater checks the existance of a track for instance, it insists on having the EXACTELY same files. Just having added or changed a single file on your local installation would result in loading the whole track again. Maybe vacant intelligence in your belief, but it gives us the opportunity to have same files on every side with just ONE klick. Remember, the aim is to have same installations possible without professional's file-jokey capabilities needed.
As you have long experience with rF, with hunters and gatherers' ambition, you might know that not all mods simply work together without problems. So congratulation if you're running a XXL-GByte rFactor installation without any troubles. Maybe we might ask you if we need some professional's assistance?
RFC is of course THE place to go if you always know what you're doing, Bockbierbude is simply a private gameserver with focus on driving together, exchanging views and courtesies, as you can see;-)
But basically it shouldn't matter if you have much more stuff installed, as all you'll get is a snapshot of collected files mostly from known DL-locations. We work hard on testing and comparing file versions to exchange always the latest and best file versions, but as there's much movement in community sometimes it's hard to adhere to a standard, so we quasi try to set our own

Again best way is to set an additional rFactor-folder for us. Personally I have two folders also, one for collecting and testing and one functional for the Bude. And think about: download here is free(!), it'll only cost some time (the less for users the more for offerer), not usual on "other" sites I think...