bloß nicht verschrecken lassen, das sind mal wieder nur ein paar Anwälte, die Abmahnungen verschicken, es gibt keine rechtlichen Grundlagen...
schöner Kommentar von Bram Hengeveld (racedepartment):
"We have had the same letter at a year ago and keep getting them from time to time. The sender is not the FIA but a company that acts on behalf of the FOM.
All they do is roam the internet for so called breach of their rights but if you read the letter closely its not a cease and desist letter, but good old internet bullying, but apparently for some teams and websites this is already enough to get (and spread) panic.
Just answer the email kindly, ask for proof (which they don’t have as they just focus on trigger words, not actual content) and carry on. Their emails have a nice case number in the subject line to impress the receiver. I have returned all the emails kindly and added my own case number (looks really professional

By posting this kind of news constantly you are giving them exactly what they want: publicity and successfully spreading of fear.
We will not remove any F1 mods that are created by users from scratch unless they provide and submit exact proof of what rule the particular modder is breaching. Still waiting on a proper explanation.
What they should go after instead are teams and individuals that sell F1 branded content for money without a license."