BunnyR13 schrieb:Nemesis Warlock schrieb:Man muss nicht nur den Körper trainieren, auch den Geist.
Menschen können körperlich täglich an Ihre Leistungsgrenzen geraten und sich daran messen, verbessern, ja sie geniessen es sogar geradezu. Doch die kleinste Kritik an ihnen und ihren Fähigkeiten kann Sie völlig aus dem Konzept bringen und hilflos ihren (aggressiven) Instinkten ausliefern.
Man muss nicht nur den Körper trainiern, auch den Geist.
Für alle Hitzköpfe

REAL martial artists would not get angry or strike out.
This means they are puppets to themselves and incapable of self control - in the heat of battle, they would be the first to die.
* The thoughts of some one with 16yrs of Kendo, Judo and Karate experience.
Actually the sentence i wrote originates from a 60+ yrs old Aikido Master.
He also compared a clean spirit to a Dojo, back in Medieval Japan, nobody self-respecting would stop at a dirty Dojo to ask to be accepted there, because they knew that a man that doesnt keep his Dojo clean, doesnt have a clean mind and cannot be an acceptable Teacher.
He had a student, that was better than anyone else in his Dojo. One day that student came to him and asked him personally to train him harder than anyone else - he could take it - he wants to take it. So from that day on he critisized every little mistake the student made, every bit-wrong stance was not accepted. One day the student didnt come to the training anymore. His friend said "He said you (Master) gave him a bad feeling during the training". The Master replied "So when he said i should train him harder than anyone else - he just meant the physical?".
So you read German and talk English ;P ?