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Re:DTM Experience - Neues Rennspiel von Simbin? 28 Mai 2014 17:16 #305180

  • AK1504
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"How hard can it be ?"
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Re:DTM Experience - Neues Rennspiel von Simbin? 28 Mai 2014 20:37 #305190

  • AK1504
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Eine Startampel wurde eben auch noch eingefügt das man auch von hinten was sieht
"How hard can it be ?"
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Aw: Re:Aw: Re:Aw: DTM Experience - Neues Rennspiel von Simbin? 28 Mai 2014 20:43 #305191

  • DashTwo
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Ak1504 schrieb:
Oder du hast es mit dem FFB schon übertrieben und es kommt bei Curbs o.ä. nix mehr an weil du schon im Clipping hängst.

das wars wohl...ich habe ein neues Profil angelegt mit den Standardwerten und habe dann schrittweise die Stärken hochgedreht. Irgendwann war dann schluss mit dem FFB
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Re:Aw: Re:Aw: Re:Aw: DTM Experience - Neues Rennspiel von Simbin? 29 Mai 2014 14:20 #305203

  • AK1504
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SimBin Dev-Blog


It’s time for another dev blog. We will have a big patch in 2-3 weeks that also includes the Multiplayer Alpha for Season Pass Holders. Let me talk a bit more about what’s coming with this patch.

Multiplayer ALPHA

For testing purposes we opened our Test environment to a lot of players. First I would like to thank everyone who joined and helped us test MP Alpha. Based on our test results, observations and your feedback, we are adding a few more things to MP Alpha before going live. Some of these will be included with the launch while some will be patched in later. But here’s a small list of things we’re adding.

We’re adding start lights in HUD as players could not see the actual lights on the tracks from distance.
The MP Browser is now sorting by player count in a server. A lot more filtering/sorting options will come later.
We’re adding an information box to the MP Browser which shows the settings (flag rules, fuel usage, tyre wear, mechanical damage etc.) and if you have any friends playing on that particular server.
We’re implementing new cut track rules that will have 3 different levels.
We’re going to add an information screen (e.g hold TAB to see who is on the server, their ping times etc.)
Various improvements to our Wrecker Prevention system.
We are making some small HUD changes to better inform the player about which session they are in.
And a lot of fixes.

On that note, the MP Alpha testing phase on WIP application will end sometime next week, as we need to set things back to normal for our closed betatesters to focus on other work in progress features. Again, a big thank you for all who participated. Your feedback and bug reports really helped us get MP Alpha to where it needs to be.
What’s in the Big Patch?

The MP Alpha patch includes a lot of improvements and fixes, along with some very nifty functionalities behind the scenes. I’ll just list some of them here. The full patchnotes will of course be released with the patch.

Improved road shaders

We’ve made a lot of improvements to our water and road shaders.
We’re adding the ability to adjust the amount of head movement in cockpit. We know a lot of you asked for this as it was disorienting for some.
We’ve made various improvements and fixes to steering. Fixed jittery/jerky steering when taking corners.
We’re adding the ability to scroll the car/class/livery selection wheels in the main menu. We ran out of space so we had to add a scroll :) This of course will be replaced with WEB based menus in the future.
We refactored the code further and improved the performance issues that occurred when certain overlays appeared.
We refactored the AI code to improve their performance and to avoid having to have “workarounds” to get them to behave properly on certain occasions.
Various fixes to the sound engine.
Various art fixes to cars and tracks.
Various improvements bug fixes in the code.

Of course there will be some new content included as well. The full patchnotes will be pretty big but hopefully the summary above is sufficient for now.

What’s Next

With MP Alpha patch getting wrapped up, some of the team started focusing on the next big planned improvements.

We are still working on the temporary R3E UI that will include MP Alpha to all R3E players. Apart from MP, it will also include Single Races.

We are preparing the code base and the structure for the big switch to WEB technology based menu and interface system. This will also replace the temp UI mentioned above.

We started looking deeply into the code for force feedback and road feeling improvements. There are some major changes which will need extensive tests but we hope to be able to share them with you before the summer ends. Along with the ffb changes, we will also update the default controller profiles.

The holidays are coming soon and the studio will take a few weeks off in July. The break will slow things down a bit but we hope to share these changes with you as soon as possible.
"How hard can it be ?"
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Aw: DTM Experience - Neues Rennspiel von Simbin? 09 Jun 2014 02:25 #305361

RaceRoom Racing Experience
Gefällt dir · 4. Dezember 2013

Local MP testing
Daily internal mp race testing....gone wrong...

in Memory of R3E :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
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Aw: DTM Experience - Neues Rennspiel von Simbin? 09 Jun 2014 11:08 #305363

  • Martin
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??? :huh:
Ryzen 3700X 32gb 3200MHz RTX 2080, VPP Pedale mit Loadcell Mod, DIY Seq Shifter, Fanatec Handbrake und ein DD Wheel Simucube mit Diy Adapter für Fanatec Rims. Dazu noch die VR Brille HP Reverb
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Re:Aw: DTM Experience - Neues Rennspiel von Simbin? 13 Jun 2014 20:26 #305466

  • AK1504
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  • alter Hase
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The Big Patch Changelog

Added Multiplayer Alpha for DTM Experience 2014 Season Pass Holders. MP Alpha will be available to all DTM Experience 2013 owners with next patch in few weeks, and to all R3E users at a later date.
Added new content for upcoming competitions.
Added new content that will be available soon.
Added keybinding options to increase/decrease head movement in cockpit.
Fixed a memory leak in car setup screen.
Various updates and fixes to localization.
Fixed some issues that was occurring with the lap counter in Instant replay.
Fixed an issue with the resource clean up when exiting to menus.
Fixed an issue where the options menu would become broken in DTM, after playing a championship.
Fixed an issue where the replay metadata could get the wrong game mode tag. (Menu instead of Race etc.)
Fixed an issue where the raceline was under tarmac in RaceRoom Hillclimb reverse layout in Apex Hunt.
Fixed the lap distance for RaceRoom Hillclimb.
Fixed wrong layout/livery in R3E Menus after leaving DTM Experience.
Fixed an issue where player could drive while in garage menu in HillClimb track test.
Fixed a threading issue in screenshot sharing.
Fixed an issue where competitions that had required content wasn’t communicating properly with online protocol to get users content list.
Fixed a crash that could occur when clicking “yes” in “found device without profile” dialogue window.
Fixed an issue where the steering would look choppy in replays on high rotation usage.
Fixed a memory leak on startup of Leaderboard challenges. (Stats)
Fixed steering linearity/ratio issues.
Updated all the controller profiles for steering fix to take affect. (Analog sectors are now 0.0 by default on steering wheels).
Fixed an issue where Championship replays were saved as Track Test.
Fixed an issue with DTM Experience Q4 parameters.
Fixed sector times appearing when disabling all HUD via options.
Improved replay fidelity by improving wheel deflection calculation.
Fixed an issue where HUD overlays could show during post race results.
Fixed exhaust flames appearing while the car is stationary.
Fixed so the reverse lights go off with ignition and when engine is starting.
Fixed an issue where the AI names would appear for a frame at the lowest position on the position bar, whenever they completed a lap.
Fixed a bug in media hub with screenshots and vault files.
Added start lights to HUD.
Fixed a crash that was occurring when completing a hillclimb session.
Optimized HUD overlays for better performance.
Various memory optimizations.
Optimized Object physics (non-car objects).
Fixed a crash that could occur when repeatedly racing in a HillClimb Leaderboard Challenge.
Fixed a crash that was occurring when ending a race session through the pause menu in DTM Experience.
Fixed an issue in DTM Experience where the player could get wrong starting position after qualification.
Updated Shared Memory with more data. Documentation coming soon.


Adjusted the mipmap filters to reduce artifacts in mipmaps. (distorted textures with thin lines such as text, numbers etc.)
Fixed an issue with the sun bloom blowing up at the edges of the screen.
Fixed slow-mo motion blur for num-pad controls.
Fixed an issue with shadow rendering.
Added 4K resolution support.
Fixed color issues on car windows.
Fixed an issue with the preset shader quality on medium settings.
Fixed LOD issues with rim types and trunk on cars.
Improved particle culling of systems.


Fixed Hud rev not matching with the gear indicator on various cars.
Fixed a texture intensity issue on BMW M1 Procar.
Updated all DTM tracks for corner marker update.
Various minor art fixes to all DTM tracks.
Updated liveries on various cars.
Various art fixes to BMW Alpina B6


Fixed an issue where engine sound was louder from front on some cars.

AI & Physics & FFB

Tweaked gravel surface to be more sticky to encourage players not to drive off the track.
Tweaked grass surface to be more bouncy with lesser grip to encourage players not to drive off the track.
Tweaked secondary road surface to have less grip to encourage players not to drive off the track.
Refactored AI code.
Fixed an issue where loss of force feedback could occur when starting a new session.

Portal & Online Protocol

Added various improvements to the Leaderboard system in backend.
Added ability to display Leaderboard entries for ANY difficulty level.
Added “ALL” filter to Car/Class Selection in the global leaderboards.
Made minor changes to the transaction history.
Added Multiplayer Browser.
Added sorting by player numbers by default.
Added show friends on the server, in the MP browser.
Added additional information about the server, in the MP browser.

This patch will be a bit hefty as it includes a lot of updated and new content. With this patch we are also finalizing the corner marker updates as we are updating all the DTM tracks.

If everything works out well with the initial MP Alpha, we will then patch the game again to enable it to all DTM Experience players. That patch will also include some new content for upcoming competitions and some more.
What’s in the Works

We have done and continue to do vast improvements and additions to the overall force feedback. There are some fundamental changes which require some extensive tests but soon we will be able to share them with you.

The temporary R3E menu is shaping up nicely and we are working on the R3E Single Race components now.

Art is busy as usual with a lot of new content. Here are some WIP shots of some cars we have in the works. Enjoy Le Mans :)

"How hard can it be ?"
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Aw: DTM Experience - Neues Rennspiel von Simbin? 13 Jun 2014 23:12 #305467


audi r18 e tron quattro
nissan r90ck

"Angetrieben wird der R90CK, der mit einem 5-Gang-Getriebe ausgestattet ist, von einem 8-Zylinder-Twin-Turbo mit 3.496 cm³ Hubraum, der die Bezeichnung „VRH35Z“ trägt. In Qualifying-Abstimmung erreicht der Motor eine Leistung von bis zu 1200 PS, während er im Langstreckentrimm circa 800 PS bei 7600 Umdrehungen pro Minute leistet."

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Aw: DTM Experience - Neues Rennspiel von Simbin? 14 Jun 2014 00:07 #305471


ich freu mich auch schon auf Donnerstag wenn das Update kommt

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Aw: DTM Experience - Neues Rennspiel von Simbin? 14 Jun 2014 09:38 #305472

  • Reti
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icemanpolo schrieb:
ich freu mich auch schon auf Donnerstag wenn das Update kommt

DO bis SO frei :woohoo:
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Aw: DTM Experience - Neues Rennspiel von Simbin? 16 Jun 2014 16:26 #305548

Reti schrieb:
icemanpolo schrieb:
ich freu mich auch schon auf Donnerstag wenn das Update kommt

DO bis SO frei :woohoo:

hehe ich auch :silly:
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Aw: DTM Experience - Neues Rennspiel von Simbin? 16 Jun 2014 17:01 #305549

  • Martin
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Mue schrieb:
Reti schrieb:
icemanpolo schrieb:
ich freu mich auch schon auf Donnerstag wenn das Update kommt

DO bis SO frei :woohoo:

hehe ich auch :silly:

Dito :laugh:
Ryzen 3700X 32gb 3200MHz RTX 2080, VPP Pedale mit Loadcell Mod, DIY Seq Shifter, Fanatec Handbrake und ein DD Wheel Simucube mit Diy Adapter für Fanatec Rims. Dazu noch die VR Brille HP Reverb
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Re:Aw: DTM Experience - Neues Rennspiel von Simbin? 18 Jun 2014 16:11 #305584

  • AK1504
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Servers down, Big Patch incl. MP (Seasonpass holders) on its way...

4K Support..!

"How hard can it be ?"
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Aw: DTM Experience - Neues Rennspiel von Simbin? 18 Jun 2014 19:37 #305585

  • Reti
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steam dampft bei mir bereits 3.2gb runter. dachte patch kommt erst morgen raus...?
auch gut ;)
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Aw: DTM Experience - Neues Rennspiel von Simbin? 18 Jun 2014 23:44 #305597

  • Hirnquetscher
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Frage zu RRRE:
Kann man dort seinen Namen auch ändern, wie in z.B. Race07 ?
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