haha thx eye!
hab extra hier im forum gesucht und gefunden:Youtube video einfügen ins Forum?
... und dort den befehl(faul wie ich bin) einfach kopiert. voll reingefallen
aber jetz noch was nützliches!
hab grad was sehr interessantes entdeckt und zwar:
If you want to stop the wheels from doing things on there own at low speeds try this,
Go to My Documents/My Games/SimBin/RaceRoom Racing Experience/UserData/ControlSet
Open the .rsc file with notepad and find this line:
Steer Ratio Speed="0.0" // Speed at which low speed steering lock override ends (for pit navigation.
Youre value is prob 5.999999 something. Set it to 0.0 and try doing some donuts to see the diffrence. Wheels now do as there told
...und so wars auch bei mir:silly: