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TOPIC: wish list

wish list 16 Feb 2014 17:39 #246524

I'm a programmer myself, and an enthousiast of racing games. Below is a list of things that could be improved or added, to make the whole even better. I'm using the XD display tool, and I'm driving both online and offline, using a keyboard.
Running version

I may be missing some option, so that any of the below points may actually be not a problem. Please indicate.

Don't be fooled here, the list of improvements is long, but still GTR2 is THE BEST RACING GAME on the PC ever (but, beholding the Pilsbierbude expansion included). And I have played a lot of games ! Second best to this racegame are F1GP (the first one) and Carmageddon (also the first one there).

But, concerning GTR2, here we go :

1. More intermediate time checkpoints
Especially on long tracks (Le Mans) but also on less long tracks, I'm feeling that 2 intermediates is really little. Ideal would be every 20 or 30 seconds.
Not sure whether this is to be done in GTR2 itself or via the XD tool, I guess the first.

2. Car type, car leaugue display
Display of car brand, type and league is not really done a lot. Only in the Timing table of the garage tool, but that you cannot watch while racing. This could be changed in the XD tool, I think.
You could have a look at the league cars, to see if you are first of league, or not.

3. Race standings, but also time standings during qualify/trace
When you are in qualify, only the times are listed of the people that are actually logged into that race. This is annoying, since this makes the display being a filter of times which are being raced. I think that if you leave the track and come back again - with the same car (?) - the time should be kept. It's particularly annoying if doing a long quality session and you know a lot of people drove a lot of laps, and still there's only 2 times listed.

Similar problem when racing : whenever the race is completed, and you look at the standings, the positions disappear of the people that log out. If you finish at the end of the field - which I am very common to - you almost NEVER see the real final standings. I don't really understand what the point is of that feature.

4. Own best lap
It would be so nice that XD would display your own best lap time, both during qualify and during race. Currently it shows only you own improvements, but the more you race, the longer a record remains, and the less info you see.

5. Indicators
I know not all cars have indicators, but the ones that have, could make use of it. Particularly for overtaking, this would be very good.

6. Speed trap / top speed
XD would probably be able to list the top speed of a given lap, or laps, or race, whatever. That would be a nice extra information. Or, you could have a speed trap, at a fixed point on the track, maybe at an intermidiate timing point. That is probably a GTR2 change.

7. And a last one, a bit of a nice to have, but something that could be nice during qualify. When you are doing a hot lap, it could be nice to have an indicator that shows what would be the position in the time table, if the lap would end at the time you currently are, but being some distance from the finish yet.
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Aw: wish list 16 Feb 2014 19:45 #246529

Luk457 schrieb:
1. More intermediate time checkpoints
Especially on long tracks (Le Mans) but also on less long tracks, I'm feeling that 2 intermediates is really little. Ideal would be every 20 or 30 seconds.
Not sure whether this is to be done in GTR2 itself or via the XD tool, I guess the first.


XD tool can do this.(realtime gap)
you can edit in xd.ini file.

Delta-time calculation to your best lap and last lap
; 0 = Disabled (default)
; 1 = To best lap only
; 2 = To last lap only
; 3 = Combine 1 and 2


p.s. latest version only (XD v2.1.12)
ASRock Z77 Pro4 , Intel i5 3475S @2900 Mhz , 2x4gb Corsair Vengeance DDR3 Ram @ 1866 Mhz , Gigabyte G1 GTX 1060 , Asus Xonar DG, Samsung 850 evo SSD, Thrustmaster T500RS , Fanatec CSP v2
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Aw: wish list 17 Feb 2014 09:39 #246556

  • Klaus
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Das interessiert mich auch. Aber ich habe XD Tool v.2.1.09 und finde nur v.2.1.11 oder zusammen mit dem MAP Tool v.2.1.14.
Und letzters habe ich installiert. Ich habe keinen Unterschied gesehen. Alles so wie vorher. Ich habe auch keine eingeblendete Strecke.
Wo gibt es denn die V2.1.12?
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Aw: wish list 17 Feb 2014 13:12 #246567

XD-Tool 2.1.12 gibts hier:

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Aw: wish list 17 Feb 2014 15:29 #246573

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Vielen Dank.
Ich habe alles so eingestellt, wie beschrieben. Es bleibt bei 2 Time Checkpoints.
Oder habe ich für mich etwas falsch übersetzt.

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Aw: wish list 17 Feb 2014 15:39 #246576

Da muss man irgendeinen Wert in der XD-Konfigurationsdatei ändern.


Glaube mal den hier:

; Standings-Mode in race session
; 0 = Gaps are updated only 3 times during a lap
; 1 = Show realtime gaps refreshing every second (default)

Auch wenn da bei 1 "every second" steht, ich ahbs auf 0 und es aktualisiert jede Sekunde.:blink:

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Aw: wish list 17 Feb 2014 16:36 #246578

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Ja, danke, das war es.
Jetzt muss ich nur noch das Map tool ans laufen bringen.

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Aw: wish list 17 Feb 2014 19:59 #246585

zum besseren verständnis:

ich meinte diese anzeige im xd tool

ASRock Z77 Pro4 , Intel i5 3475S @2900 Mhz , 2x4gb Corsair Vengeance DDR3 Ram @ 1866 Mhz , Gigabyte G1 GTX 1060 , Asus Xonar DG, Samsung 850 evo SSD, Thrustmaster T500RS , Fanatec CSP v2
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Aw: wish list 17 Feb 2014 22:19 #246593

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Ja genau. Die meinte ich auch.
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Re:Aw: wish list 18 Feb 2014 21:57 #246620

S.A.Motorsports wrote:
Luk457 schrieb:
1. More intermediate time checkpoints
Especially on long tracks (Le Mans) but also on less long tracks, I'm feeling that 2 intermediates is really little. Ideal would be every 20 or 30 seconds.
Not sure whether this is to be done in GTR2 itself or via the XD tool, I guess the first.


XD tool can do this.(realtime gap)
you can edit in xd.ini file.

Delta-time calculation to your best lap and last lap
; 0 = Disabled (default)
; 1 = To best lap only
; 2 = To last lap only
; 3 = Combine 1 and 2


p.s. latest version only (XD v2.1.12)

That's PERFECT !

It is even better than what I wanted !
I was using XD 2.1.11, but this minor version upgrade is worth it !!

Thanks to Yako !!
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Re:Aw: wish list 22 Feb 2014 18:38 #246853

Point 1 is covered

Any fedback on the other points ?
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Aw: wish list 24 Feb 2014 10:42 #246938

  • exbrassi
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S.A.Motorsports schrieb:
zum besseren verständnis:

ich meinte diese anzeige im xd tool

Kann jemand eine Anleitung auf Deutsch geben, wie man das Tool so einstellt? :blush:
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Aw: wish list 24 Feb 2014 11:27 #246940

  • Klaus
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So wie alles hier.
Herunterladen, in den GTR2 Ordner entpacken.
Nachschauen ob unten links die von S.A.Motorsports markierten Stellen vorhanden sind, 2 Runden fahren und prüfen, ob sich die Werte im Sekundenrythmus ändern.
Wenn nicht in die XD-Tool.ini gehen und den Wert unter ; Standings-Mode in race session
; 0 = Gaps are updated only 3 times during a lap
; 1 = Show realtime gaps refreshing every second (default)

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Aw: wish list 25 Feb 2014 01:27 #246983

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Danke Klaus.
Hab das Ding ja schon lange, auch nach meinen Wünschen die Positionen angepasst.
Nur kriege ich nicht so wie auf dem Bild oben links den Rückstand bzw. Vorsprung zu anderen Fahrzeugen angezeit.

LG Sascha
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Aw: wish list 25 Feb 2014 05:18 #246985

Moin, exbrassi/Sascha

Hatte mich bei Deinem vorigen Beitrag schon gefragt was du genau meinst, da das markierte auf dem Bild weiter oben beschrieben wird. ;)

Die Anzeige die du meinst hat soviel ich weiss gar nichts mit XDTool zu tun, gehört zu GTR.
Habe gerade probehalber die d3d9.dll und die xd.ini aus dem Verzeichnis geschmissen, die Anzeige habe ich trotzdem.

Da muss wohl irgendwas Anderes dran schuld sein. :dry:
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