[01] Daniel | |
| [02] Stan |
[03] Uworakete | |
| [04] Philipp |
[05] Kungpfui | |
| [06] Howie Hartgas |
[07] HaM | |
| [08] Blitzbote |
[09] 53i | |
| [10] slowmotion |
[11] faderone | |
| [12] mo581 |
[13] 51!N | |
[40.6 sec] Philipp makes a pit-stop.
[40.6 sec] Daniel ends the lap in position 1 and sets the fastest lap - 1:31.363
[40.6 sec] Kungpfui overtakes Philipp, Uworakete and ends the lap in position 3.
[40.6 sec] Blitzbote overtakes HaM, Howie Hartgas, Philipp, Uworakete and ends the lap in position 4.
[40.6 sec] HaM overtakes Howie Hartgas, Philipp, Uworakete and ends the lap in position 5.
[40.6 sec] Howie Hartgas overtakes Philipp, Uworakete and ends the lap in position 6.
[40.6 sec] slowmotion overtakes 53i, Philipp, Uworakete and ends the lap in position 7.
[40.6 sec] 53i overtakes Philipp, Uworakete and ends the lap in position 8.
[40.6 sec] faderone overtakes Philipp, Uworakete and ends the lap in position 9.
[40.6 sec] mo581 overtakes Philipp and ends the lap in position 11.
[40.6 sec] 51!N overtakes Philipp and ends the lap in position 12.
[191.6 sec] Philipp is out of race. Reason - Accident.
[172.5 sec] Daniel ends the lap in position 1 and sets the fastest lap - 1:21.784
[177.1 sec] HaM overtakes Blitzbote, Kungpfui and ends the lap in position 3.
[177.5 sec] Howie Hartgas overtakes Blitzbote and ends the lap in position 5.
[179.6 sec] slowmotion overtakes Blitzbote and ends the lap in position 6.
[190.6 sec] 51!N overtakes mo581 and ends the lap in position 11.
[254.3 sec] Daniel ends the lap in position 1 and sets the fastest lap - 1:21.129
[264.5 sec] Blitzbote overtakes slowmotion and ends the lap in position 6.
[270.0 sec] Uworakete overtakes faderone, 53i and ends the lap in position 8.
[352.8 sec] 53i is out of race. Reason - DNF.
[335.4 sec] Daniel ends the lap in position 1 and sets the fastest lap - 1:20.551
[353.0 sec] faderone ends the lap in position 9.
[357.3 sec] 51!N ends the lap in position 10.
[380.5 sec] mo581 ends the lap in position 11.
[439.5 sec] 51!N overtakes faderone, Uworakete, slowmotion and ends the lap in position 7.
[439.0 sec] faderone overtakes Uworakete, slowmotion and ends the lap in position 8.
[436.9 sec] Uworakete overtakes slowmotion and ends the lap in position 9.
[527.9 sec] Uworakete overtakes faderone and ends the lap in position 8.
[533.3 sec] slowmotion overtakes faderone and ends the lap in position 9.
[665.5 sec] Stan overtakes Daniel and ends the lap in position 1.
[674.8 sec] Kungpfui overtakes HaM and ends the lap in position 3.
[676.3 sec] Howie Hartgas overtakes HaM and ends the lap in position 4.
[686.5 sec] 51!N overtakes Blitzbote and ends the lap in position 6.
[702.8 sec] slowmotion overtakes Uworakete and ends the lap in position 8.
[851.1 sec] 51!N overtakes HaM and ends the lap in position 5.
[933.0 sec] 51!N is out of race. Reason - DNF.
[933.6 sec] HaM overtakes Howie Hartgas and ends the lap in position 4.
[938.9 sec] Blitzbote ends the lap in position 6.
[958.6 sec] Uworakete overtakes slowmotion and ends the lap in position 7.
[967.2 sec] faderone ends the lap in position 9.
[1038.6 sec] mo581 ends the lap in position 10.
[1129.2 sec] slowmotion overtakes Uworakete and ends the lap in position 7.
[1135.4 sec] faderone overtakes Uworakete and ends the lap in position 8.
[1305.8 sec] Uworakete overtakes faderone and ends the lap in position 8.
[1349.8 sec] Howie Hartgas overtakes HaM and ends the lap in position 4.
[1361.1 sec] Blitzbote overtakes HaM and ends the lap in position 5.
[1390.5 sec] faderone overtakes Uworakete and ends the lap in position 8.
[1563.1 sec] Uworakete overtakes faderone and ends the lap in position 8.
[1753.2 sec] mo581 makes a pit-stop.
[1567.0 sec] Daniel overtakes Stan and ends the lap in position 1.
[1732.7 sec] Uworakete overtakes slowmotion and ends the lap in position 7.
[1811.7 sec] Daniel ends the lap in position 1 and sets the fastest lap - 1:20.339
[2085.3 sec] slowmotion overtakes Uworakete and ends the lap in position 7.
[2086.4 sec] faderone overtakes Uworakete and ends the lap in position 8.
Daniel wins the race 8.516 sec ahead of Stan
Last of the podium finishers is Kungpfui, finishing 25.102 sec behind the winner.