[01] philippl78 | |
| [02] Oelfuß |
[03] nohmann | |
| [04] goderxi |
[05] Hardy | |
| [06] bibi_kaltverformer |
[07] lelouche63 | |
| [08] Hans Wurst |
[09] vln_racer | |
| [10] 10Speed |
[11] dreamtheater003 | |
| [12] Duke |
[13] engoloc | |
| [14] amigo102 |
[15] neteye | |
| [16] si3b3n |
[17] Herbie | |
| [18] Fireball |
[19] lowrider | |
| [20] blitzbote |
[21] Al Bundy | |
| [22] keanos |
[23] Fall_Out_Boy | |
| [24] Gerdk |
[25] pSyTech | |
| [26] hannibalsmithii |
[27] luckyracerg | |
| [28] [DriFt]Division |
[29] deroms | |
| [30] fantom_razer |
[-453.8 sec] Oelfuß is out of race. Reason - DNF.
[-453.8 sec] bibi_kaltverformer is out of race. Reason - DNF.
[-453.8 sec] vln_racer is out of race. Reason - DQ.
[-453.8 sec] Hans Wurst overtakes lelouche63, Hardy, goderxi, nohmann, philippl78, ends the lap in position 1 and sets the fastest lap - 8:44.955
[-453.8 sec] [DriFt]Division overtakes luckyracerg, hannibalsmithii, pSyTech, Gerdk, Fall_Out_Boy, keanos, Al Bundy, blitzbote, lowrider, Fireball, Herbie, si3b3n, neteye, amigo102, engoloc, Duke, dreamtheater003, 10Speed, lelouche63, Hardy, goderxi, nohmann, philippl78 and ends the lap in position 2.
[-453.8 sec] nohmann overtakes philippl78, ends the lap in position 3 and sets the fastest lap - 8:14.806
[-453.8 sec] hannibalsmithii overtakes pSyTech, Gerdk, Fall_Out_Boy, keanos, Al Bundy, blitzbote, lowrider, Fireball, Herbie, si3b3n, neteye, amigo102, engoloc, Duke, dreamtheater003, 10Speed, lelouche63, Hardy, goderxi, philippl78 and ends the lap in position 4.
[-453.8 sec] lelouche63 overtakes Hardy, goderxi, philippl78 and ends the lap in position 5.
[-453.8 sec] goderxi overtakes philippl78 and ends the lap in position 6.
[-453.8 sec] 10Speed overtakes Hardy, philippl78 and ends the lap in position 7.
[-453.8 sec] Hardy overtakes philippl78 and ends the lap in position 8.
[-453.8 sec] Fireball overtakes Herbie, si3b3n, neteye, amigo102, engoloc, Duke, dreamtheater003, philippl78 and ends the lap in position 9.
[-453.8 sec] amigo102 overtakes engoloc, Duke, dreamtheater003, philippl78 and ends the lap in position 10.
[-453.8 sec] neteye overtakes engoloc, Duke, dreamtheater003, philippl78 and ends the lap in position 11.
[-453.8 sec] dreamtheater003 overtakes philippl78 and ends the lap in position 12.
[-453.8 sec] engoloc overtakes Duke, philippl78 and ends the lap in position 13.
[-453.8 sec] Herbie overtakes si3b3n, Duke, philippl78 and ends the lap in position 14.
[-453.8 sec] blitzbote overtakes lowrider, si3b3n, Duke, philippl78 and ends the lap in position 15.
[-453.8 sec] Duke overtakes philippl78 and ends the lap in position 16.
[-453.8 sec] Gerdk overtakes Fall_Out_Boy, keanos, Al Bundy, lowrider, si3b3n, philippl78 and ends the lap in position 17.
[-453.8 sec] si3b3n overtakes philippl78 and ends the lap in position 18.
[-453.8 sec] Fall_Out_Boy overtakes keanos, Al Bundy, lowrider, philippl78 and ends the lap in position 19.
[-453.8 sec] keanos overtakes Al Bundy, lowrider, philippl78 and ends the lap in position 20.
[-453.8 sec] lowrider overtakes philippl78 and ends the lap in position 21.
[-453.8 sec] Al Bundy overtakes philippl78 and ends the lap in position 22.
[-453.8 sec] deroms overtakes luckyracerg, pSyTech, philippl78 and ends the lap in position 23.
[-453.8 sec] fantom_razer overtakes luckyracerg, pSyTech, philippl78 and ends the lap in position 24.
[-453.8 sec] pSyTech overtakes philippl78 and ends the lap in position 25.
[-453.8 sec] luckyracerg overtakes philippl78 and ends the lap in position 26.
[-453.8 sec] philippl78 ends the lap in position 27 and sets the fastest lap - 8:07.720
[100.4 sec] [DriFt]Division is out of race. Reason - DNF.
[129.3 sec] philippl78 overtakes luckyracerg, pSyTech, fantom_razer, deroms, Al Bundy, lowrider, keanos, Fall_Out_Boy, si3b3n, Gerdk, Duke, blitzbote, Herbie, engoloc, dreamtheater003, neteye, amigo102, Fireball, Hardy, 10Speed, goderxi, lelouche63, hannibalsmithii, nohmann, Hans Wurst, ends the lap in position 1 and sets the fastest lap - 7:59.501
[129.3 sec] nohmann overtakes Hans Wurst and ends the lap in position 2.
[129.3 sec] goderxi overtakes lelouche63, hannibalsmithii, Hans Wurst and ends the lap in position 3.
[129.3 sec] pSyTech overtakes fantom_razer, deroms, Al Bundy, lowrider, keanos, Fall_Out_Boy, si3b3n, Gerdk, Duke, blitzbote, Herbie, engoloc, dreamtheater003, neteye, amigo102, Fireball, Hardy, 10Speed, lelouche63, hannibalsmithii, Hans Wurst and ends the lap in position 4.
[129.3 sec] lelouche63 overtakes hannibalsmithii, Hans Wurst and ends the lap in position 5.
[129.3 sec] Hardy overtakes 10Speed, hannibalsmithii and ends the lap in position 7.
[129.3 sec] dreamtheater003 overtakes neteye, amigo102, Fireball, 10Speed, hannibalsmithii and ends the lap in position 8.
[129.3 sec] 10Speed overtakes hannibalsmithii and ends the lap in position 9.
[129.3 sec] amigo102 overtakes Fireball, hannibalsmithii and ends the lap in position 10.
[129.3 sec] Duke overtakes blitzbote, Herbie, engoloc, neteye, Fireball, hannibalsmithii and ends the lap in position 11.
[129.3 sec] engoloc overtakes neteye, Fireball, hannibalsmithii and ends the lap in position 12.
[129.3 sec] si3b3n overtakes Gerdk, blitzbote, Herbie, neteye, Fireball, hannibalsmithii and ends the lap in position 13.
[129.3 sec] neteye overtakes Fireball, hannibalsmithii and ends the lap in position 14.
[129.3 sec] Herbie overtakes Fireball, hannibalsmithii and ends the lap in position 15.
[129.3 sec] Gerdk overtakes blitzbote and ends the lap in position 18.
[129.3 sec] deroms overtakes Al Bundy, lowrider, keanos, Fall_Out_Boy and ends the lap in position 20.
[129.3 sec] Al Bundy overtakes lowrider, keanos, Fall_Out_Boy and ends the lap in position 21.
[129.3 sec] lowrider overtakes keanos, Fall_Out_Boy and ends the lap in position 22.
[129.3 sec] keanos overtakes Fall_Out_Boy and ends the lap in position 23.
[129.3 sec] luckyracerg overtakes fantom_razer, Fall_Out_Boy and ends the lap in position 24.
[721.6 sec] luckyracerg is out of race. Reason - Out of fuel.
[650.4 sec] lelouche63 overtakes pSyTech and ends the lap in position 4.
[661.4 sec] Hardy overtakes Hans Wurst, pSyTech and ends the lap in position 5.
[672.5 sec] Duke overtakes amigo102 and ends the lap in position 10.
[693.2 sec] hannibalsmithii overtakes Herbie, neteye, si3b3n, engoloc, amigo102 and ends the lap in position 11.
[680.5 sec] engoloc overtakes amigo102 and ends the lap in position 12.
[702.0 sec] Gerdk overtakes Fireball, Herbie, neteye and ends the lap in position 15.
[712.3 sec] lowrider overtakes Al Bundy, deroms and ends the lap in position 20.
[720.4 sec] keanos overtakes Al Bundy, deroms and ends the lap in position 21.
[733.1 sec] Fall_Out_Boy overtakes Al Bundy, deroms and ends the lap in position 22.
[1008.6 sec] fantom_razer ends the lap in position 25.
[1199.0 sec] hannibalsmithii overtakes Duke, 10Speed, dreamtheater003, Hans Wurst, pSyTech and ends the lap in position 6.
[1190.0 sec] Hans Wurst overtakes pSyTech and ends the lap in position 7.
[1192.4 sec] dreamtheater003 overtakes pSyTech and ends the lap in position 8.
[1195.8 sec] 10Speed overtakes pSyTech and ends the lap in position 9.
[1198.9 sec] Duke overtakes pSyTech and ends the lap in position 10.
[1211.8 sec] engoloc overtakes pSyTech and ends the lap in position 11.
[1215.9 sec] amigo102 overtakes pSyTech and ends the lap in position 12.
[1227.2 sec] Gerdk overtakes si3b3n, pSyTech and ends the lap in position 13.
[1226.7 sec] si3b3n overtakes pSyTech and ends the lap in position 14.
[1231.2 sec] neteye overtakes pSyTech and ends the lap in position 15.
[1233.4 sec] Herbie overtakes pSyTech and ends the lap in position 16.
[1243.2 sec] Fireball overtakes pSyTech and ends the lap in position 17.
[1258.0 sec] lowrider overtakes blitzbote, pSyTech and ends the lap in position 18.
[1250.6 sec] blitzbote overtakes pSyTech and ends the lap in position 19.
[1754.6 sec] Gerdk overtakes amigo102 and ends the lap in position 12.
[1784.8 sec] Fireball overtakes Herbie and ends the lap in position 16.
[1839.4 sec] pSyTech overtakes blitzbote, lowrider and ends the lap in position 18.
[1808.4 sec] blitzbote overtakes lowrider and ends the lap in position 19.
[2105.4 sec] nohmann overtakes philippl78 and ends the lap in position 1.
[2105.6 sec] goderxi overtakes philippl78 and ends the lap in position 2.
[2190.3 sec] lelouche63 overtakes philippl78 and ends the lap in position 3.
[2275.0 sec] Gerdk overtakes engoloc and ends the lap in position 11.
[2333.0 sec] pSyTech overtakes Herbie, Fireball, neteye, si3b3n and ends the lap in position 14.
[2464.4 sec] Fall_Out_Boy overtakes keanos, lowrider and ends the lap in position 20.
[2556.6 sec] deroms overtakes keanos, lowrider and ends the lap in position 21.
[2438.5 sec] keanos overtakes lowrider and ends the lap in position 22.
[2708.8 sec] philippl78 overtakes lelouche63 and ends the lap in position 3.
[2805.5 sec] Duke overtakes 10Speed and ends the lap in position 9.
[2861.2 sec] pSyTech overtakes amigo102, engoloc, Gerdk, 10Speed and ends the lap in position 10.
[3126.1 sec] deroms overtakes Fall_Out_Boy and ends the lap in position 20.
[3214.2 sec] keanos overtakes Fall_Out_Boy and ends the lap in position 21.
[3101.5 sec] goderxi overtakes nohmann and ends the lap in position 1.
[3241.9 sec] hannibalsmithii overtakes Hardy and ends the lap in position 5.
[3359.7 sec] pSyTech overtakes Duke, dreamtheater003 and ends the lap in position 8.
[3493.3 sec] Gerdk overtakes 10Speed, Duke and ends the lap in position 10.
[3486.2 sec] 10Speed overtakes Duke and ends the lap in position 11.
[3567.5 sec] neteye overtakes si3b3n and ends the lap in position 15.
[3574.8 sec] Fireball overtakes si3b3n and ends the lap in position 16.
[3626.9 sec] blitzbote overtakes Herbie and ends the lap in position 18.
[3795.4 sec] lowrider overtakes Fall_Out_Boy, keanos, deroms and ends the lap in position 20.
[3793.3 sec] Fall_Out_Boy overtakes keanos, deroms and ends the lap in position 21.
[3792.1 sec] keanos overtakes deroms and ends the lap in position 22.
[3686.1 sec] philippl78 overtakes nohmann, goderxi and ends the lap in position 1.
[3603.3 sec] nohmann overtakes goderxi and ends the lap in position 2.
[3803.7 sec] Hans Wurst overtakes Hardy, hannibalsmithii, lelouche63 and ends the lap in position 4.
[3759.7 sec] hannibalsmithii overtakes lelouche63 and ends the lap in position 5.
[3763.8 sec] Hardy overtakes lelouche63 and ends the lap in position 6.
[4012.0 sec] 10Speed overtakes Gerdk, dreamtheater003 and ends the lap in position 9.
[4011.5 sec] Gerdk overtakes dreamtheater003 and ends the lap in position 10.
[4031.1 sec] Duke overtakes dreamtheater003 and ends the lap in position 11.
[4169.3 sec] blitzbote overtakes si3b3n and ends the lap in position 17.
[4260.8 sec] Herbie overtakes si3b3n and ends the lap in position 18.
[4373.1 sec] Fall_Out_Boy overtakes lowrider, si3b3n and ends the lap in position 19.
[4347.7 sec] lowrider overtakes si3b3n and ends the lap in position 20.
[4421.9 sec] deroms overtakes keanos, si3b3n and ends the lap in position 21.
[4411.8 sec] keanos overtakes si3b3n and ends the lap in position 22.
[4516.3 sec] pSyTech is out of race. Reason - DNF.
[4430.3 sec] hannibalsmithii overtakes Hans Wurst and ends the lap in position 4.
[4436.0 sec] lelouche63 overtakes Hardy, Hans Wurst and ends the lap in position 5.
[4541.7 sec] 10Speed overtakes Hardy and ends the lap in position 7.
[4542.7 sec] Gerdk overtakes Hardy and ends the lap in position 8.
[4634.6 sec] amigo102 overtakes engoloc, dreamtheater003, Duke and ends the lap in position 10.
[4671.3 sec] Fireball overtakes neteye, engoloc, dreamtheater003, Duke and ends the lap in position 11.
[4660.3 sec] neteye overtakes engoloc, dreamtheater003, Duke and ends the lap in position 12.
[4724.5 sec] blitzbote overtakes engoloc and ends the lap in position 15.
[4810.9 sec] Herbie ends the lap in position 17.
[4997.0 sec] deroms overtakes lowrider, Fall_Out_Boy and ends the lap in position 18.
[5021.8 sec] si3b3n overtakes keanos, lowrider and ends the lap in position 20.
[5248.6 sec] Al Bundy ends the lap in position 23.
[6026.5 sec] fantom_razer ends the lap in position 24.
[4754.6 sec] goderxi overtakes nohmann, philippl78 and ends the lap in position 1.
[4754.0 sec] nohmann overtakes philippl78 and ends the lap in position 2.
[5096.3 sec] Hardy overtakes Gerdk, 10Speed and ends the lap in position 7.
[5229.3 sec] Fireball overtakes amigo102, Gerdk, 10Speed and ends the lap in position 8.
[5263.7 sec] Duke overtakes neteye, amigo102, Gerdk and ends the lap in position 10.
[5285.0 sec] dreamtheater003 overtakes neteye, amigo102, Gerdk and ends the lap in position 11.
[5192.7 sec] amigo102 overtakes Gerdk and ends the lap in position 12.
[5373.3 sec] Herbie overtakes engoloc, blitzbote, neteye, Gerdk and ends the lap in position 13.
[5241.6 sec] neteye overtakes Gerdk and ends the lap in position 14.
[6178.6 sec] deroms is out of race. Reason - Engine.
[5802.0 sec] 10Speed overtakes Fireball and ends the lap in position 8.
[5810.2 sec] Duke overtakes Fireball and ends the lap in position 9.
[5935.8 sec] amigo102 overtakes dreamtheater003, Fireball and ends the lap in position 10.
[5969.5 sec] Gerdk overtakes neteye, Herbie, dreamtheater003 and ends the lap in position 12.
[5950.5 sec] neteye overtakes Herbie, dreamtheater003 and ends the lap in position 13.
[6015.2 sec] blitzbote overtakes Herbie and ends the lap in position 15.
[6052.1 sec] engoloc overtakes Herbie and ends the lap in position 16.
[6314.1 sec] si3b3n overtakes Fall_Out_Boy and ends the lap in position 18.
[6547.5 sec] lowrider ends the lap in position 20.
[6560.5 sec] keanos ends the lap in position 21.
[6721.3 sec] Al Bundy ends the lap in position 22.
[6347.1 sec] 10Speed overtakes Hardy and ends the lap in position 7.
[6362.9 sec] Duke overtakes Hardy and ends the lap in position 8.
[6482.3 sec] Fireball overtakes amigo102 and ends the lap in position 10.
[6516.3 sec] dreamtheater003 overtakes neteye and ends the lap in position 13.
[6591.1 sec] engoloc overtakes blitzbote and ends the lap in position 15.
[6893.6 sec] Duke is out of race. Reason - DNF.
[7047.9 sec] Gerdk is out of race. Reason - DNF.
[6948.0 sec] Hardy ends the lap in position 8.
[7026.6 sec] Fireball ends the lap in position 9.
[7029.4 sec] amigo102 ends the lap in position 10.
[7049.6 sec] dreamtheater003 ends the lap in position 11.
[7066.2 sec] neteye ends the lap in position 12.
[7130.4 sec] engoloc ends the lap in position 13.
[7150.2 sec] blitzbote ends the lap in position 14.
[7191.6 sec] Herbie ends the lap in position 15.
[7018.2 sec] hannibalsmithii is out of race. Reason - Engine.
[7108.2 sec] lelouche63 is out of race. Reason - DNF.
[6796.8 sec] philippl78 overtakes nohmann and ends the lap in position 2.
goderxi wins the race 39.748 sec ahead of philippl78
Last of the podium finishers is nohmann, finishing 1 min 6.020 sec behind the winner.