[01] nobbynic | |
| [02] Ronnsen |
[03] Grimgaric 95 | |
| [04] Baschtard93 |
[05] BlackHawk | |
| [06] mmd-atze |
[07] jolahiti | |
| [08] 21st |
[09] SmokingBudhha77 | |
| [10] michib29 |
[11] 1337_skyline | |
| [12] AKGID47 |
[13] SanAndreas | |
| [14] Uwe68 |
[15] Fernando Alonso(Gladi) | |
| [16] FrankyBB |
[17] Matschex | |
| [18] RaFoe |
[19] Woodie | |
| [20] GTI-Heizer |
[21] Andregee | |
| [22] Wolfgang Böttcher |
[23] Nilski98 | |
| [24] Grandpa |
[25] Lahme Ente (KSR) | |
| [26] kaefer |
[0.0 sec] michib29 is out of race. Reason - DNF.
[0.0 sec] Ronnsen overtakes nobbynic, ends the lap in position 1 and sets the fastest lap - 1:26.420
[0.0 sec] Baschtard93 overtakes Grimgaric 95 and ends the lap in position 3.
[0.0 sec] jolahiti overtakes mmd-atze and ends the lap in position 6.
[0.0 sec] SmokingBudhha77 overtakes 21st and ends the lap in position 8.
[0.0 sec] AKGID47 overtakes 1337_skyline, 21st and ends the lap in position 9.
[0.0 sec] Fernando Alonso(Gladi) overtakes Uwe68, SanAndreas, 1337_skyline and ends the lap in position 11.
[0.0 sec] Uwe68 overtakes SanAndreas, 1337_skyline and ends the lap in position 12.
[0.0 sec] FrankyBB overtakes SanAndreas, 1337_skyline and ends the lap in position 13.
[0.0 sec] SanAndreas overtakes 1337_skyline and ends the lap in position 14.
[0.0 sec] Matschex ends the lap in position 16.
[0.0 sec] GTI-Heizer overtakes Woodie, RaFoe and ends the lap in position 17.
[0.0 sec] Nilski98 overtakes Wolfgang Böttcher, Andregee, Woodie, RaFoe and ends the lap in position 18.
[0.0 sec] Wolfgang Böttcher overtakes Andregee, Woodie and ends the lap in position 20.
[0.0 sec] Lahme Ente (KSR) overtakes Grandpa, Andregee, Woodie and ends the lap in position 21.
[0.0 sec] kaefer overtakes Grandpa, Andregee and ends the lap in position 23.
[0.0 sec] Grandpa overtakes Andregee and ends the lap in position 24.
[197.8 sec] Ronnsen ends the lap in position 1 and sets the fastest lap - 1:18.755
[200.3 sec] jolahiti overtakes BlackHawk and ends the lap in position 5.
[204.1 sec] Fernando Alonso(Gladi) overtakes 21st and ends the lap in position 10.
[205.3 sec] Uwe68 overtakes 21st and ends the lap in position 11.
[206.6 sec] 1337_skyline overtakes SanAndreas and ends the lap in position 14.
[211.1 sec] Woodie overtakes Lahme Ente (KSR) and ends the lap in position 21.
[276.6 sec] Ronnsen ends the lap in position 1 and sets the fastest lap - 1:18.523
[284.5 sec] AKGID47 overtakes SmokingBudhha77 and ends the lap in position 8.
[285.8 sec] 21st overtakes Uwe68, Fernando Alonso(Gladi), SmokingBudhha77 and ends the lap in position 9.
[285.0 sec] Fernando Alonso(Gladi) overtakes SmokingBudhha77 and ends the lap in position 10.
[286.9 sec] FrankyBB overtakes Uwe68 and ends the lap in position 12.
[288.0 sec] 1337_skyline overtakes Uwe68 and ends the lap in position 13.
[288.9 sec] Matschex overtakes SanAndreas, Uwe68 and ends the lap in position 14.
[288.5 sec] SanAndreas overtakes Uwe68 and ends the lap in position 15.
[289.0 sec] GTI-Heizer overtakes Uwe68 and ends the lap in position 16.
[289.2 sec] Nilski98 overtakes Uwe68 and ends the lap in position 17.
[289.6 sec] RaFoe overtakes Uwe68 and ends the lap in position 18.
[290.9 sec] Wolfgang Böttcher overtakes Uwe68 and ends the lap in position 19.
[293.4 sec] Woodie overtakes Uwe68 and ends the lap in position 20.
[362.1 sec] mmd-atze overtakes BlackHawk and ends the lap in position 6.
[371.3 sec] RaFoe overtakes Nilski98, GTI-Heizer and ends the lap in position 16.
[371.2 sec] Nilski98 overtakes GTI-Heizer and ends the lap in position 17.
[372.7 sec] Wolfgang Böttcher overtakes GTI-Heizer and ends the lap in position 18.
[374.5 sec] Woodie overtakes GTI-Heizer and ends the lap in position 19.
[376.1 sec] Lahme Ente (KSR) overtakes Uwe68, GTI-Heizer and ends the lap in position 20.
[383.0 sec] kaefer overtakes Uwe68 and ends the lap in position 22.
[402.4 sec] Grandpa overtakes Uwe68 and ends the lap in position 23.
[433.9 sec] Ronnsen ends the lap in position 1 and sets the fastest lap - 1:18.203
[436.2 sec] Grimgaric 95 overtakes Baschtard93 and ends the lap in position 3.
[438.9 sec] jolahiti overtakes Baschtard93 and ends the lap in position 4.
[445.2 sec] AKGID47 overtakes BlackHawk and ends the lap in position 7.
[446.5 sec] 21st overtakes BlackHawk and ends the lap in position 8.
[447.7 sec] Fernando Alonso(Gladi) overtakes BlackHawk and ends the lap in position 9.
[448.4 sec] SmokingBudhha77 overtakes BlackHawk and ends the lap in position 10.
[450.7 sec] SanAndreas overtakes Matschex and ends the lap in position 14.
[455.1 sec] Woodie overtakes Wolfgang Böttcher, Nilski98 and ends the lap in position 17.
[454.2 sec] Wolfgang Böttcher overtakes Nilski98 and ends the lap in position 18.
[458.5 sec] GTI-Heizer overtakes Lahme Ente (KSR), Nilski98 and ends the lap in position 19.
[458.5 sec] Lahme Ente (KSR) overtakes Nilski98 and ends the lap in position 20.
[469.6 sec] kaefer overtakes Nilski98 and ends the lap in position 21.
[532.9 sec] RaFoe overtakes Matschex and ends the lap in position 15.
[569.9 sec] Grandpa overtakes Nilski98 and ends the lap in position 22.
[590.8 sec] nobbynic overtakes Ronnsen and ends the lap in position 1.
[611.2 sec] 1337_skyline overtakes FrankyBB and ends the lap in position 12.
[612.2 sec] SanAndreas overtakes FrankyBB and ends the lap in position 13.
[612.5 sec] RaFoe overtakes FrankyBB and ends the lap in position 14.
[613.2 sec] Matschex overtakes FrankyBB and ends the lap in position 15.
[693.6 sec] Matschex overtakes RaFoe and ends the lap in position 14.
[694.8 sec] FrankyBB overtakes RaFoe and ends the lap in position 15.
[700.1 sec] GTI-Heizer overtakes Wolfgang Böttcher and ends the lap in position 18.
[750.4 sec] Ronnsen overtakes nobbynic and ends the lap in position 1.
[776.0 sec] RaFoe overtakes FrankyBB and ends the lap in position 15.
[792.6 sec] Lahme Ente (KSR) overtakes Wolfgang Böttcher and ends the lap in position 19.
[806.8 sec] kaefer overtakes Wolfgang Böttcher and ends the lap in position 20.
[819.6 sec] Grandpa overtakes Wolfgang Böttcher and ends the lap in position 21.
[848.5 sec] Fernando Alonso(Gladi) overtakes 21st, AKGID47 and ends the lap in position 7.
[853.4 sec] SanAndreas overtakes 1337_skyline and ends the lap in position 12.
[855.6 sec] Matschex overtakes 1337_skyline and ends the lap in position 13.
[855.9 sec] RaFoe overtakes 1337_skyline and ends the lap in position 14.
[856.5 sec] FrankyBB overtakes 1337_skyline and ends the lap in position 15.
[912.4 sec] Grimgaric 95 overtakes nobbynic, Ronnsen and ends the lap in position 1.
[911.1 sec] nobbynic overtakes Ronnsen and ends the lap in position 2.
[931.0 sec] SmokingBudhha77 overtakes 21st, AKGID47 and ends the lap in position 8.
[942.2 sec] 1337_skyline overtakes FrankyBB, RaFoe and ends the lap in position 14.
[943.3 sec] Woodie overtakes FrankyBB, RaFoe and ends the lap in position 15.
[943.9 sec] GTI-Heizer overtakes FrankyBB, RaFoe and ends the lap in position 16.
[937.4 sec] FrankyBB overtakes RaFoe and ends the lap in position 17.
[956.4 sec] Lahme Ente (KSR) overtakes RaFoe and ends the lap in position 18.
[984.2 sec] Grandpa overtakes kaefer, RaFoe and ends the lap in position 19.
[984.0 sec] kaefer overtakes RaFoe and ends the lap in position 20.
[1014.3 sec] BlackHawk overtakes 21st, AKGID47 and ends the lap in position 9.
[1014.8 sec] SanAndreas overtakes 21st and ends the lap in position 11.
[1018.0 sec] Matschex overtakes 21st and ends the lap in position 12.
[1108.7 sec] Wolfgang Böttcher overtakes RaFoe and ends the lap in position 21.
[1074.4 sec] Ronnsen overtakes nobbynic and ends the lap in position 2.
[1080.0 sec] Baschtard93 overtakes jolahiti and ends the lap in position 4.
[1097.3 sec] SanAndreas overtakes AKGID47 and ends the lap in position 10.
[1166.0 sec] kaefer overtakes Grandpa and ends the lap in position 19.
[1190.8 sec] Wolfgang Böttcher overtakes Grandpa and ends the lap in position 20.
[1193.4 sec] RaFoe overtakes Grandpa and ends the lap in position 21.
[1203.6 sec] Nilski98 overtakes Grandpa and ends the lap in position 22.
[1354.6 sec] Andregee is out of race. Reason - DNF.
[1178.0 sec] BlackHawk overtakes SmokingBudhha77 and ends the lap in position 8.
[1178.4 sec] SanAndreas overtakes SmokingBudhha77 and ends the lap in position 9.
[1302.5 sec] Grandpa overtakes Nilski98 and ends the lap in position 22.
[1339.0 sec] Uwe68 overtakes Nilski98 and ends the lap in position 23.
[1264.8 sec] 1337_skyline overtakes 21st and ends the lap in position 13.
[1272.3 sec] Woodie overtakes 21st and ends the lap in position 14.
[1280.0 sec] FrankyBB overtakes GTI-Heizer, 21st and ends the lap in position 15.
[1277.0 sec] GTI-Heizer overtakes 21st and ends the lap in position 16.
[1291.5 sec] Lahme Ente (KSR) overtakes 21st and ends the lap in position 17.
[1355.1 sec] RaFoe overtakes Wolfgang Böttcher and ends the lap in position 20.
[1430.6 sec] Nilski98 overtakes Uwe68 and ends the lap in position 23.
[1324.6 sec] jolahiti overtakes Baschtard93 and ends the lap in position 4.
[1327.5 sec] mmd-atze overtakes Baschtard93 and ends the lap in position 5.
[1335.0 sec] Fernando Alonso(Gladi) overtakes Baschtard93 and ends the lap in position 6.
[1341.1 sec] SanAndreas overtakes BlackHawk, Baschtard93 and ends the lap in position 7.
[1340.9 sec] BlackHawk overtakes Baschtard93 and ends the lap in position 8.
[1341.6 sec] SmokingBudhha77 overtakes Baschtard93 and ends the lap in position 9.
[1343.2 sec] AKGID47 overtakes Baschtard93 and ends the lap in position 10.
[1344.6 sec] Matschex overtakes Baschtard93 and ends the lap in position 11.
[1345.7 sec] 1337_skyline overtakes Baschtard93 and ends the lap in position 12.
[1362.1 sec] GTI-Heizer overtakes FrankyBB, Woodie, Baschtard93 and ends the lap in position 13.
[1361.9 sec] FrankyBB overtakes Woodie, Baschtard93 and ends the lap in position 14.
[1375.1 sec] Lahme Ente (KSR) overtakes Woodie, Baschtard93 and ends the lap in position 15.
[1393.9 sec] 21st overtakes Woodie and ends the lap in position 17.
[1419.5 sec] kaefer overtakes Woodie and ends the lap in position 18.
[1425.6 sec] Matschex overtakes AKGID47 and ends the lap in position 10.
[1443.9 sec] FrankyBB overtakes GTI-Heizer, 1337_skyline and ends the lap in position 12.
[1517.9 sec] RaFoe overtakes Woodie and ends the lap in position 19.
[1525.4 sec] Wolfgang Böttcher overtakes Woodie and ends the lap in position 20.
[1637.4 sec] Uwe68 overtakes Nilski98 and ends the lap in position 23.
[1471.9 sec] Ronnsen overtakes Grimgaric 95 and ends the lap in position 1.
[1472.4 sec] nobbynic overtakes Grimgaric 95 and ends the lap in position 2.
[1509.4 sec] Matschex overtakes SmokingBudhha77 and ends the lap in position 9.
[1525.3 sec] FrankyBB overtakes AKGID47, SmokingBudhha77 and ends the lap in position 10.
[1533.6 sec] 1337_skyline overtakes AKGID47, SmokingBudhha77 and ends the lap in position 11.
[1539.5 sec] GTI-Heizer overtakes AKGID47, SmokingBudhha77 and ends the lap in position 12.
[1546.9 sec] Lahme Ente (KSR) overtakes AKGID47, SmokingBudhha77 and ends the lap in position 13.
[1553.0 sec] Baschtard93 overtakes AKGID47, SmokingBudhha77 and ends the lap in position 14.
[1560.6 sec] 21st overtakes AKGID47, SmokingBudhha77 and ends the lap in position 15.
[1599.0 sec] RaFoe overtakes kaefer and ends the lap in position 18.
[1637.7 sec] Grandpa overtakes Woodie and ends the lap in position 21.
[1585.9 sec] BlackHawk overtakes SanAndreas and ends the lap in position 7.
[1632.4 sec] Baschtard93 overtakes Lahme Ente (KSR) and ends the lap in position 13.
[1632.7 sec] nobbynic overtakes Ronnsen and ends the lap in position 1.
[1668.3 sec] SanAndreas overtakes BlackHawk and ends the lap in position 7.
[1712.6 sec] Baschtard93 overtakes GTI-Heizer and ends the lap in position 12.
[1805.7 sec] Grandpa overtakes Wolfgang Böttcher and ends the lap in position 20.
[1810.2 sec] Woodie overtakes Wolfgang Böttcher and ends the lap in position 21.
[1748.9 sec] SanAndreas overtakes Fernando Alonso(Gladi), mmd-atze and ends the lap in position 5.
[1756.3 sec] BlackHawk overtakes Fernando Alonso(Gladi), mmd-atze and ends the lap in position 6.
[1757.3 sec] Matschex overtakes Fernando Alonso(Gladi), mmd-atze and ends the lap in position 7.
[1780.4 sec] 1337_skyline overtakes FrankyBB, Fernando Alonso(Gladi), mmd-atze and ends the lap in position 8.
[1769.9 sec] FrankyBB overtakes Fernando Alonso(Gladi), mmd-atze and ends the lap in position 9.
[1791.8 sec] Baschtard93 overtakes Fernando Alonso(Gladi), mmd-atze and ends the lap in position 10.
[1791.9 sec] GTI-Heizer overtakes Fernando Alonso(Gladi), mmd-atze and ends the lap in position 11.
[1801.0 sec] 21st overtakes Lahme Ente (KSR), Fernando Alonso(Gladi), mmd-atze and ends the lap in position 12.
[1798.9 sec] Lahme Ente (KSR) overtakes Fernando Alonso(Gladi), mmd-atze and ends the lap in position 13.
[1830.2 sec] SmokingBudhha77 overtakes Fernando Alonso(Gladi) and ends the lap in position 15.
[1845.4 sec] RaFoe overtakes AKGID47 and ends the lap in position 17.
[1834.8 sec] SanAndreas overtakes jolahiti and ends the lap in position 4.
[1838.0 sec] BlackHawk overtakes jolahiti and ends the lap in position 5.
[1863.1 sec] 1337_skyline overtakes Matschex, jolahiti and ends the lap in position 6.
[1865.0 sec] FrankyBB overtakes Matschex, jolahiti and ends the lap in position 7.
[1871.0 sec] Baschtard93 overtakes Matschex, jolahiti and ends the lap in position 8.
[1880.7 sec] 21st overtakes GTI-Heizer, Matschex, jolahiti and ends the lap in position 9.
[1882.3 sec] Lahme Ente (KSR) overtakes GTI-Heizer, Matschex, jolahiti and ends the lap in position 10.
[1886.6 sec] mmd-atze overtakes GTI-Heizer, Matschex and ends the lap in position 12.
[1911.8 sec] SmokingBudhha77 overtakes GTI-Heizer, Matschex and ends the lap in position 13.
[1918.6 sec] Fernando Alonso(Gladi) overtakes GTI-Heizer, Matschex and ends the lap in position 14.
[1926.2 sec] AKGID47 overtakes RaFoe, GTI-Heizer, Matschex and ends the lap in position 15.
[1926.2 sec] RaFoe overtakes GTI-Heizer, Matschex and ends the lap in position 16.
[1969.9 sec] Grandpa overtakes kaefer and ends the lap in position 19.
[1972.3 sec] Woodie overtakes kaefer and ends the lap in position 20.
[2017.7 sec] Wolfgang Böttcher overtakes kaefer and ends the lap in position 21.
[1916.2 sec] SanAndreas overtakes Grimgaric 95 and ends the lap in position 3.
[1950.5 sec] Baschtard93 overtakes FrankyBB, 1337_skyline, BlackHawk and ends the lap in position 5.
[1963.1 sec] 21st overtakes FrankyBB, 1337_skyline, BlackHawk and ends the lap in position 6.
[1973.8 sec] mmd-atze overtakes jolahiti, Lahme Ente (KSR), FrankyBB, 1337_skyline, BlackHawk and ends the lap in position 7.
[1972.7 sec] jolahiti overtakes Lahme Ente (KSR), FrankyBB, 1337_skyline, BlackHawk and ends the lap in position 8.
[1992.2 sec] SmokingBudhha77 overtakes Lahme Ente (KSR), FrankyBB, 1337_skyline, BlackHawk and ends the lap in position 9.
[2005.6 sec] Fernando Alonso(Gladi) overtakes Lahme Ente (KSR), FrankyBB, 1337_skyline and ends the lap in position 11.
[2009.2 sec] RaFoe overtakes AKGID47, Lahme Ente (KSR), FrankyBB, 1337_skyline and ends the lap in position 12.
[2008.9 sec] AKGID47 overtakes Lahme Ente (KSR), FrankyBB, 1337_skyline and ends the lap in position 13.
[2018.7 sec] Matschex overtakes Lahme Ente (KSR), FrankyBB and ends the lap in position 15.
[2034.9 sec] GTI-Heizer overtakes Lahme Ente (KSR) and ends the lap in position 17.
[2135.3 sec] Uwe68 overtakes kaefer and ends the lap in position 22.
[1997.3 sec] SanAndreas overtakes Ronnsen and ends the lap in position 2.
[2018.8 sec] Grimgaric 95 overtakes Ronnsen and ends the lap in position 3.
[2132.4 sec] Grandpa overtakes Lahme Ente (KSR) and ends the lap in position 18.
[2300.5 sec] Uwe68 is out of race. Reason - Suspension.
[2105.0 sec] Grimgaric 95 overtakes SanAndreas and ends the lap in position 2.
[2105.1 sec] Ronnsen overtakes SanAndreas and ends the lap in position 3.
[2110.8 sec] Baschtard93 overtakes SanAndreas and ends the lap in position 4.
[2123.1 sec] 21st overtakes SanAndreas and ends the lap in position 5.
[2134.6 sec] mmd-atze overtakes SanAndreas and ends the lap in position 6.
[2137.4 sec] jolahiti overtakes SanAndreas and ends the lap in position 7.
[2173.1 sec] AKGID47 overtakes RaFoe and ends the lap in position 12.
[2218.2 sec] Woodie overtakes Lahme Ente (KSR) and ends the lap in position 19.
[2310.7 sec] kaefer ends the lap in position 22.
[2240.4 sec] BlackHawk overtakes SmokingBudhha77 and ends the lap in position 9.
[2299.4 sec] Woodie overtakes Grandpa and ends the lap in position 18.
[2300.3 sec] Lahme Ente (KSR) overtakes Grandpa and ends the lap in position 19.
[2344.9 sec] Wolfgang Böttcher overtakes Grandpa and ends the lap in position 20.
[2339.5 sec] RaFoe overtakes AKGID47 and ends the lap in position 12.
[2404.6 sec] Fernando Alonso(Gladi) overtakes SmokingBudhha77 and ends the lap in position 10.
[2419.2 sec] Grimgaric 95 overtakes nobbynic and ends the lap in position 1.
[2455.6 sec] jolahiti overtakes mmd-atze and ends the lap in position 6.
[2544.4 sec] Lahme Ente (KSR) overtakes Woodie and ends the lap in position 18.
[2504.0 sec] Ronnsen overtakes nobbynic and ends the lap in position 2.
[2536.5 sec] mmd-atze overtakes jolahiti, 21st, Baschtard93 and ends the lap in position 4.
[2536.3 sec] jolahiti overtakes 21st, Baschtard93 and ends the lap in position 5.
[2553.5 sec] SanAndreas overtakes 21st and ends the lap in position 7.
[2558.5 sec] BlackHawk overtakes 21st and ends the lap in position 8.
[2565.3 sec] Fernando Alonso(Gladi) overtakes 21st and ends the lap in position 9.
[2571.3 sec] SmokingBudhha77 overtakes 21st and ends the lap in position 10.
[2587.9 sec] 1337_skyline overtakes AKGID47 and ends the lap in position 13.
[2670.3 sec] Wolfgang Böttcher overtakes Woodie and ends the lap in position 19.
[2668.8 sec] 1337_skyline overtakes RaFoe and ends the lap in position 12.
[2669.9 sec] AKGID47 overtakes RaFoe and ends the lap in position 13.
[2674.6 sec] Matschex overtakes RaFoe and ends the lap in position 14.
[2681.1 sec] FrankyBB overtakes RaFoe and ends the lap in position 15.
[2681.8 sec] GTI-Heizer overtakes RaFoe and ends the lap in position 16.
[2707.2 sec] Lahme Ente (KSR) overtakes RaFoe and ends the lap in position 17.
[2666.0 sec] nobbynic ends the lap in position 3 and sets the fastest lap - 1:17.371
[2749.0 sec] 21st overtakes SmokingBudhha77 and ends the lap in position 10.
[2750.3 sec] 1337_skyline overtakes SmokingBudhha77 and ends the lap in position 11.
[2752.4 sec] AKGID47 overtakes SmokingBudhha77 and ends the lap in position 12.
[2755.7 sec] Matschex overtakes SmokingBudhha77 and ends the lap in position 13.
[2764.1 sec] GTI-Heizer overtakes FrankyBB, SmokingBudhha77 and ends the lap in position 14.
[2761.2 sec] FrankyBB overtakes SmokingBudhha77 and ends the lap in position 15.
[2789.3 sec] Lahme Ente (KSR) overtakes SmokingBudhha77 and ends the lap in position 16.
[2836.3 sec] Matschex overtakes AKGID47 and ends the lap in position 12.
[2844.5 sec] GTI-Heizer overtakes AKGID47 and ends the lap in position 13.
[2847.5 sec] FrankyBB overtakes AKGID47 and ends the lap in position 14.
[2960.0 sec] Grandpa overtakes Woodie, Wolfgang Böttcher and ends the lap in position 19.
[2958.5 sec] Woodie overtakes Wolfgang Böttcher and ends the lap in position 20.
[2955.2 sec] Lahme Ente (KSR) overtakes AKGID47 and ends the lap in position 15.
[3063.1 sec] Wolfgang Böttcher overtakes Woodie and ends the lap in position 20.
[3091.6 sec] kaefer overtakes Woodie and ends the lap in position 21.
[3075.0 sec] 1337_skyline overtakes 21st and ends the lap in position 10.
[3055.4 sec] nobbynic overtakes Ronnsen and ends the lap in position 2.
[3239.0 sec] 21st overtakes 1337_skyline and ends the lap in position 10.
[3312.3 sec] RaFoe overtakes SmokingBudhha77 and ends the lap in position 17.
[3330.6 sec] FrankyBB overtakes GTI-Heizer and ends the lap in position 13.
[3481.8 sec] Wolfgang Böttcher overtakes Grandpa and ends the lap in position 19.
[3525.6 sec] kaefer overtakes Grandpa and ends the lap in position 20.
[3472.3 sec] RaFoe overtakes AKGID47 and ends the lap in position 16.
[3674.8 sec] Woodie overtakes Grandpa and ends the lap in position 21.
[3429.7 sec] Baschtard93 overtakes jolahiti and ends the lap in position 5.
[3494.0 sec] GTI-Heizer overtakes FrankyBB and ends the lap in position 13.
[3650.1 sec] Matschex overtakes 1337_skyline and ends the lap in position 11.
[3609.0 sec] nobbynic overtakes Grimgaric 95 and ends the lap in position 1.
nobbynic wins the race 1.043 sec ahead of Grimgaric 95
Last of the podium finishers is Ronnsen, finishing 4.132 sec behind the winner.