[01] mmd-atze | |
| [02] nobbynic |
[03] Baschtard93 | |
| [04] Ronnsen |
[05] 1337_skyline | |
| [06] blackDEVIL47661 |
[07] jolahiti | |
| [08] Tobi [GER] |
[09] Grandpa | |
| [10] BlackHawk |
[11] Matschex | |
| [12] TK |
[13] BLRM-Elias | |
| [14] GTI-Heizer |
[15] 21st | |
| [16] exbrassi |
[17] RaFoe | |
| [18] SanAndreas |
[19] Mortimer8701 | |
| [20] Stefan Hiller |
[21] Klaus | |
| [22] m b69 |
[23] kaefer | |
| [24] Wolfgang Böttcher |
[25] Katalysator | |
| [26] SmokingBudhha77 |
[27] Lahme Ente (KSR) | |
[0.0 sec] RaFoe overtakes exbrassi, 21st, GTI-Heizer, BLRM-Elias, TK, Matschex, BlackHawk, Grandpa, Tobi [GER], jolahiti, blackDEVIL47661, 1337_skyline, Ronnsen, Baschtard93, nobbynic, mmd-atze, ends the lap in position 1 and sets the fastest lap - 2:04.542
[0.0 sec] m b69 overtakes Klaus, Stefan Hiller, Mortimer8701, SanAndreas, exbrassi, 21st, GTI-Heizer, BLRM-Elias, TK, Matschex, BlackHawk, Grandpa, Tobi [GER], jolahiti, blackDEVIL47661, 1337_skyline, Ronnsen, Baschtard93, nobbynic, mmd-atze and ends the lap in position 2.
[0.0 sec] nobbynic overtakes mmd-atze, ends the lap in position 3 and sets the fastest lap - 1:33.962
[0.0 sec] Baschtard93 overtakes mmd-atze and ends the lap in position 4.
[0.0 sec] Ronnsen overtakes mmd-atze and ends the lap in position 5.
[0.0 sec] 1337_skyline overtakes mmd-atze and ends the lap in position 6.
[0.0 sec] Tobi [GER] overtakes jolahiti, blackDEVIL47661 and ends the lap in position 8.
[0.0 sec] BlackHawk overtakes Grandpa, jolahiti, blackDEVIL47661 and ends the lap in position 9.
[0.0 sec] 21st overtakes GTI-Heizer, BLRM-Elias, TK, Matschex, Grandpa, jolahiti, blackDEVIL47661 and ends the lap in position 10.
[0.0 sec] Matschex overtakes Grandpa, jolahiti, blackDEVIL47661 and ends the lap in position 11.
[0.0 sec] Grandpa overtakes jolahiti, blackDEVIL47661 and ends the lap in position 12.
[0.0 sec] exbrassi overtakes GTI-Heizer, BLRM-Elias, TK, jolahiti, blackDEVIL47661 and ends the lap in position 13.
[0.0 sec] GTI-Heizer overtakes BLRM-Elias, TK, jolahiti, blackDEVIL47661 and ends the lap in position 14.
[0.0 sec] SanAndreas overtakes BLRM-Elias, TK, jolahiti, blackDEVIL47661 and ends the lap in position 15.
[0.0 sec] TK overtakes jolahiti, blackDEVIL47661 and ends the lap in position 16.
[0.0 sec] Mortimer8701 overtakes BLRM-Elias, jolahiti, blackDEVIL47661 and ends the lap in position 17.
[0.0 sec] Wolfgang Böttcher overtakes kaefer, Klaus, Stefan Hiller, BLRM-Elias, jolahiti, blackDEVIL47661 and ends the lap in position 18.
[0.0 sec] jolahiti overtakes blackDEVIL47661 and ends the lap in position 19.
[0.0 sec] BLRM-Elias overtakes blackDEVIL47661 and ends the lap in position 20.
[0.0 sec] Lahme Ente (KSR) overtakes SmokingBudhha77, Katalysator, kaefer, Klaus, Stefan Hiller, blackDEVIL47661 and ends the lap in position 21.
[0.0 sec] Klaus overtakes Stefan Hiller, blackDEVIL47661 and ends the lap in position 22.
[0.0 sec] kaefer overtakes Stefan Hiller and ends the lap in position 24.
[325.1 sec] Katalysator is out of race. Reason - Suspension.
[125.3 sec] m b69 is out of race. Reason - Collision.
[124.5 sec] RaFoe is out of race. Reason - Suspension.
[222.9 sec] nobbynic ends the lap in position 1 and sets the fastest lap - 1:27.634
[223.6 sec] Baschtard93 ends the lap in position 2 and sets the fastest lap - 1:27.414
[224.4 sec] Ronnsen ends the lap in position 3 and sets the fastest lap - 1:27.021
[225.1 sec] 1337_skyline ends the lap in position 4.
[226.5 sec] mmd-atze ends the lap in position 5.
[227.9 sec] Tobi [GER] ends the lap in position 6.
[228.9 sec] BlackHawk ends the lap in position 7.
[230.0 sec] 21st ends the lap in position 8.
[230.1 sec] Matschex ends the lap in position 9.
[230.5 sec] Grandpa ends the lap in position 10.
[232.7 sec] exbrassi ends the lap in position 11.
[233.6 sec] GTI-Heizer ends the lap in position 12.
[234.1 sec] SanAndreas ends the lap in position 13.
[235.4 sec] TK ends the lap in position 14.
[236.1 sec] Mortimer8701 ends the lap in position 15.
[238.6 sec] jolahiti overtakes Wolfgang Böttcher and ends the lap in position 16.
[239.2 sec] BLRM-Elias overtakes Wolfgang Böttcher and ends the lap in position 17.
[240.0 sec] Lahme Ente (KSR) overtakes Wolfgang Böttcher and ends the lap in position 18.
[240.3 sec] Klaus overtakes Wolfgang Böttcher and ends the lap in position 19.
[251.1 sec] blackDEVIL47661 overtakes Wolfgang Böttcher and ends the lap in position 20.
[262.3 sec] kaefer ends the lap in position 22.
[374.0 sec] SmokingBudhha77 overtakes Stefan Hiller and ends the lap in position 23.
[292.9 sec] Stefan Hiller ends the lap in position 24.
[310.5 sec] nobbynic ends the lap in position 1 and sets the fastest lap - 1:26.859
[330.0 sec] jolahiti overtakes Mortimer8701 and ends the lap in position 15.
[330.8 sec] BLRM-Elias overtakes Mortimer8701 and ends the lap in position 16.
[340.3 sec] blackDEVIL47661 overtakes Klaus, Lahme Ente (KSR), Mortimer8701 and ends the lap in position 17.
[334.3 sec] Lahme Ente (KSR) overtakes Mortimer8701 and ends the lap in position 18.
[342.3 sec] Wolfgang Böttcher overtakes Klaus and ends the lap in position 20.
[509.1 sec] Stefan Hiller overtakes SmokingBudhha77 and ends the lap in position 23.
[607.5 sec] Stefan Hiller is out of race. Reason - DNF.
[398.3 sec] Ronnsen overtakes Baschtard93, nobbynic and ends the lap in position 1.
[398.2 sec] Baschtard93 overtakes nobbynic and ends the lap in position 2.
[401.4 sec] 1337_skyline ends the lap in position 4 and sets the fastest lap - 1:26.838
[402.3 sec] mmd-atze ends the lap in position 5 and sets the fastest lap - 1:26.526
[413.4 sec] SanAndreas overtakes GTI-Heizer and ends the lap in position 12.
[418.2 sec] jolahiti overtakes TK, GTI-Heizer and ends the lap in position 13.
[419.1 sec] BLRM-Elias overtakes TK, GTI-Heizer and ends the lap in position 14.
[417.0 sec] TK overtakes GTI-Heizer and ends the lap in position 15.
[433.1 sec] Mortimer8701 overtakes Lahme Ente (KSR) and ends the lap in position 18.
[777.9 sec] SmokingBudhha77 ends the lap in position 23.
[998.6 sec] SmokingBudhha77 is out of race. Reason - DNF.
[486.0 sec] nobbynic overtakes Baschtard93 and ends the lap in position 2.
[498.2 sec] Matschex overtakes 21st and ends the lap in position 8.
[502.8 sec] exbrassi overtakes Grandpa and ends the lap in position 10.
[503.6 sec] SanAndreas overtakes Grandpa and ends the lap in position 11.
[537.5 sec] Klaus overtakes Wolfgang Böttcher and ends the lap in position 20.
[607.3 sec] blackDEVIL47661 is out of race. Reason - DNF.
[619.9 sec] Lahme Ente (KSR) is out of race. Reason - Suspension.
[594.1 sec] Grandpa overtakes SanAndreas and ends the lap in position 11.
[616.7 sec] Mortimer8701 ends the lap in position 17.
[631.1 sec] Klaus ends the lap in position 18.
[632.3 sec] Wolfgang Böttcher ends the lap in position 19.
[633.2 sec] kaefer ends the lap in position 20.
[687.3 sec] BLRM-Elias overtakes jolahiti, SanAndreas, Grandpa, exbrassi and ends the lap in position 10.
[686.8 sec] jolahiti overtakes SanAndreas, Grandpa and ends the lap in position 12.
[697.0 sec] TK overtakes SanAndreas, Grandpa and ends the lap in position 13.
[697.5 sec] GTI-Heizer overtakes SanAndreas, Grandpa and ends the lap in position 14.
[708.3 sec] Mortimer8701 overtakes SanAndreas, Grandpa and ends the lap in position 15.
[723.0 sec] Klaus overtakes SanAndreas, Grandpa and ends the lap in position 16.
[726.5 sec] Wolfgang Böttcher overtakes SanAndreas, Grandpa and ends the lap in position 17.
[727.7 sec] kaefer overtakes SanAndreas, Grandpa and ends the lap in position 18.
[766.5 sec] 21st is out of race. Reason - Suspension.
[783.6 sec] jolahiti is out of race. Reason - DNF.
[763.0 sec] BlackHawk overtakes Tobi [GER] and ends the lap in position 6.
[778.7 sec] BLRM-Elias ends the lap in position 9.
[780.7 sec] exbrassi ends the lap in position 10.
[788.2 sec] TK ends the lap in position 11.
[788.3 sec] GTI-Heizer ends the lap in position 12.
[799.5 sec] Mortimer8701 ends the lap in position 13.
[825.5 sec] Klaus ends the lap in position 14.
[827.4 sec] Wolfgang Böttcher ends the lap in position 15.
[828.4 sec] kaefer ends the lap in position 16.
[866.1 sec] Grandpa ends the lap in position 17.
[1019.1 sec] SanAndreas ends the lap in position 18.
[921.9 sec] Wolfgang Böttcher is out of race. Reason - DNF.
[833.3 sec] nobbynic overtakes Ronnsen and ends the lap in position 1.
[926.2 sec] kaefer ends the lap in position 15.
[1034.9 sec] Grandpa ends the lap in position 16.
[1156.7 sec] SanAndreas ends the lap in position 17.
[928.0 sec] mmd-atze overtakes 1337_skyline and ends the lap in position 4.
[1009.1 sec] Ronnsen is out of race. Reason - Suspension.
[1013.0 sec] Baschtard93 ends the lap in position 2.
[1016.2 sec] mmd-atze ends the lap in position 3.
[1029.3 sec] BlackHawk overtakes 1337_skyline and ends the lap in position 4.
[1030.8 sec] Tobi [GER] overtakes 1337_skyline and ends the lap in position 5.
[1032.5 sec] Matschex overtakes 1337_skyline and ends the lap in position 6.
[1045.1 sec] BLRM-Elias overtakes 1337_skyline and ends the lap in position 7.
[1056.9 sec] exbrassi overtakes 1337_skyline and ends the lap in position 8.
[1057.6 sec] GTI-Heizer overtakes TK, 1337_skyline and ends the lap in position 9.
[1057.1 sec] TK overtakes 1337_skyline and ends the lap in position 10.
[1074.9 sec] Mortimer8701 overtakes 1337_skyline and ends the lap in position 11.
[1105.6 sec] Klaus overtakes 1337_skyline and ends the lap in position 12.
[1113.2 sec] kaefer ends the lap in position 14.
[1213.5 sec] Grandpa ends the lap in position 15.
[1334.8 sec] SanAndreas ends the lap in position 16.
[1150.3 sec] GTI-Heizer overtakes exbrassi and ends the lap in position 8.
[1222.8 sec] BLRM-Elias is out of race. Reason - DNF.
[1186.4 sec] nobbynic ends the lap in position 1 and sets the fastest lap - 1:26.346
[1242.1 sec] exbrassi overtakes GTI-Heizer and ends the lap in position 7.
[1256.8 sec] TK ends the lap in position 9.
[1259.5 sec] Mortimer8701 ends the lap in position 10.
[1293.8 sec] 1337_skyline overtakes Klaus and ends the lap in position 11.
[1300.6 sec] kaefer ends the lap in position 13.
[1393.9 sec] Grandpa ends the lap in position 14.
[1518.8 sec] SanAndreas ends the lap in position 15.
[1335.9 sec] GTI-Heizer overtakes exbrassi and ends the lap in position 7.
[1347.7 sec] TK overtakes exbrassi and ends the lap in position 8.
[1443.6 sec] Mortimer8701 overtakes exbrassi and ends the lap in position 9.
[1469.9 sec] 1337_skyline overtakes exbrassi and ends the lap in position 10.
[1475.0 sec] Klaus overtakes exbrassi and ends the lap in position 11.
[1488.1 sec] kaefer overtakes exbrassi and ends the lap in position 12.
[1537.3 sec] Mortimer8701 overtakes TK and ends the lap in position 8.
[1632.7 sec] TK is out of race. Reason - DNF.
[1572.8 sec] Matschex overtakes Tobi [GER] and ends the lap in position 5.
[1646.2 sec] 1337_skyline ends the lap in position 9.
[1662.9 sec] Klaus ends the lap in position 10.
[1679.3 sec] kaefer ends the lap in position 11.
[1702.2 sec] exbrassi ends the lap in position 12.
[1753.8 sec] Grandpa ends the lap in position 13.
[1875.1 sec] SanAndreas ends the lap in position 14.
[1702.0 sec] GTI-Heizer overtakes Tobi [GER] and ends the lap in position 6.
[1725.4 sec] Mortimer8701 overtakes Tobi [GER] and ends the lap in position 7.
[1733.4 sec] 1337_skyline overtakes Tobi [GER] and ends the lap in position 8.
[1720.1 sec] mmd-atze overtakes Baschtard93 and ends the lap in position 2.
[1882.5 sec] GTI-Heizer overtakes Matschex and ends the lap in position 5.
[1910.1 sec] 1337_skyline overtakes Mortimer8701, Matschex and ends the lap in position 6.
[1909.9 sec] Mortimer8701 overtakes Matschex and ends the lap in position 7.
[1925.6 sec] Tobi [GER] overtakes Matschex and ends the lap in position 8.
[1977.4 sec] exbrassi overtakes kaefer and ends the lap in position 11.
[2073.9 sec] mmd-atze overtakes nobbynic and ends the lap in position 1.
[2079.1 sec] Baschtard93 overtakes nobbynic and ends the lap in position 2.
[2106.2 sec] BlackHawk overtakes nobbynic and ends the lap in position 3.
[2174.2 sec] 1337_skyline overtakes GTI-Heizer and ends the lap in position 5.
[2191.7 sec] Tobi [GER] overtakes Mortimer8701 and ends the lap in position 7.
[2250.3 sec] exbrassi overtakes Klaus and ends the lap in position 10.
[2268.3 sec] kaefer overtakes Klaus and ends the lap in position 11.
[2195.8 sec] BlackHawk overtakes Baschtard93, mmd-atze and ends the lap in position 1.
[2227.1 sec] nobbynic overtakes Baschtard93, mmd-atze and ends the lap in position 2.
[2262.8 sec] 1337_skyline overtakes Baschtard93 and ends the lap in position 4.
[2280.7 sec] Tobi [GER] overtakes GTI-Heizer and ends the lap in position 6.
[2302.2 sec] Matschex overtakes Mortimer8701, GTI-Heizer and ends the lap in position 7.
[2352.0 sec] exbrassi overtakes Mortimer8701, GTI-Heizer and ends the lap in position 8.
[2427.5 sec] Klaus overtakes kaefer and ends the lap in position 11.
[2351.5 sec] Baschtard93 overtakes 1337_skyline and ends the lap in position 4.
[2447.4 sec] GTI-Heizer overtakes exbrassi and ends the lap in position 8.
[2574.8 sec] Grandpa overtakes kaefer and ends the lap in position 12.
[2421.4 sec] nobbynic overtakes BlackHawk and ends the lap in position 1.
[2433.7 sec] mmd-atze overtakes BlackHawk and ends the lap in position 2.
[2439.9 sec] Baschtard93 overtakes BlackHawk and ends the lap in position 3.
[2443.3 sec] 1337_skyline overtakes BlackHawk and ends the lap in position 4.
[2459.9 sec] Tobi [GER] overtakes BlackHawk and ends the lap in position 5.
[2538.1 sec] exbrassi overtakes GTI-Heizer and ends the lap in position 8.
[2507.9 sec] nobbynic ends the lap in position 1 and sets the fastest lap - 1:25.917
[2549.4 sec] Tobi [GER] overtakes 1337_skyline and ends the lap in position 4.
[2564.6 sec] BlackHawk overtakes 1337_skyline and ends the lap in position 5.
[2568.4 sec] Matschex overtakes 1337_skyline and ends the lap in position 6.
[2661.9 sec] Mortimer8701 overtakes GTI-Heizer and ends the lap in position 9.
[2703.7 sec] Klaus overtakes GTI-Heizer and ends the lap in position 10.
[2752.9 sec] Grandpa overtakes GTI-Heizer and ends the lap in position 11.
[2765.2 sec] kaefer overtakes GTI-Heizer and ends the lap in position 12.
[2860.2 sec] SanAndreas overtakes GTI-Heizer and ends the lap in position 13.
[2593.8 sec] nobbynic ends the lap in position 1 and sets the fastest lap - 1:25.661
[2614.7 sec] Baschtard93 overtakes mmd-atze and ends the lap in position 2.
[2937.4 sec] Mortimer8701 overtakes exbrassi and ends the lap in position 8.
[2977.2 sec] Klaus overtakes exbrassi and ends the lap in position 9.
[3046.2 sec] kaefer overtakes Grandpa and ends the lap in position 11.
[2918.8 sec] BlackHawk overtakes Tobi [GER] and ends the lap in position 4.
[3196.9 sec] Grandpa overtakes kaefer and ends the lap in position 11.
[3214.4 sec] SanAndreas overtakes kaefer and ends the lap in position 12.
[3514.4 sec] kaefer is out of race. Reason - Collision.
[3012.7 sec] Matschex overtakes Tobi [GER] and ends the lap in position 5.
[3303.3 sec] SanAndreas overtakes Grandpa and ends the lap in position 11.
[3329.9 sec] 1337_skyline overtakes Tobi [GER] and ends the lap in position 6.
[3685.3 sec] 1337_skyline overtakes Matschex and ends the lap in position 5.
[3730.7 sec] Tobi [GER] overtakes Matschex and ends the lap in position 6.
[4284.1 sec] SanAndreas is out of race. Reason - DQ.
nobbynic wins the race 50.034 sec ahead of Baschtard93
Last of the podium finishers is mmd-atze, finishing 50.823 sec behind the winner.