[01] Crap Junkie | |
| [02] J4FTobinator |
[03] DR Gonzo | |
| [04] Eisenprinz |
[05] keeks | |
| [06] Sheik Yerbouti |
[07] KFB | |
| [08] XXS-Raser |
[09] Janosch[GR] | |
| [10] mik3 cb |
[11] Tarric | |
| [12] jolle |
[13] Sputnik | |
| [14] Philipp |
[15] SanAndreas | |
| [16] Muhlai |
[17] Elfe46 | |
| [18] Chrisly |
[19] dazz | |
| [20] Jochua |
[21] Steen St | |
| [22] REM |
[23] greec22 | |
| [24] BadMad |
[25] RIHA | |
| [26] tury75 |
[27] themidlander | |
| [28] kryton |
[0.0 sec] J4FTobinator overtakes Crap Junkie, ends the lap in position 1 and sets the fastest lap - 1:55.607
[0.0 sec] Sputnik overtakes jolle, Tarric, mik3 cb, Janosch[GR], XXS-Raser, KFB, Sheik Yerbouti, keeks, Eisenprinz, DR Gonzo, Crap Junkie and ends the lap in position 2.
[0.0 sec] RIHA overtakes BadMad, greec22, REM, Steen St, Jochua, dazz, Chrisly, Elfe46, Muhlai, SanAndreas, Philipp, jolle, Tarric, mik3 cb, Janosch[GR], XXS-Raser, KFB, Sheik Yerbouti, keeks, Eisenprinz, DR Gonzo, Crap Junkie and ends the lap in position 3.
[0.0 sec] tury75 overtakes BadMad, greec22, REM, Steen St, Jochua, dazz, Chrisly, Elfe46, Muhlai, SanAndreas, Philipp, jolle, Tarric, mik3 cb, Janosch[GR], XXS-Raser, KFB, Sheik Yerbouti, keeks, Eisenprinz, DR Gonzo, Crap Junkie and ends the lap in position 4.
[0.0 sec] Eisenprinz overtakes DR Gonzo and ends the lap in position 6.
[0.0 sec] KFB overtakes Sheik Yerbouti, keeks and ends the lap in position 8.
[0.0 sec] Tarric overtakes mik3 cb, Janosch[GR], XXS-Raser, Sheik Yerbouti and ends the lap in position 10.
[0.0 sec] Janosch[GR] overtakes XXS-Raser and ends the lap in position 12.
[0.0 sec] jolle overtakes mik3 cb, XXS-Raser and ends the lap in position 13.
[0.0 sec] SanAndreas overtakes Philipp, mik3 cb, XXS-Raser and ends the lap in position 14.
[0.0 sec] Muhlai overtakes Philipp, mik3 cb, XXS-Raser and ends the lap in position 15.
[0.0 sec] Philipp overtakes mik3 cb, XXS-Raser and ends the lap in position 16.
[0.0 sec] Elfe46 overtakes mik3 cb, XXS-Raser and ends the lap in position 17.
[0.0 sec] dazz overtakes Chrisly, mik3 cb and ends the lap in position 19.
[0.0 sec] Chrisly overtakes mik3 cb and ends the lap in position 20.
[0.0 sec] BadMad overtakes greec22, REM, Steen St, Jochua and ends the lap in position 22.
[0.0 sec] REM overtakes Steen St, Jochua and ends the lap in position 23.
[0.0 sec] Steen St overtakes Jochua and ends the lap in position 24.
[0.0 sec] kryton overtakes themidlander, greec22, Jochua and ends the lap in position 25.
[0.0 sec] themidlander overtakes greec22, Jochua and ends the lap in position 26.
[0.0 sec] greec22 overtakes Jochua and ends the lap in position 27.
[136.9 sec] tury75 is out of race. Reason - DNF.
[123.9 sec] Sputnik overtakes J4FTobinator and ends the lap in position 1.
[244.8 sec] Crap Junkie overtakes RIHA, ends the lap in position 3 and sets the fastest lap - 1:46.472
[245.6 sec] Eisenprinz overtakes RIHA and ends the lap in position 4.
[247.0 sec] DR Gonzo overtakes RIHA and ends the lap in position 5.
[247.3 sec] KFB overtakes RIHA and ends the lap in position 6.
[248.0 sec] keeks overtakes RIHA and ends the lap in position 7.
[249.6 sec] Sheik Yerbouti overtakes Tarric, RIHA and ends the lap in position 8.
[250.9 sec] jolle overtakes Janosch[GR], Tarric, RIHA and ends the lap in position 9.
[250.0 sec] Janosch[GR] overtakes Tarric, RIHA and ends the lap in position 10.
[248.4 sec] Tarric overtakes RIHA and ends the lap in position 11.
[253.4 sec] Philipp overtakes Muhlai, SanAndreas, RIHA and ends the lap in position 12.
[255.7 sec] dazz overtakes XXS-Raser, Elfe46, Muhlai, SanAndreas, RIHA and ends the lap in position 13.
[255.4 sec] XXS-Raser overtakes Elfe46, Muhlai, SanAndreas, RIHA and ends the lap in position 14.
[252.3 sec] SanAndreas overtakes RIHA and ends the lap in position 15.
[258.5 sec] Chrisly overtakes Elfe46, Muhlai, RIHA and ends the lap in position 16.
[260.2 sec] mik3 cb overtakes Elfe46, Muhlai, RIHA and ends the lap in position 17.
[261.3 sec] REM overtakes BadMad, Elfe46, Muhlai, RIHA and ends the lap in position 18.
[260.9 sec] BadMad overtakes Elfe46, Muhlai, RIHA and ends the lap in position 19.
[255.1 sec] Elfe46 overtakes Muhlai, RIHA and ends the lap in position 20.
[261.9 sec] Steen St overtakes Muhlai, RIHA and ends the lap in position 21.
[265.1 sec] themidlander overtakes kryton, Muhlai, RIHA and ends the lap in position 22.
[264.2 sec] kryton overtakes Muhlai, RIHA and ends the lap in position 23.
[252.7 sec] Muhlai overtakes RIHA and ends the lap in position 24.
[267.4 sec] Jochua overtakes greec22, RIHA and ends the lap in position 25.
[350.8 sec] J4FTobinator overtakes Sputnik and ends the lap in position 1.
[351.2 sec] Crap Junkie overtakes Sputnik and ends the lap in position 2.
[352.4 sec] Eisenprinz overtakes Sputnik and ends the lap in position 3.
[355.1 sec] DR Gonzo overtakes Sputnik and ends the lap in position 4.
[356.1 sec] keeks overtakes KFB, Sputnik and ends the lap in position 5.
[355.6 sec] KFB overtakes Sputnik and ends the lap in position 6.
[359.3 sec] jolle overtakes Sheik Yerbouti, Sputnik and ends the lap in position 7.
[360.0 sec] Janosch[GR] overtakes Sheik Yerbouti, Sputnik and ends the lap in position 8.
[361.9 sec] Tarric overtakes Sheik Yerbouti, Sputnik and ends the lap in position 9.
[358.2 sec] Sheik Yerbouti overtakes Sputnik and ends the lap in position 10.
[363.6 sec] Philipp overtakes Sputnik and ends the lap in position 11.
[365.8 sec] XXS-Raser overtakes dazz, Sputnik and ends the lap in position 12.
[365.8 sec] dazz overtakes Sputnik and ends the lap in position 13.
[369.0 sec] SanAndreas overtakes Sputnik and ends the lap in position 14.
[370.9 sec] mik3 cb overtakes Chrisly, Sputnik and ends the lap in position 15.
[370.6 sec] Chrisly overtakes Sputnik and ends the lap in position 16.
[376.3 sec] Elfe46 overtakes BadMad, REM and ends the lap in position 18.
[377.2 sec] Steen St overtakes BadMad, REM and ends the lap in position 19.
[380.8 sec] Jochua overtakes Muhlai, kryton, themidlander and ends the lap in position 22.
[379.2 sec] Muhlai overtakes kryton, themidlander and ends the lap in position 23.
[387.6 sec] RIHA overtakes kryton, themidlander and ends the lap in position 24.
[479.0 sec] SanAndreas overtakes dazz and ends the lap in position 13.
[500.3 sec] Muhlai overtakes Jochua and ends the lap in position 22.
[511.4 sec] themidlander overtakes RIHA and ends the lap in position 24.
[517.6 sec] greec22 overtakes kryton, RIHA and ends the lap in position 25.
[513.1 sec] kryton overtakes RIHA and ends the lap in position 26.
[723.6 sec] RIHA is out of race. Reason - Suspension.
[565.2 sec] J4FTobinator ends the lap in position 1 and sets the fastest lap - 1:46.410
[566.3 sec] Crap Junkie ends the lap in position 2 and sets the fastest lap - 1:46.042
[576.9 sec] Janosch[GR] overtakes jolle and ends the lap in position 7.
[579.3 sec] Tarric overtakes jolle and ends the lap in position 8.
[579.7 sec] Sheik Yerbouti overtakes jolle and ends the lap in position 9.
[581.3 sec] Philipp overtakes jolle and ends the lap in position 10.
[583.5 sec] XXS-Raser overtakes jolle and ends the lap in position 11.
[589.9 sec] mik3 cb overtakes dazz and ends the lap in position 14.
[590.8 sec] Chrisly overtakes dazz and ends the lap in position 15.
[590.9 sec] Sputnik overtakes dazz and ends the lap in position 16.
[596.6 sec] Elfe46 overtakes dazz and ends the lap in position 17.
[597.6 sec] Steen St overtakes dazz and ends the lap in position 18.
[611.2 sec] Jochua overtakes Muhlai and ends the lap in position 22.
[633.2 sec] kryton overtakes greec22 and ends the lap in position 25.
[689.1 sec] Tarric is out of race. Reason - DNF.
[672.3 sec] Crap Junkie overtakes J4FTobinator and ends the lap in position 1.
[677.2 sec] DR Gonzo overtakes Eisenprinz and ends the lap in position 3.
[678.4 sec] keeks overtakes Eisenprinz and ends the lap in position 4.
[689.8 sec] Sheik Yerbouti ends the lap in position 8.
[690.7 sec] Philipp ends the lap in position 9.
[691.8 sec] XXS-Raser ends the lap in position 10.
[696.9 sec] jolle ends the lap in position 11.
[697.9 sec] SanAndreas ends the lap in position 12.
[698.5 sec] mik3 cb ends the lap in position 13.
[700.8 sec] Sputnik overtakes Chrisly and ends the lap in position 14.
[706.9 sec] Elfe46 ends the lap in position 16.
[707.2 sec] Steen St ends the lap in position 17.
[708.8 sec] dazz ends the lap in position 18.
[719.5 sec] REM ends the lap in position 19.
[722.6 sec] Jochua overtakes BadMad and ends the lap in position 20.
[725.6 sec] Muhlai overtakes BadMad and ends the lap in position 21.
[730.5 sec] themidlander ends the lap in position 23.
[747.3 sec] greec22 overtakes kryton and ends the lap in position 24.
[809.2 sec] mik3 cb overtakes SanAndreas and ends the lap in position 12.
[817.3 sec] Steen St overtakes Elfe46 and ends the lap in position 16.
[834.6 sec] Muhlai overtakes Jochua and ends the lap in position 20.
[835.2 sec] BadMad overtakes Jochua and ends the lap in position 21.
[869.5 sec] kryton overtakes greec22 and ends the lap in position 24.
[892.0 sec] DR Gonzo overtakes J4FTobinator and ends the lap in position 2.
[892.1 sec] keeks overtakes J4FTobinator and ends the lap in position 3.
[893.3 sec] Eisenprinz overtakes J4FTobinator and ends the lap in position 4.
[893.6 sec] KFB overtakes J4FTobinator and ends the lap in position 5.
[900.1 sec] Janosch[GR] overtakes J4FTobinator and ends the lap in position 6.
[918.8 sec] SanAndreas overtakes mik3 cb and ends the lap in position 12.
[948.9 sec] themidlander overtakes Jochua, BadMad, Muhlai and ends the lap in position 20.
[947.0 sec] Jochua overtakes BadMad, Muhlai and ends the lap in position 21.
[1013.0 sec] J4FTobinator overtakes Janosch[GR] and ends the lap in position 6.
[1017.5 sec] Philipp overtakes Sheik Yerbouti and ends the lap in position 8.
[1064.1 sec] Muhlai overtakes Jochua and ends the lap in position 21.
[1219.8 sec] kryton is out of race. Reason - Suspension.
[1108.0 sec] Eisenprinz overtakes keeks and ends the lap in position 3.
[1108.4 sec] KFB overtakes keeks and ends the lap in position 4.
[1126.7 sec] Sheik Yerbouti overtakes Philipp, Janosch[GR] and ends the lap in position 7.
[1125.9 sec] Philipp overtakes Janosch[GR] and ends the lap in position 8.
[1127.7 sec] XXS-Raser overtakes Janosch[GR] and ends the lap in position 9.
[1138.0 sec] SanAndreas overtakes jolle and ends the lap in position 11.
[1143.5 sec] mik3 cb overtakes jolle and ends the lap in position 12.
[1147.7 sec] Steen St overtakes Chrisly and ends the lap in position 15.
[1161.0 sec] dazz overtakes Elfe46 and ends the lap in position 17.
[1167.8 sec] themidlander overtakes REM and ends the lap in position 19.
[1176.8 sec] BadMad overtakes Jochua, Muhlai and ends the lap in position 21.
[1173.4 sec] Jochua overtakes Muhlai and ends the lap in position 22.
[1287.8 sec] greec22 ends the lap in position 24.
[1236.6 sec] Philipp overtakes Sheik Yerbouti and ends the lap in position 7.
[1237.5 sec] XXS-Raser overtakes Sheik Yerbouti and ends the lap in position 8.
[1240.0 sec] Janosch[GR] overtakes Sheik Yerbouti and ends the lap in position 9.
[1253.2 sec] mik3 cb overtakes SanAndreas and ends the lap in position 11.
[1254.2 sec] jolle overtakes SanAndreas and ends the lap in position 12.
[1254.6 sec] Sputnik overtakes SanAndreas and ends the lap in position 13.
[1276.5 sec] themidlander overtakes Elfe46, dazz and ends the lap in position 17.
[1276.2 sec] Elfe46 overtakes dazz and ends the lap in position 18.
[1291.0 sec] Muhlai overtakes Jochua, BadMad and ends the lap in position 21.
[1290.0 sec] Jochua overtakes BadMad and ends the lap in position 22.
[1327.2 sec] keeks overtakes KFB and ends the lap in position 4.
[1345.8 sec] XXS-Raser overtakes Philipp and ends the lap in position 7.
[1347.8 sec] Janosch[GR] overtakes Philipp and ends the lap in position 8.
[1361.7 sec] mik3 cb overtakes Sheik Yerbouti and ends the lap in position 10.
[1363.4 sec] jolle overtakes Sheik Yerbouti and ends the lap in position 11.
[1366.9 sec] SanAndreas overtakes Sputnik, Sheik Yerbouti and ends the lap in position 12.
[1367.6 sec] Steen St overtakes Sputnik, Sheik Yerbouti and ends the lap in position 13.
[1377.6 sec] Chrisly overtakes Sputnik, Sheik Yerbouti and ends the lap in position 14.
[1387.2 sec] themidlander overtakes Sputnik and ends the lap in position 16.
[1389.7 sec] dazz overtakes Elfe46, Sputnik and ends the lap in position 17.
[1391.1 sec] REM overtakes Elfe46, Sputnik and ends the lap in position 18.
[1401.4 sec] Muhlai overtakes Elfe46, Sputnik and ends the lap in position 19.
[1402.7 sec] Jochua overtakes Elfe46, Sputnik and ends the lap in position 20.
[1409.1 sec] BadMad overtakes Elfe46 and ends the lap in position 22.
[1470.9 sec] mik3 cb overtakes Philipp and ends the lap in position 9.
[1476.6 sec] Steen St overtakes SanAndreas and ends the lap in position 12.
[1506.0 sec] REM overtakes dazz and ends the lap in position 17.
[1776.0 sec] greec22 is out of race. Reason - DNF.
[1544.6 sec] KFB overtakes keeks and ends the lap in position 4.
[1546.7 sec] J4FTobinator overtakes keeks and ends the lap in position 5.
[1566.6 sec] XXS-Raser overtakes keeks and ends the lap in position 6.
[1571.9 sec] Janosch[GR] overtakes keeks and ends the lap in position 7.
[1579.7 sec] mik3 cb overtakes keeks and ends the lap in position 8.
[1582.3 sec] Philipp overtakes keeks and ends the lap in position 9.
[1583.3 sec] jolle overtakes keeks and ends the lap in position 10.
[1585.6 sec] Steen St overtakes keeks and ends the lap in position 11.
[1589.8 sec] SanAndreas overtakes keeks and ends the lap in position 12.
[1601.5 sec] Chrisly overtakes keeks and ends the lap in position 13.
[1613.7 sec] Sheik Yerbouti overtakes keeks and ends the lap in position 14.
[1616.4 sec] themidlander overtakes keeks and ends the lap in position 15.
[1625.7 sec] Jochua overtakes Muhlai and ends the lap in position 19.
[1738.6 sec] dazz is out of race. Reason - Out of fuel.
[1722.8 sec] Sheik Yerbouti is out of race. Reason - DQ.
[1652.5 sec] KFB overtakes Eisenprinz and ends the lap in position 3.
[1653.6 sec] J4FTobinator overtakes Eisenprinz and ends the lap in position 4.
[1726.4 sec] themidlander ends the lap in position 14.
[1727.4 sec] keeks ends the lap in position 15.
[1744.6 sec] Muhlai overtakes Jochua, REM and ends the lap in position 16.
[1749.7 sec] Sputnik overtakes Jochua, REM and ends the lap in position 17.
[1767.2 sec] BadMad overtakes Jochua and ends the lap in position 19.
[1838.6 sec] Elfe46 ends the lap in position 21.
[1835.6 sec] themidlander overtakes Chrisly and ends the lap in position 13.
[1849.8 sec] keeks overtakes Chrisly and ends the lap in position 14.
[1860.6 sec] Sputnik overtakes Muhlai and ends the lap in position 16.
[1889.7 sec] Eisenprinz is out of race. Reason - Suspension.
[1896.9 sec] Janosch[GR] is out of race. Reason - DNF.
[1908.7 sec] mik3 cb overtakes XXS-Raser, J4FTobinator, KFB, DR Gonzo and ends the lap in position 2.
[1909.6 sec] Philipp overtakes XXS-Raser, J4FTobinator, KFB, DR Gonzo and ends the lap in position 3.
[1910.5 sec] jolle overtakes XXS-Raser, J4FTobinator, KFB, DR Gonzo and ends the lap in position 4.
[1917.4 sec] SanAndreas overtakes Steen St, XXS-Raser, J4FTobinator, KFB, DR Gonzo and ends the lap in position 5.
[1961.1 sec] Chrisly overtakes keeks, themidlander, Steen St, XXS-Raser and ends the lap in position 9.
[1957.3 sec] keeks overtakes themidlander, Steen St and ends the lap in position 11.
[1969.7 sec] Sputnik overtakes themidlander, Steen St and ends the lap in position 12.
[1970.5 sec] Muhlai overtakes themidlander, Steen St and ends the lap in position 13.
[1992.8 sec] BadMad overtakes REM, themidlander, Steen St and ends the lap in position 14.
[1982.5 sec] REM overtakes themidlander, Steen St and ends the lap in position 15.
[2060.9 sec] Elfe46 overtakes Jochua and ends the lap in position 18.
[1994.9 sec] Jochua ends the lap in position 19.
[2025.5 sec] SanAndreas overtakes jolle, Philipp and ends the lap in position 3.
[2051.9 sec] DR Gonzo overtakes jolle, Philipp and ends the lap in position 4.
[2060.1 sec] KFB overtakes jolle, Philipp and ends the lap in position 5.
[2078.7 sec] Sputnik overtakes keeks, XXS-Raser, Chrisly, J4FTobinator, jolle, Philipp and ends the lap in position 6.
[2070.0 sec] J4FTobinator overtakes jolle, Philipp and ends the lap in position 7.
[2075.8 sec] XXS-Raser overtakes Chrisly, jolle, Philipp and ends the lap in position 8.
[2077.3 sec] keeks overtakes Chrisly, jolle, Philipp and ends the lap in position 9.
[2087.1 sec] Muhlai overtakes Chrisly, jolle, Philipp and ends the lap in position 10.
[2124.2 sec] Steen St overtakes REM, BadMad, Chrisly and ends the lap in position 13.
[2151.5 sec] themidlander overtakes REM, BadMad and ends the lap in position 15.
[2171.3 sec] Elfe46 overtakes REM and ends the lap in position 17.
[2189.0 sec] J4FTobinator overtakes Sputnik and ends the lap in position 6.
[2196.1 sec] XXS-Raser overtakes Sputnik and ends the lap in position 7.
[2197.4 sec] keeks overtakes Sputnik and ends the lap in position 8.
[2209.8 sec] Philipp overtakes Muhlai, Sputnik and ends the lap in position 9.
[2218.2 sec] jolle overtakes Muhlai, Sputnik and ends the lap in position 10.
[2247.2 sec] Steen St overtakes Muhlai, Sputnik and ends the lap in position 11.
[2272.4 sec] themidlander overtakes Chrisly and ends the lap in position 14.
[2282.6 sec] Elfe46 overtakes BadMad and ends the lap in position 16.
[2281.5 sec] DR Gonzo overtakes SanAndreas, mik3 cb and ends the lap in position 2.
[2288.5 sec] KFB overtakes SanAndreas, mik3 cb and ends the lap in position 3.
[2295.2 sec] J4FTobinator overtakes SanAndreas, mik3 cb and ends the lap in position 4.
[2305.5 sec] XXS-Raser overtakes SanAndreas, mik3 cb and ends the lap in position 5.
[2314.7 sec] keeks overtakes SanAndreas, mik3 cb and ends the lap in position 6.
[2250.9 sec] SanAndreas overtakes mik3 cb and ends the lap in position 7.
[2364.1 sec] Sputnik overtakes Steen St and ends the lap in position 11.
[2382.6 sec] themidlander overtakes Muhlai and ends the lap in position 13.
[2387.4 sec] Chrisly overtakes Muhlai and ends the lap in position 14.
[2420.5 sec] Jochua overtakes REM and ends the lap in position 18.
[2389.2 sec] DR Gonzo is out of race. Reason - Engine.
[2395.6 sec] KFB ends the lap in position 2.
[2401.5 sec] J4FTobinator ends the lap in position 3 and sets the fastest lap - 1:45.989
[2415.2 sec] XXS-Raser ends the lap in position 4.
[2421.8 sec] keeks ends the lap in position 5.
[2436.6 sec] mik3 cb overtakes SanAndreas and ends the lap in position 6.
[2438.5 sec] Philipp overtakes SanAndreas and ends the lap in position 7.
[2485.0 sec] Sputnik overtakes jolle and ends the lap in position 9.
[2485.4 sec] Steen St overtakes jolle and ends the lap in position 10.
[2491.2 sec] themidlander overtakes jolle and ends the lap in position 11.
[2497.0 sec] Chrisly ends the lap in position 13.
[2506.5 sec] Muhlai ends the lap in position 14.
[2512.7 sec] Elfe46 ends the lap in position 15.
[2526.8 sec] BadMad ends the lap in position 16.
[2533.2 sec] Jochua ends the lap in position 17.
[2542.7 sec] REM ends the lap in position 18.
[2554.0 sec] SanAndreas overtakes Philipp and ends the lap in position 7.
[2606.6 sec] Chrisly overtakes jolle and ends the lap in position 12.
[2619.1 sec] Muhlai overtakes jolle and ends the lap in position 13.
[2707.9 sec] themidlander overtakes Steen St and ends the lap in position 10.
[2738.9 sec] Elfe46 overtakes jolle and ends the lap in position 14.
[2866.3 sec] Jochua overtakes BadMad and ends the lap in position 16.
[3005.0 sec] REM overtakes BadMad and ends the lap in position 17.
[2932.8 sec] KFB overtakes Crap Junkie and ends the lap in position 1.
[2934.9 sec] J4FTobinator overtakes Crap Junkie and ends the lap in position 2.
[3032.0 sec] themidlander overtakes Sputnik and ends the lap in position 9.
[3090.4 sec] Jochua overtakes jolle and ends the lap in position 15.
[3065.2 sec] XXS-Raser overtakes Crap Junkie and ends the lap in position 3.
[3073.1 sec] keeks overtakes Crap Junkie and ends the lap in position 4.
[3087.8 sec] mik3 cb overtakes Crap Junkie and ends the lap in position 5.
[3358.5 sec] themidlander overtakes Philipp and ends the lap in position 8.
[3362.7 sec] Sputnik overtakes Philipp and ends the lap in position 9.
[3374.7 sec] Steen St overtakes Philipp and ends the lap in position 10.
[3364.6 sec] J4FTobinator overtakes KFB and ends the lap in position 1.
[3428.5 sec] Crap Junkie overtakes mik3 cb and ends the lap in position 5.
[3499.9 sec] Chrisly overtakes Philipp and ends the lap in position 11.
[3541.5 sec] Jochua overtakes Elfe46 and ends the lap in position 14.
[3537.5 sec] mik3 cb overtakes Crap Junkie and ends the lap in position 5.
[3546.6 sec] SanAndreas overtakes Crap Junkie and ends the lap in position 6.
[3847.7 sec] BadMad overtakes REM and ends the lap in position 17.
[3615.3 sec] keeks overtakes XXS-Raser and ends the lap in position 3.
[3835.3 sec] Philipp overtakes Chrisly, Steen St, Sputnik, themidlander, Crap Junkie, SanAndreas, mik3 cb, XXS-Raser and ends the lap in position 4.
[3755.2 sec] mik3 cb overtakes XXS-Raser and ends the lap in position 5.
[3864.5 sec] mik3 cb overtakes Philipp and ends the lap in position 4.
[3866.0 sec] XXS-Raser overtakes Philipp and ends the lap in position 5.
[3872.7 sec] SanAndreas overtakes Philipp and ends the lap in position 6.
[3898.3 sec] Crap Junkie overtakes Philipp and ends the lap in position 7.
[3900.4 sec] themidlander overtakes Philipp and ends the lap in position 8.
J4FTobinator wins the race 2.224 sec ahead of KFB
Last of the podium finishers is keeks, finishing 36.119 sec behind the winner.