20170321 GTRS Sebring

Gesendet: 19 Mär 2017 19:09 von jocobre #322516
jocobres Avatar
Any DLC needed? And if so, which ones?
Gesendet: 19 Mär 2017 19:54 von Spacemansteve1 #322518
Spacemansteve1s Avatar
Hello Jocobre

You need the Expension Packs GTR-Evolution; STCC2 and GT Power Expansion. You also need the Track Sebring from our Autoupdater and The Golf 1 Mod.

See you
Gesendet: 19 Mär 2017 22:35 von jocobre #322524
jocobres Avatar
Thanks for the reply!
Unfortunately, I only have GTRE and autoupdater mods. Will I be able to play on any of your servers/events without other DLC?
Sorry, I'm new to Race :D
Gesendet: 20 Mär 2017 01:34 von jocobre #322531
jocobres Avatar
Disregard, I bought those DLC B)
Gesendet: 21 Mär 2017 14:57 von Marlowemaniac #322579
Marlowemaniacs Avatar
Found this track guide. Maybe a bit old. Please post a better one if you find one. I am looking forward to this race tonight. I will start practice and setup an hour before official practice.
Gesendet: 22 Mär 2017 01:11 von Marlowemaniac #322588
Marlowemaniacs Avatar
Did the one hour race without pitstop but due too gasoline miscalculation and driving mistakes some of those laps had to be very slow indeed. I wasn't lonely though; I think I got to see everyone :)
Gesendet: 22 Mär 2017 22:18 von jocobre #322611
jocobres Avatar
Oh, you've seen me at least 3 times xD