20160628 GTRS at Paul Ricard

Gesendet: 28 Jun 2016 17:21 von AHGT3 #316730
AHGT3s Avatar
What track is it? Also does anyone know why the heads up display is no longer working?

Gesendet: 28 Jun 2016 17:50 von CrxSvenJDM #316732
CrxSvenJDMs Avatar
It´s Paul Ricard test track. The XD tool doesnt work since the last update of Race07.
Gesendet: 28 Jun 2016 17:53 von AHGT3 #316733
AHGT3s Avatar
but there are so many options!
CrxSvenJDM schrieb:
It´s Paul Ricard test track. The XD tool doesnt work since the last update of Race07.
Gesendet: 28 Jun 2016 18:18 von Dreikäsehoch #316734
Dreikäsehochs Avatar
The track on the pic is Paul Ricard HTTT PR
Gesendet: 29 Jun 2016 13:48 von Marlowemaniac #316764
Marlowemaniacs Avatar
Practiced with Viper and Mercedes. Loved the engine sound of the Merc but I was 1 second a lap slower in it so I chose the Viper.

I made a good start, sorry if I was too forceful - I will look at the replay if I get time.

I had a full fuel tank and hard slicks but managed to stay 6th for a few laps. I let the faster chaps past with no drama when they eventually caught up with me.

I then lost my rhythm and started to make mistakes trying to keep up with them and I got a stop/go penalty. I should have taken it but decided to take it on the next lap instead. I then made a big mistake and picked up two more stop/go penalties in one mistake.

I took two of the stop go penalties. I came in for the third one but realized I only had 3 liters of gasoline left and the Viper drinks gasoline like I drink beer. I decided to postphone the stop and go, fill my fuel tank, change my tires, then reverse out of the pit entry when my track map showed it was safe. I then drove back into the pits (to take my third stop/go penalty) but I got a DQ for my antics (correctly of course). Next time I will take the stop/go penalties as soon as possible.

So my race only lasted half an hour but I enjoyed it a lot. For some reason I seemed the only one to be taking the first chicane flat out? Maybe some of the faster chaps did also. It was possible to do with front splitter at 2 and almost touching the barrier on the left.

I am loving GTRS.! :)
Gesendet: 29 Jun 2016 14:17 von Marlowemaniac #316765
Marlowemaniacs Avatar
Sorry if I joined too late. I see from the results the game put me in the first position in the lap 1.

I do not have a replay of the race. This is because I was watching the race and started to record (via Fraps) and my game crashed. Does anyone have a link to the replay files? No worries if no.
Gesendet: 29 Jun 2016 15:23 von Frueh^ #316768
Frueh^s Avatar
Perhaps Mökkingen has one for you :-)

I joined 30 sec before start and also led one round. seems that theres a little mistake in the map.
Gesendet: 29 Jun 2016 22:25 von Mokkönen #316783
Mokkönens Avatar
I don´t know where i can find the file, but your move to come back on the track in turn one destroyed completly my race!
You crashed in to Spacemansteve and he crashed in to me! You weren´t on the brakes! That was totaly crasy!
I hope next time you will be a bit composed!
Gesendet: 30 Jun 2016 11:28 von Marlowemaniac #316792
Marlowemaniacs Avatar
I don't remember what happened and would like to see the replay. The VCR archive over at www.weissbier-bude.de gives me "permission denied".

The replay lives here:
C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\SimBin\RACE 07\REPLAYDATA
(Administrator or the name of your Windows user account).

I guess I thought 'if me and the fast guys can take turn one flat on a flying lap they would also take it very fast side by side at the start'.

Maybe there was an incident or maybe they were just more careful than I expected.

I usually have my laptop within reach of holding down the escape key on my keyboard to dissapear from the track (when I am heading for a big crash with people) but on Tuesday I had my wheel in front of a large TV and my laptop behind the TV out of my reach.

I am very sorry for not waiting. I usually wait if I think the accident is my fault. I guess I did not think Lap1 Turn1 smash was my fault so I did not wait. I am probably wrong about this so a very big sorry from me.

May be it's best if I start from the back in future like I do on public servers. I do this by driving wrong way down pits at the very end of quallyto get a DQ from qually to put me at the back.
Gesendet: 30 Jun 2016 14:37 von Dreikäsehoch #316796
Dreikäsehochs Avatar
Hi Marlowe

This is my Replay from the race.

Datei von filehorst.de laden
Gesendet: 30 Jun 2016 19:11 von Marlowemaniac #316802
Marlowemaniacs Avatar
Hi. Thanks for the replay. I see Lap 1 Turn 1 incident as a racing incident. I wanted to come back on track at the apex of turn 2 in order to avoid a tack cut warning. I was still off the circuit when my rear bumper hit Steve's nose so I don't think I was at fault. Nobody else was at fault either. If I was in a Ferrari maybe Steve would have heared me come alongside him and given me more room to come back onto the circuit. He could not hear my car because there was a Ferrari screaming at him behind.
Gesendet: 30 Jun 2016 19:17 von Marlowemaniac #316803
Marlowemaniacs Avatar

Gesendet: 30 Jun 2016 19:41 von Marlowemaniac #316804
Marlowemaniacs Avatar
I could have slowed right down instead of thinking I could get past the three of you but that could have caused bunching up behind with everyone having to slow down more and more until a crush. I think sometimes its better to drive arround.

I notice the first two placed drivers took turn 1 and 2 flat at the start but they were in single file. I figured if I can take turn one and two flat on a flying lap then it should be ok to go that fast from a standing start (lap 1 turn 1). I did not figure on the cars infront being so slow (because of the need to be side by side). This was a mistake.

OK so mostly my fault I now think so sorry to Neteye, Steve, and Mökkönen for my full speed no brakes.
Gesendet: 30 Jun 2016 20:51 von Marlowemaniac #316807
Marlowemaniacs Avatar
Aslo big difference in speed of Viper from standing start. I know this from the Nords 24hrs races. I should take this more into account.
Gesendet: 30 Jun 2016 21:45 von Mokkönen #316808
Mokkönens Avatar
Marlowemaniac schrieb:
Nobody else was at fault either. If I was in a Ferrari maybe Steve would have heared me come alongside him and given me more room to come back onto the circuit.

Noway! That was your fault, because if you come back to the track you must be careful! You startet at Pos. 18 and after your cutting you were on position 8. In your theory I can cut the first corner in the next race to be in front and after that i can come regardless on the track and claim the drivers on the track must make space!
Im not pissed of but i want to drive in a high level.

I know my english is not perfekt but i hope you can understand what i mean!

the crasy BMW guy ;)
Gesendet: 01 Jul 2016 02:12 von Marlowemaniac #316810
Marlowemaniacs Avatar
Hi Mökkönen. Thanks for your feedback and the typing in my English.

Agreed. 100% my fault. I should have given Spacemansteve more room or more correctly I shouldn't have tried to pass (overtake) by cutting the turn 2. In my head I justified this by thinking I cut turn 2 to avoid slower cars but I see now that my thinking was bullshit :blush: and please accept my appologies for your ruined race. I can now imagine what words were said of my on the teamspeak :blush:

I notice that the front guys were doing 220kph where Neteye was doing 169kph but this is because they were single file and Neteye had Spacemansteve on his right. If I continue to make such good starts due to the acceleration difference of the Viper then I need to take more factors into account. I think its best if I do the same as my buddy Dreikäsehoch and stay at the back for the first turns.

Best Regards Martin AKA Marlowe.
Gesendet: 01 Jul 2016 14:03 von Marlowemaniac #316822
Marlowemaniacs Avatar
Here we see the apex of turn 1 at lap 1. Notice the large speed differences of the cars. This is what I should have anticipated; the cars being very slow when side by side.