Luk457 schrieb:What keeps on being extremely annoying and frustrating, is the fact that people disappear from the results (or qualify) if they log out of the current race. It's frustrating, because when you race, you often are the last one, never the less you ended as 5th in a 20 car race (because the other 15 have logged out).
This one's already mentioned above.
If you use the xd-Tool, there is a drivers list with all gaps in the upper right corner of your screen. Even the drivers who have finished already appear in another color there. If they are leaving the server, they disappear, but if you look there in your last lap, when the winner has finished, you'll see your actual current position. For me that's enough. There isn't a complete race results list, but there is one for every Event-Race (every Wed and Sat evening)
- The fact that the pit lane speed limitor indicator is not clear enough. I'm often racing NOT in the cockit camera mode, and when you pit, the image switches to cockpit. Because this is different for each car, it's hard to tell. And when you press the key, it toggles, so you risk disabling it (which one shouldn't be able to do when in the pits anyway). I do like the fact that each car has got its own cockpit, don't get me wrong, that is just great.
Well, at first I don't understand how you can drive a racing simulation without using cockpit-view. GTR2 - get real! But ok, if you do, I think that your rear lights are flashing as soon as the pit limiter is activated. Also you can see the Rev-display flashing in GTR2-HUD. If I go into a longer race, I always practice the pit entry and thereby also the area and the way the pit limiter is working. And I think the driver is responsible for using the limiter and going the right speed in pit lane, so for me it's ok that the limiter is disengagable in pit lane. Once again: get real!
- The start of the race ... there's the lights, but depending on where you are on the grid, the lights are not always that clearly visble. I respect the fact that the tracks are made to be as realistic as possible, including lights. But, the "go" message that is displayed on top of the screen, could be more clear.
That's true, but you can use the GTR2-HUD again: in the upper right corner of your screen you see the lap times. And the moment the lap time starts running is exactly the moment the red lights go out

I'm a very good starter since I've been using this feature
- It would be interesting to know which cars have no setup at all, some setup, more setup, or heavy setup. We don't need to know what exact setup (althoug the server does know), but if on the track, it would be interesting. I often have very little setup, and I don't need to even try to race somebody with heavy setup. In addition, it would be like if there would be races for cars with low setup (so that I can win an online race, some day).
Well, for me the creating of a good, own setup belongs to racing like the driver's abilities. It's like in real racing: the faster driver can be beaten by a slower one with the better setup. I have learned a lot about car engineering and driving physics since I'm sim-racing. And with the time my setup quality is also increasing...
- As a driver, you only get to know your own lap record, if you actually break it. It would be nice if you would just get to know this one, be it in qualify or race. A seperate qualify or race record is not necessary since we race the same setup during race or qualify anyway (at least, I do). In addition, but as a nice to have, it's nice to see who has the fastest lap times, in race as well (in the way it is done during qualify, just ranking the best laps of each driver).
If you go a long Event-Race on PBB, there will be a result list with qualifying lap times, every race laptime of every driver, even a gap progression during the race. And there is a feature to see the lap-records of each driver on PBB-Homepage, you can also select there to show only your best laptimes.
- Side mirrors, when not using the cockpit view. A lot of collisions would be avoided if ..
I had the same problem and that was really annoying to me, although I'm only driving in cockpit-view. My solution: I use three screens, that wasn't too expensive and I see everything going on around my car. Racing and especially fighting on track is a completely different thing since that "upgrade".

And I hope - for your joy - , that you got a steering wheel in the meantime. GTR2 - Get Real!
I hope I understood your issues the right way and maybe this is a little help for one or two of them... But hey, you are a programmer, can't you try to make - for example - a new kind of result-lists in coordination with the PBB-Admins for all the short races? Maybe that's useful for other racers, too... CU on track!