big mistake not putting fuel in for the whole race ... whent for fueling-up 70l/50l strategy
so it was crucial that i got past tafelzwerk fast
and tryed some laps with alot of care overtaking tafelzwerk, but because tafel verry nice keeps the door shut & getting nervous we start lozing time and julisniper move's to my bumper.
i hear someone say in german "geh in die volle psytech" was it julisniper? (or i heard it like i wanted it to hear, as in halucinacion, still doubt it) =)))))
so i lost my temper, brake late in next turn..
(but still verry nice on the inside if i may say

, tafel not seing this comming dint left the door open so we both when off.
i was verry pissed off ,but realized fast i fucked it up major and spend the night beign pissed on myself
1.should have had more patience with tafel
2.fuel up my damn ride for the whole race if possible =)
learning process is slow and painfull if u want to get it right =)
more events on the otherside would speed up things

always complaining
