Server 7 (all others were full):
In my opinion: So the Porsche is actually the full failure.
At the front slippery, at the back slippery, it wobbles somehow swinging rhythmic movements around the course. But on the other side this is just the kind of fun too. You really have to do something behind the steering wheel.
- "... shit car ...",
- "... Ah, it works quite well...),
- "... Damn f(beep) s(beep) (beep - beep - beeep) ... car ..." and
- "... Ah, cool maneuvers ...),
includes in continuously alternating emotional overstimulation, constantly wondering what the builders of this car have thought to its construction, at the same time you have everything your heart desires.
It is probably a little hatred "love".
The Qualification:
I could ,despite gigantic drifts, rout searching and missing braking points, grab the sixth position.
The Race:
The first question I asked myself up to the starting grid was whether my "rocking chair" may have been placed between two grid positions.
After some smell-tests after the motor the front man starts, the smell of burnt gasoline combined with high octane number with various additives such as AVGAS (surely illegal) and a touch of castor oil (belongs more in an RD 350) was not only literally breathtaking, led my fear of confirmation in more detail:
"I was standing TOO CLOSE TO THE FRONT MAN !!!!"
After viewing the other "racing cars" and look in the mirror, I could see the pimple next to the nose of the driver of the automobile behind me as much as he would sit on my back seat, the matter was clear.
It is so close in the starting lineup.
!!! This is small, colorful and funny!!!
After the standardized "... all the best DocHoliday ..." "... All the best jerzem ..." and immediately following the red switch on the green light and at the same time with the starting time measurement, the race was opened.
Get off the clutch, up on the gas, always after the horde, along the lines of "they will know where to go."
During driving to the first chicane, in my rearview mirror, slowly but surely, there were many flying pieces of the cars behind me. The rain of the pieces falls down but behind me, so I can concentrate fully on the very front of me, which is less spectacular, but still requires my full attention.
There a bump, here a bullet hole to see, so I must avoid now the ping-pong balls, to not get into the battelfield. After another two curves, the "universe" is at last transparent and I'm trying to find the rhythm. But can find it anywhere. I'm looking everywhere, but it's like the phenomenon of the car key, which is lost for days and then all at once as a matter of course lies ahead.
After two rounds of the trepidation and 12 seconds behind DocHoliday, currently No. 1, I see him at last. He is on the passenger seat and smiles at me. Well, take rhythm and accelerate.
Drift here, drift there, round and round against the personal victory (get through).
On lap 19 I drive with taped windows and worn tires, 9 seconds behind Ailias, to the pits. There it is possible for me to overtake DocHoliday short, he is a box behind me, but he already refueled and is already by the replacement of tires. So only a matter of seconds and I have to “let” pass him again.
With a lead of 1.5 seconds to Ailias I drive back onto the track. The pursuit of hunting begins. Behind me Ailias suppressed, I continue the pressure on SCOTTY before me. That goes a few laps along. A few laps later, it is possible for me to overtake SCOTTY in a spectacular outbraking to the almost 180° curve at the end of the long straight.
SCOTTY was really steep and Ailias also so close behind him, that I heard breathing both in my neck.
A short time later I had the pleasure of the little bit of a distance to the two but this has an abrupt end when the concentration jumped out of my head, the rhythm followed him and I crashed into the next wall, followed by a damage cataclysmic proportions.
With shred tires and suspension luxated I dragged me and my car into the pits. "The repair will take looong time..." joked a member of my pit crew, while other employees did not know how to glue the new parts on the damaged chassis.
After many moons, I managed the impossible and I was able to race after all, still in 12th. End.
SCOTTY and Ailias: It was a pleasure to drive with you some wonderful rounds.
Congratulations again to DocHoliday for his victory.
Thanks to the event organizers and their work for it.
I had almost finished the translation as I was surprised by a power failure and I had to translate frunstrated everything again, that errors could be contained
