Andrea0414 schrieb:
Goodmorning everyone
I would like to know on what basis the server kicked or banned the drivers ?????
the kicked or banned happens automatically?
I ask you about this because, the server is excellent but you get kicked or banned often for no apparent or valid reason, I understand that you need to protect the correct and fast drivers and that often the race setup servers are populated by imbeciles who only annoy and this is depressing for those who want to have fun properly.
You're wrong we try to protect the fair and clean drivers ^^ You don't have to be fast for that!

Please read
KissMyRank - What is this?
Mannelito schrieb:
I dont know how the ban/kicked works but unfortunately i got kicked or banned and seems like i cant join back. There was my first race and in T1 in spa there was a wreck fest that i tried to avoid i got out kinda clean but i guess i must have hit or got hit a bit and the other hit that i know of was in the last conner befor the starting line a guy was just standing side way in the hairpin and i could not maneuver fast enough to avoid a litle bump and got kicked, is there any way i can get back in?
It looks like you came into a temporary ban. Please try again ^^
You might also read the link above schrieb:
I lost all my credits in a race at Spa because the server thought i was driving in Reverse!!.
You got a PM