Duke wrote:I really would like to hear a statement on the progress of the mod since i'm very interested in the DTM.
Could some of the testers or the developers themself say a few words?

Hi Duke and WBB crew,
I hope to release in the next few days all going well
Have still to rework the headlights/brakelights tonight.
I am involved in quite a few mods at the moment and have been distracted... I'm sorry about this.
I'm doing the Driver Talent files now and with the lights completed it's all go
One if the sticking points was the MoTeC's. In the end, we moved away from the ones that came with rF version of the mod to make it a little faster on release...
I have attached an image to show you the Audi cockpit with our version of the MoTeC. It also shows the newly working mirrors. Shot taken at Hockenheim GP 2004
So, back to work and will post more news asap...
Anhang Race_Steam_2009_04_30_09_28_50_30.jpg nicht gefunden