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THEMA: Markus der Cleaner Straßensperre

Aw: Markus der Cleaner Straßensperre 05 Okt 2012 19:08 #289938

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Thanks for the warning Marlowmaniac. If any of these (*self censoring active*) will show up here and misbehave, we at least know that we can skip the "slap on the wrist" two week break we normally enforce on misbehaving racers and go directly for the permanent ban.

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Re:Aw: Markus der Cleaner Straßensperre 21 Nov 2012 22:08 #291339

Ok Guys i never thougt that such a missbehaviour could start such a huge discussion on the 100 MBit forum and even on the weissbierbude.
Marlowemaniac i want to say sorry for that. Me my teammate and my brother were crashed so often by wrackers and one day we very angry about that. So we decided to be wreckers. And after a while i have to say it was very funny. BUT normally me and my friends are normal drivers which are racing for quite a while in different simulations. I am in an online racing team and have driven in several leagues with success. So this is no excuse for the behaviour on brands hatch but you know how it is, sometimes you want to make stupid things because it is funny. And the 100Mbit server wasn´t the online one where we did that. I like the 100Mbit because it´s one of the servers where you can drive a normal race without crashers. So if you want, you can ban me, but i will promise, that we never will do that on your servers.
So sorry marlowemaniac
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Aw: Re:Aw: Markus der Cleaner Straßensperre 21 Nov 2012 22:40 #291340

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You are not banned here and you wont be as long as you don't pull stupid stunts as this here. Behavior like that just absolutely not tolerable.
So if you behave yourself you've got nothing to worry. Any stupid upfuckery like that, and your gone.


Edith says: We fucked up other peoples racing fun for shits an giggles is a pretty lame excuse.
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