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TOPIC: KMR Threat [EN] - Being kicked or banned

KMR Threat [EN] - Being kicked or banned 03 Jan 2021 22:16 #342922

  • africa
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BlackHawk u got mail :-)
Last Edit: 03 Jan 2021 22:18 by africa.
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KMR Threat [EN] - Being kicked or banned 17 Jan 2021 21:23 #343027

  • Diggzy86
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so ive been racing on your number 8 server, the one running spa on assetto corsa, for a few days now and had been able to post some respectable times 2.19s... not fast i know but its improving..
yesterday whilst in a quali session i crashed into someone who can only be described as an idiot... he was going the wrong way around the track, he had exited the pits and done a u turn instantly... we crashed head on and the server instantly kicked me and upon trying to rejoin ive been informed i have no credits left. could an admin please look into this? also if an admin magically rubs his crystal ball and finds an investor or sponsor for me to continue racing my steamid is 'Diggzy1986'..

thank you :)
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KMR Threat [EN] - Being kicked or banned 23 Jan 2021 10:20 #343098

  • Semplix
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Goodmorning everyone,

I registered because I have run out of sponsor credits on server 8.

First of all I would like to thank you for the service, the servers are very good and well organized certainly not always perfect but you can compete very well.

Unfortunately, some mistakes and some disrespectful drivers, with whom I had an accident, made me run out of money. (I was 7th, a new driver comes out of the pits 14th very slow, I flash with the headlights more than once he did not give space the diver behind me pushed me out destroying the car.) My times are around 1.22 very high but with margins of improvement 1.21 / 1.20

I meet a friend on your server and we cannot have fun with anymore.

I would like to ask you if it is possible to have a second chance.

Thank you and have good race weekend. :)

My nick is Semplix
Last Edit: 23 Jan 2021 10:48 by Semplix.
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KMR Threat [EN] - Being kicked or banned 12 Feb 2021 15:58 #343291

  • VictorIS
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I did not intentionally but did a few accidents early in the race.
Basically, it was not me who created the accident, but the driver who was later banned tried to push the track several times.
How do I know when I can return to the SPA server or start as a new rider to take CMR into account and drive more carefully.
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KMR Threat [EN] - Being kicked or banned 13 Feb 2021 11:43 #343297

hello, i'm Adam Camos, please pay my bills!

I sorry if i don't speak german, i always raced clean but, for a reason i didn't understand, i was kicked out
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KMR Threat [EN] - Being kicked or banned 13 Feb 2021 14:05 #343300

Hello Blackhawk, thanks for your answer! Please, try mta.adami@gmail.com
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KMR Threat [EN] - Being kicked or banned 17 Feb 2021 15:25 #343323

  • bebf12
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"Französisch-deutsche Übersetzung von Google"


Ich habe leider vergessen, dass das Spiel uns für Fahrzeugreparaturen bezahlen ließ und momentan ist mir "ran out of money".
Mein Schaden betraf nur mich, ich fahre sauber und respektiere die blauen Flaggen und die Konkurrenten in ihren "Hotlaps".

Der Grund, warum ich kein Geld mehr im Spiel habe und mein Auto in die Wand stecke, wenn jemand meine schnelle Runde zerstört oder wenn ein Rennen mich hat
wütend. Es ist nicht gegen einen Konkurrenten, sondern Dampf abzulassen.
Eigentlich mache ich auf der Strecke nicht dasselbe, aber im wirklichen Leben haben wir zumindest die Möglichkeit, zu sagen, was wir denken zu dem "________", das dich von der Strecke gebracht hat .....

Bitte stellen Sie mich Ihren Servern erneut vor - wenn möglich.

Vielen Dank auch für Ihre Struktur und für die Einrichtung des Servers und des Forums

Steam ==> bebf12
Last Edit: 17 Feb 2021 15:28 by bebf12.
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KMR Threat [EN] - Being kicked or banned 21 Feb 2021 20:57 #343343

  • BlackHawk
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bebf12 wrote:
Steam ==> bebf12

profile not found :(
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KMR Threat [EN] - Being kicked or banned 22 Feb 2021 11:23 #343352

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BlackHawk wrote:
bebf12 wrote:
Steam ==> bebf12

profile not found :(

Danke für den Versuch.
Folgendes kann ich in meinem Konto finden:

ID Steam : 76561199086514445

Haben Sie einen guten Tag
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KMR Threat [EN] - Being kicked or banned 24 Feb 2021 15:01 #343378


I got caught up in some accidents in Spa on your server, and my wallet ran out. Can you please pay my bills?
My SteamID is 76561198031397002.

Thank you!
Last Edit: 24 Feb 2021 16:13 by leviiibog.
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KMR Threat [EN] - Being kicked or banned 12 Mar 2021 23:52 #343537

Hello, my name is Murilo. I ran out of money a lot of months ago when I was still learning. I don't even remeber what happened, could you guys help me? I'm driving much better know! My Steam ID is 76561198152098521. Thank you for your attention and sorry for bad english....
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KMR Threat [EN] - Being kicked or banned 21 Mar 2021 16:19 #343620

  • dimitri
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hello everyone,

I was banned from your server my nickname "sinse", because a person is put to chase me all the way by hitting me.
I am an average driver but careful I avoid disturbing others.
and it possible to unblock me please.
looking forward to the track.
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KMR Threat [EN] - Being kicked or banned 21 Mar 2021 17:58 #343622

  • bl0ck
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hello i ran out of cash on rennsimulanten.de 8 kmr spa on assetto corsa. my Steam ID: 76561198032317689 any help would be appreciated.
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KMR Threat [EN] - Being kicked or banned 08 May 2021 13:15 #343970

  • artuzet
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My name on server is Artur Zet
I ran out of money.
Main reason is getting hits from lowskilled players, crashing into someone who already crashed himself without a chance to avoid it
Second is crashing the barrier while pushing my limits XD
I play with my friends, wycz and filwer. We really like your server.
There are two players who knows that i am safe driver, Max Verstappen and [Ninja] Z3leg(not shure if correct ;0)
I will be gratefull for solving this problem, some kind of moneystat reset
My steam ID: STEAM_0:0:29522110
Or: 76561198019309948
Last Edit: 08 May 2021 13:19 by artuzet.
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KMR Threat [EN] - Being kicked or banned 26 May 2021 15:07 #344092

I have been ran out of money
I have been hit from back last time in spa circuit and the car it totally damaged then it shows that i have no more money
Please support for activating my account

Steam ID / 76561198030294144

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