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TOPIC: KMR Threat [EN] - Being kicked or banned

KMR Threat [EN] - Being kicked or banned 16 Apr 2020 20:47 #340024


ich habe nach einigen Rennen bei euch leider mein Guthaben aufgebraucht (man sollte die Strecken erst intensiv offline üben...) - in vielen Fällen hatte ich selbst schuld allerdings wurde ich auch in einige Unfälle reingezogen.
Jetzt da sich mein Fahrkönnen verbessert bin ich leider gesperrt... ich würde mich freuen wenn ich noch ne Chance auf euren Server bekommen könnte. Mein Steamaccount ist flysurfer12

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KMR Threat [EN] - Being kicked or banned 18 Apr 2020 12:52 #340045

  • BlackHawk
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Hey flysurfer12, ich kann leider dein Profil nicht finden. Schick mir doch eine PM mit deiner SteamID64 ;)
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KMR Threat [EN] - Being kicked or banned 18 Apr 2020 19:17 #340050

  • Klein
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maybe this will help: my steam friends number 220029853
or my steam link: steamcommunity.com/id/klejstenes

thank you
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Bankrupt for repairs caused by others. 20 Apr 2020 19:10 #340083

Steam Name: Aleks_Miner
Steam ID: steamcommunity.com/id/Aleks_Miner/
I was racing in your Spa Server with the Ferrari 458 GT2(Blue/White Livery) qualifying went smoothly getting pole position with 2:22:278 on lap 2.
After starting the race,on the last lap (5th,the one in which i was kicked) on sector 3,Turn 17 there was a Mclaren driver named azimani14 EXACTLY in the raceline(there also was not a yellow flag warning).
Link to the Replay of the crash (Shared with CM):
And some Pictures:



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KMR Threat [EN] - Being kicked or banned 22 Apr 2020 18:26 #340135

  • BlackHawk
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I am sorry, Aleks Minier, you are not "bankrupt because of repairs caused by others".
That was your fault!

In the replay, you can see the accused spinning and then standing and holding until the track is safe to turn.
You, on the other hand, would have had several seconds to take your foot off the gas and drive safely past the standing car.
I don't know where you had your eyes, but not on the track. I couldn't detect any steering movement until 50m before the accident... :blink:
and what kind of steering movement I have to watch to shortly before the accident I will not comment :pinch:

Here to blame someone for your own mistake... Sorry this is not sportsmanlike! :sick:

Another topic for you seems to be the white lines. In this short replay you leave the track several times...

I'll give you some tips along the way:

Stay between the white lines.
Stay on the road
Stay fair
Last Edit: 22 Apr 2020 18:27 by BlackHawk.
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KMR Threat [EN] - Being kicked or banned 25 Apr 2020 17:42 #340172


some week ago, kicked me the kmr 8 server. I wasnt happy, some crash was not my fault. The last, the biggest one, somebody kicked my ass after the start, and... lot of car crashed, it is not individual case.
So, Im practiced a lot after that, i would like a 2nd chance on this server.

Thank you very much
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KMR Threat [EN] - Being kicked or banned 02 May 2020 19:54 #340355

  • Irfanor
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Hello, I enjoyed driving on your server until I got a ban after hitting a car that stopped in the middle of the road after an accident, I could not do anything. Can you bring me back to races?
Thank you very much
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KMR Threat [EN] - Being kicked or banned 13 Oct 2020 22:58 #342160

Hello once again :)

76561197972701673 ([BF]Lexieduss) My steam ID and name

I would like to race on your servers again they are good servers and im a carefull driver when it comes to other players
i think its kinda lame that when you make a mistake and go off course and hit a rail that you loose money accidents and mistakes happen :(
although if you intentionally hit other players yes you should be banned but i never do or will do that im all for fair racing


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KMR Threat [EN] - Being kicked or banned 01 Nov 2020 11:21 #342337

  • ManoWar
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Hi all,

I tried joining a server and it won't let me (I think i am banned)
I used to join a month or two ago when i just got into sim racing and had some pretty bad crashes (mostly with myself)
After a month of SRS i wanted to join a race and i see i can't.

Am i banned? Is there a way to get unbanned?
SteamId: 76561197962268797
Name: All.in.s.q
Last Edit: 01 Nov 2020 11:22 by ManoWar.
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KMR Threat [EN] - Being kicked or banned 03 Nov 2020 19:51 #342381

HI, i recently got kicked for running out of money. literally all the crashes were from people spinning out and rejoining the track. the crash that got me kick was a dude sitting just out side the track at turn 7 on spa then just when i was going to turn in he moves forward and parks into the apex. anyways is there a way to get credits to join back?
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KMR Threat [EN] - Being kicked or banned 03 Nov 2020 20:56 #342383

  • BlackHawk
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So far everyone has received a new wallet or a PM
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KMR Threat [EN] - Being kicked or banned 30 Dec 2020 15:23 #342885

  • nphtung
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Last Edit: 30 Dec 2020 15:28 by nphtung.
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KMR Threat [EN] - Being kicked or banned 30 Dec 2020 22:41 #342888

  • BlackHawk
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nphtung wrote:
Do not talk so much ... Iet me take a look .... *Glass ball shining bright* :woohoo: You have still enough money ^^ B)
Last Edit: 30 Dec 2020 22:41 by BlackHawk.
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KMR Threat [EN] - Being kicked or banned 02 Jan 2021 19:38 #342911

  • africa
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Hallo zusammen, leider wurde ich nach einem Kick von euren Server gebannt, Das nach dem ich in Spa flott unterwegs war und ausgangs Raidillon mit einem anderen Wagen kollidierte der quer zur Fahrbahn stand. Ein Ausweichen war mir nicht mehr möglich. Schade, denn auf euremn Servern war ich sehr gerne unterwegs.
Liebe Grüsse
Thomas G.
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KMR Threat [EN] - Being kicked or banned 03 Jan 2021 17:32 #342919

  • aapgomes
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Hello, i was kicked out again because i was without of money... i'm not the best driver and i know that my crash rank is not very good, would it be possible to get my account reset please, my steam ID is 76561198111365222 (aapgomes78), I will be more respectful in the future,

Thanks, António
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